Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 124



The wait is over -- comic and prose writer Chuck Dixon has stopped by the show for an amazing interview! For those that don't know Dixon is a prolific comic writer who has made impressive contributions to comics such as the Batman franchise, Conan the Barbarian, and of course, the Punisher (and so much more). Dixon talked to us about earnestness in writing, how to make sure a soldier is holding the right gun, why Sylvester Stallone is a cooler guy than you know, and why Frank doesn't give a damn about dinosaurs. Our listeners contributed some great questions as well, and of course Jake and I talked to him about those GI Joe comics. The love that Chuck Dixon has for the craft comes off crystal clear, and if you would like to check out his unpublished work and advice on writing comics and prose, you can check out his blog: http://www.chuckdixon.net/ And if any of our discussions of his work interested you, check out his Amazon page. I recommend the Levon Cade Complete Series. The guy is a scholar, a f