St Paul's Box Hill Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 128:46:38
  • More information



Sermons recorded during Sunday worship services at St Paul's Lutheran Church, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia.


  • God Builds a Cross-Shaped Church

    17/07/2021 Duration: 15min

    In his letter to the Ephesian Christians, Paul compares us, God’s community, his church, to a building. The key is the cross of Christ; the foundation is the apostles and prophets, called to speak God’s Word concerning Christ and to witness to Christ and his resurrection; and Christ Jesus himself is the cornerstone, the foundation stone. What’s more, in Jesus we are built by God to be his cross-shaped church in the world. What does this mean? (YouTube video of the COVID lockdown service including this sermon: ) [Prerecorded music - Pentecost 8]

  • Who Are You?

    11/07/2021 Duration: 15min

    The ideas in the letter to the Ephesians about being ‘chosen’ and ‘adopted’ were extremely potent in the ancient world. In those days, being adopted by a powerful benefactor was the ultimate makeover, better than being given the winning lottery ticket! You got a whole new identity. So imagine, if you can, being adopted by God! (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Pentecost 7]

  • Scary Joyful Sentness

    03/07/2021 Duration: 20min

    Exhilaration is probably not a word you often associate with the Christian life. Exhilaration is a combination of scary and joyful. In Mark 6, Jesus sends his disciples to preach, heal, and liberate others from the power of evil. It’s both scary and joyful for them as they have to depend completely on God and the hospitality of others, and as they discover the trustworthiness of God and the joyful, life-changing power of Jesus. We, too, are sent by Jesus. But how is discipleship modelled to us? Will we enter more fully into the scary joyful life of being sent by Jesus? Into exhilarating discipleship? (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Pentecost 6]

  • The Generosity of God

    27/06/2021 Duration: 16min

    Dwelling in the Bible texts for today, we look deeper, past the obvious power of God to save, to discover greater insights into his character: amazing faithful kindness, mercy, and love for all people, displayed in Jesus and by the power of the Spirit at work in the church. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Pentecost 5]

  • Listen, That You May Live

    25/06/2021 Duration: 17min

    ‘Give ear, and come to me.’ What does God want to do, to accomplish, through the Word in my life? And through the Word in our life together in congregation? (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Pentecost 4, Commemoration of Augsburg Confession]

  • How’s It Growing, Mate?

    13/06/2021 Duration: 19min

    The kingdom starts small and grows. The word of God has its own power to grow and spread in a cycle of sowing, growing and reaping. What are the distinctive features of what God is building? Is it still growing? How is it growing? Can we learn the miracle and promise of little things? (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Pentecost 3]

  • For the Sake of the Gospel

    05/06/2021 Duration: 17min

    Jesus calls us to work together so that the life-giving good news of Jesus Christ can be preached to all. Often our differences can make this challenging. How will we respond, to work through and despite our differences? (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Prerecorded music - Pentecost 2]

  • The Flaming Name of God for the World

    29/05/2021 Duration: 14min

    In baptism, God gives us his name, and calls us by name. We are rescued from the darkness of death, and given the light of eternal life. God calls and equips us to radiate this light by the way we live. But what if we lose our spark? What if the flame of new life in Christ loses its warmth and light in us? God calls us to turn anew to himself; to repent and receive again and again the light and life of Christ for us, and through us for the people in our lives. God is faithful. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Trinity Sunday]

  • The Holy Spirit Is Here

    23/05/2021 Duration: 12min

    The Holy Spirit - an advocate of great power - was promised by Jesus to the disciples. The Spirit's arrival came with the sound of rushing wind and miraculous tongues of fire, and the gospel was shared in many languages that day. If we have not experienced such visible gifts, is the Holy Spirit actually in us or in our church? Rest assured that if you have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, then the Holy Spirit is in you, and also at work through you for the benefit of others in your life. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Pentecost]

  • Called to Follow Unexpected Paths

    15/05/2021 Duration: 17min

    Maps and GPS units can help us to reach a destination quickly and efficiently. We’d like God’s path for us in life, and for us as church in mission, to be clear and effective and cost-efficient, too. But God’s path is not always likely to be so clear when it comes to his mission direction for us. He calls us to have faith, to dwell in the Word and to discern together his call to us. It’s a call which will always point us to Jesus, and call us to share his love and life for all people. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Ascension]

  • Meeting People of Peace Along the Way

    09/05/2021 Duration: 16min

    Instructed by Jesus Christ, disciples are deliberately sent out with a reliance on God, not their own resources. They are led by the Holy Spirit to those who will receive them and their greeting of peace. Such people of peace have already been prepared by God, for the Gospel to be established in their homes and lives. Through them, He causes the gospel to spread out like ripples in a pond within their community. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Easter 6]

  • Setting our Sails to Catch the Wind

    01/05/2021 Duration: 14min

    When we hear the words "the Holy Spirit", different images may come to mind, such as wind or fire. But God's Holy Spirit is not an "it", but a person. The third person of the Trinity sends God’s Church on an exciting journey into the neighbourhood and into the world, like a boat setting sail and catching the prevailing winds. Are you ready to come aboard and set sail to follow where the Spirit blows us in God’s mission? (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Easter 5]

  • Meeting Jesus Where He Is

    25/04/2021 Duration: 16min

    Often we think Christian mission means getting people into church to meet Jesus. However, Jesus is already out on the fringes, present and engaged in the untamed, wider world. We don’t carry Christ out to the world; he takes us out to meet him where he’s already at work, to participate in his active mission field. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Easter 4]

  • From Obligation to Participation

    17/04/2021 Duration: 15min

    God’s mission call is not a law-based demand or obligation, but rather a joyful invitation to participate in what He is already doing. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Easter 3]

  • Come and See - Faith and Doubt

    11/04/2021 Duration: 15min

    Today we look at faith and doubt in the places of grace where the risen Jesus continues to meet us with peace, making us ready to witness to the ones who are missing. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ - Easter 2]

  • The Nothing that Means Everything

    04/04/2021 Duration: 15min

    Mary went to the tomb and found nothing. For we who believe the testimony of scripture, the tomb containing nothing meant Jesus was risen. He is Risen! So this “nothing” is the most important something we will ever encounter. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Easter Sunday]

  • In Remembrance of Me

    01/04/2021 Duration: 15min

    “Do This in Remembrance of Me.” With the Lord’s Supper, Jesus gave us a gift that takes us into his presence. His Word with the bread and wine bring us into his saving acts of grace completed that very first Easter, but also gifted anew when we receive this meal. It is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet with Jesus, also promised for us in heaven. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Maundy Thursday]

  • Jesus — Not the King We Wanted but the King We All Need

    27/03/2021 Duration: 18min

    As Jesus entered Jerusalem, people cheered him with various expectations. Jesus came as a king like no other, humble and intent on serving, even those who hated him, with his own life. Those who know him as king celebrate this festival with bitter sweet joy and sorrow. It is important that we don't let the spectre of Good Friday, just days away, rob us of the joy of welcoming him as king with childlike excitement and expectation. We have the great privilege of knowing him as the risen and eternal king who welcomes us into his heavenly kingdom, and who also invites us to walk his path of obedience and humility, serving the world in his name. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: [Organ/Choir - Palm Sunday]

  • The Hour of God’s Glory

    20/03/2021 Duration: 15min

    Jesus says in the gospel reading today, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified” (John 12:20​-33). But what does Jesus mean that the Son of Man will be glorified? He calls us to follow him to the cross, and be met there by our gracious God who is there for us and all in need, and who calls and commissions us to go into the world with hope and new life for all. Here is the hour of glory. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Lent 5]

  • A Message of Love, Not Condemnation

    13/03/2021 Duration: 15min

    Some people think that God must be angry with sin. But his word tells a different story, a story of the most amazing love, a story of rescue rather than condemnation. (YouTube video of the service including this sermon: ) [Organ/Choir - Lent 4]

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