Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 130



Due to quarantine, I got back into video editing and made a promo for this episode. Check it out! Introduction – Like every other content creator, Jake and I discuss how we are surviving the apocalypse. [32:20] News – We discuss the collapse of the comics market, and some new upcoming guest appearances! [49:00] Mail Call– We catch up on some mail we missed last episode (sorry) and talk about how we would handle writing Punisher 2099. [1:17:25] Bullet Points – Jake and I finish off Punisher: Soviet #4 and #5, and continue reading Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 as Frank goes through a galactic mid-life crisis. [1:53:52] Flashbacks – Due to fan demand, we check out Terror Inc. #6 and #7, a bittersweet story about an awesome character in a lackluster story. [2:16:48] Discharge Papers – Jake and I get on the same page with High Rise Invasion and I recommend Bloodshot, because that is where we're at in this contentless hellscape we now call earth. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at