Morning Manna

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 104:01:53
  • More information



Morning Manna is a Monday - Friday devotional podcast. Our goal to to help you get a fresh start to your day.


  • Sufficiency

    22/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    2 Corinthians 3:5 says; "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God." What happens when you run out of gas, energy, purpose and motivation? Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Estimation

    21/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    The word estimation is defined as the process of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that is usable for some purpose. Simply put its a judgment or an opinion. Philippians 2:3 says; "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." As you go through life today, make sure your estimation, judgment and opinion of others, is to esteem them better than yourself.

  • My Shepherd

    20/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    Who doesn't love Psalm 23 - "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Wonderful isn't it... but do we believe it, do we live like it? Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna

  • Direction

    19/04/2021 Duration: 07min

    Pastor Craig Groeschel of Lifechurch had a powerful point in his message this week... "The wrong direction always leads to the wrong destination." Its common sense right? You can't get to where you want to go unless you're headed in the right direction. Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Faith Over Fear

    16/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    There are two paths you can walk: faith or fear. It’s impossible to simultaneously trust God and not trust God. Another way of saying this is that you cannot both obey and disobey Him–partial obedience is disobedience. So, which road are you travelling?

  • Attitude

    15/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    In psychology, attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person. Jesus had something powerful to say in His Sermon on the Mount about attitudes in Matthew 5. It's called the Beatitudes. May I encourage to to 'sport' these attitudes in your life today.

  • Hold On

    14/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    The last words of Jesus on the cross were... "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Today we need to take hold of God's unchanging hand. Only He has the strength, guidance and protection we need. Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Be Still?

    13/04/2021 Duration: 07min

    Psalm 46:10 says; “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Would you agree that's powerful and helpful but would you also agree that its challenging and difficult? Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Trying Times

    12/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    Yes... these are trying times that we're living in, but I love the encouragement and direction I receive from James 1:2-3 - "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." Who among us doesn't desire more patience in our lives... with our spouse, our children and our co-workers? Well this is how we get it. Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • The Greatest

    09/04/2021 Duration: 07min

    The year was 1963 and Cassius Clay released a comedy album called "I Am the Greatest." I remember that release and the laughter I experienced. Six months later he won the world heavyweight championship in boxing. Indeed at the time... he was the greatest. But what is the greatest thing we need today. Here it is... "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

  • I Need Thee

    08/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    It was June in 1872 that Annie Hawks wrote the word of the beautiful old hymn, "I Need Thee Every Hour." She wrote at that time... "One day as a young wife and mother of 37 years of age, I was busy with my regular household tasks during a bright June morning in 1872. Suddenly, I became so filled with the sense of nearness to the Master that, wondering how one could live without Him, either in joy or pain, these words were ushered into my mind, the thought at once taking full possession of me -- 'I Need Thee Every Hour. . . .'"

  • Recharge

    07/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    So I just bought a rechargeable vacuum cleaner for my car. I like to keep my car clean for my Uber and Lyft passengers. My previous vacuum cleaner was a 12 Volt one and had a long and sometimes clumsy cord to deal with. But one thing for sure... I'll need to make sure I keep the new one charged or I may be in a pickle at times. It's the same with our spiritual lives. We must be constantly recharging our faith so that we can be useable for God and the moments needed.

  • Ready or Not

    06/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    I remember when growing up as a child playing Hide and Seek. After counting to one hundred, the seeker would say; "Ready or not here I come." The seeker would then find those hiding and another round would begin. But today I want to talk about those who are seeking truth... seeking Christ and that we as believers should not be hiding, but be ready to engage the seekers who need the truth of the Gospel.

  • Even So...

    05/04/2021 Duration: 08min

    Revelation 22:20 says; "He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! I find great encouragement in those words in the times we are living in. Yesterday was Easter where we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. But with all the rejoicing of the believers in Jesus day, He was soon to ascend into Heaven. Can you imagine how their feelings went back and forth within them. He's dead... He's alive... He's gone again... but... He's coming back! Be encouraged today by the "...blessed hope and glorious return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!"

  • Good Friday

    02/04/2021 Duration: 08min

    Join me today as I read to you the Crucifixion story of Jesus. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice for us.

  • Maundy Maundy

    01/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    In church history, today is known as Maundy Thursday. Most are familiar with Good Friday, the day Jesus died on the cross and Easter Sunday, when we celebrate His resurrection, but what is Maundy Thursday. Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • We Need Each Other

    31/03/2021 Duration: 09min

    We need each other and I'm referring to the Church, the Body of Christ. Each member has a particuluar spiritual gift and it's needed more today than ever before. We often over emphasize our own spiritual gift and our perspective might be lacking. We need each other's spiritual gifts and and perspective. We are a body and each part is needed and important. United together we are victorious.

  • Positive Thinking

    30/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    It was in 1952 (I was two years old) that Norman Vincent Peale wrote his book, "The Power of Positive Thinking." It's a powerful book and influenced many who read it. Staying positive in my thinking has never been more challenging that it is in the day's we're living. Let's talk about it on today's Morning Manna.

  • Anyway

    29/03/2021 Duration: 04min

    Regardless of your challenges or circumstances, be who God created you to be anyway. No excuses... get 'er done.

  • Episode 1148 - Morning Manna

    26/03/2021 Duration: 05min

    Directions are important... right? I mean you don't want to get lost... you want to get to your destination. It's amazing how much GPS technology has changed our traveling. Sure every once and a while it may lead you to a less traveled dirt road but you don't need the Rand McNally map book that takes up the whole front seat. Here's some directions for you today. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 - "Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ."

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