St Paul's Box Hill Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 128:46:38
  • More information



Sermons recorded during Sunday worship services at St Paul's Lutheran Church, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia.


  • Bach's Sermon

    24/11/2013 Duration: 37min

    Guest preacher Pastor Geoff Burger (former District President, LCA WA) introduces the "real" sermon by J.S. Bach, BWV 106, "God's Time Is the Best Time". This is one of a series at St Paul's where we insert Bach's cantatas (performed voluntarily by members of the congregation) into their intended context, within a worship service. This program will continue in 2014. English translations of the text may be found at [ Organ/Choir - Christ the King - Cantata BWV 106 ]

  • Mentors Work Hard

    16/11/2013 Duration: 13min

    Included in this service was a report from a team from St Paul's who visited the Philippines, under the auspices of an organization called Compassion. One thread of Compassion's ministry is mentoring. And in today's readings. Paul encourages Christian mentors in Thessalonica never to tire of doing good, but to continue to work hard. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 26 ]

  • Mentoring 101

    10/11/2013 Duration: 19min

    What are mentors like? Who needs them? And why? [ Organ/choir - Pentecost 25 - Baptism Ethan & Jared ]

  • Earthbound, Yet Heavenbound

    02/11/2013 Duration: 16min

    Although some things get harder as we get older, age can also bring insight into what a blessing is the gift of life. At the same time, the deficiencies in our world become more obvious. In the face of this, we need to reaffirm our identity as God's saints, heaven-bound. But what does it mean to live in the messy middle, both earthbound, and already heaven-bound? [ Organ/Choir - All Saints ]

  • Big Love

    27/10/2013 Duration: 16min

    We all need a big love to manage all the relationship in our lives, but often our love is anaemic and self-centred. Reformation is about the rediscovery of God's big love, through the cross of his Son, Jesus Christ. This love changes everything. We love now not because we must, but because we can. [ Organ/Choir - Reformation Day - Adult Confirmations, Yr 12 Blessing ]

  • Jailbreak Faith

    19/10/2013 Duration: 20min

    How can we escape the sense of being trapped in our lives? How do we break out of being stuck, especially mentally stuck? The first requirement is that we have to be desperately dissatisfied with our situation (a holy discontent). When it is more than merely whinging, this can be God's gift to motivate us. Then we should Pray Until Something Happens (PUSH). Through persistent prayer, God can change us. Thirdly, we should regularly repent, which means changing our minds to share Christ's mind. Finally, we need to recognise that God has given us a "get out of jail free" card. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 22 ]

  • Clear Vision

    13/10/2013 Duration: 16min

    Many people are short sighted. Things are clear close up, but far away it's hard to see. Spiritually all people are short sighted. We are often blind to others and their needs. Jesus' encounter with the ten lepers shows us that God sees our human needs and helps us. Through his cross, he gives us the ability to see others in need and help them. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 21 ]

  • Increase Our Faith

    05/10/2013 Duration: 19min

    What ways does Jesus give to grow our faith? First, to recognize the little mustard seed with which we begin. Then, to speak about it. Thirdly, by exercising it in prayer, in preparation, in attending to relationships based on forgiveness, and in doing Jesus' work. [ Organ - Pentecost 20 ]

  • Eternal Hospitality

    29/09/2013 Duration: 18min

    The story Jesus told of the rich man in hell looking up at the beggar Lazarus in heaven is a deeply challenging one. If nothing else, it reminds us that our actions on earth come from hearts devoted either to self-interest, or to the kingdom of God and therefore to the needs of those around us. And our choice has eternal consequences. May we seize the opportunity of a lifetime to accept the forgiveness offered by Christ and share his grace with those around us. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 19 ]

  • Priceless

    22/09/2013 Duration: 13min

    (Between the Gospel reading and the address in today's service, we had a rendition with orchestra, choir and soloists of J.S. Bach's cantata BVW 105, "Lord, do not pass judgement on Your servant".) There are some things money can't buy - health, relationships, and eternal life. For these things there's God. Jesus pays the price of his life to secure our future. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 18 - Bach Cantata BWV 105 ]

  • Hospitality to the Wandering

    14/09/2013 Duration: 15min

    How very easy it is to get caught up in our own busyness, and not to notice wandering. This might be our brothers and sisters wandering away, or it might be our own wandering and loss of focus. Today's parables make clear that the heart of God is very much aware of those who wander, and that he pursues them. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 17 ]

  • Hospitality to the Lost

    08/09/2013 Duration: 19min

    How would Jesus do as a candidate in the recent Australian elections? Not too well: as always, his policies are counter-cultural. And if we are to be his disciples, responding in his love to his call to action, then we need to be counter-cultural as well. In some senses, we need to go against the grain in ourselves, too. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 16 ]

  • Hospitality to Those With Disabilities

    31/08/2013 Duration: 16min

    Jesus speaks against the social patterns of the day, patterns which measured social exchanges in terms of how they would benefit us. These same patterns pushed out the poor and suffering, including those with disabilities. Has much changed? Can we do more to be an inclusive community, one that reaches out like Jesus to embrace all his brothers and sisters? [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 15 ]

  • Supernatural Church

    25/08/2013 Duration: 20min

    As all things do in this world, the church starts out natural. What are the characteristics that mark a supernatural church? [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 14 ]

  • Step by Step

    17/08/2013 Duration: 18min

    Being filled with the Spirit is not a one-time act. Walking with the Spirit implies an on-going relationship. One that calls us into an active pursuit of the Spirit, following where the Spirit leads, depending on the Spirit, and keeping in step. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 13 ]

  • A Real Relationship

    11/08/2013 Duration: 17min

    In our fifth in the series "Life in the Spirit", we examine one of the factors which makes the Christian church different from other human clubs and organisations. The Spirit opens up for us a real relationship with God the Father. Such a personal relationship is nothing less than new birth, such is the radical change in our nature and our identity. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 12 ]

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