Ponderings From The Perch

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 194:45:06
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Ponderings from the Perch: Conversations with Priscilla McKinney, Founder and President of Little Bird Marketing, a digital marketing agency specializing in content marketing, branding and design. As a CEO and serial entrepreneur topics range from marketing best practices to the reality of running a business, C-Suite thought leadership, company culture, and other marketing oddities.


  • Priscilla Gets Emotional With Paul Conner: Lessons from a Specialized Market Researcher

    02/06/2017 Duration: 44min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing as she interviews Paul Connor of Emotive Analytics. Group. Together they consider the deeper human feelings behind our actions and how market research can handle measuring these emotional associations. This podcast is a great follow up to Priscilla Looks at Consumer Relationships with Brands, where Priscilla and Dan discussed these sometimes hidden forces which compel us toward or against a brand. In this episode, Paul reveals how marketers can measure for this qualitative reaction, quantitatively. A consumer researcher since 1982, Paul founded Emotive Analytics in 2004 after seeing that traditional consumer research was lacking a component to reveal WHY people do what they do. These deeply sub-conscious or even non-conscious emotional dynamics need to be understood to deliver the whole truth of insights about brands and their products or services. Paul used psychology and neuroscience to assess the role of emotions in our processi

  • Priscilla has an A-ha Moment with Ahava Liebtag

    19/05/2017 Duration: 37min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing as she interviews Ahava Liebtag of Aha Media Group. They discuss Priscilla's favorite topic, the "stunning discomfort of entrepreneurship". The hard work and passion for great writing is still driving both of them to lead creative teams. In terms of content that responds to the current needs of clients, Ahava talks about how consumers are actually zigging and zagging throughout their thought their interactions with brands. Because of the multiple ways people interact with content, she underlines the importance of starting with the end in mind before ever writing a word. Her group builds the user experience using layers of multiple questions because consumers don't interact with content in a linear fashion. They laugh about the notion that people are rational and simply plan accordingly. Ahava shares her entrepreneurial story about how she started the now powerful Aha Media Group. This boutique content consultancy delivers marketing

  • Priscilla Gets into Serial Entrepreneur World with Greg Shugar

    05/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing as she interviews Greg Shugar, serial entrepreneur and prolific writer. He, along with his wife Gina started Tie Bar in 2004 in true entrepreneurial fashion. They built the business from the ground up, starting alone in their basement with no employees. Over the next 9 years, they grew their brand and their business, employing 55 employees. Having sold the majority share to a private equity firm in 2013, Greg sheds a little light on his newest venture, Thread Experiment, the only brand in the world dedicated to the design of masculine bedding. They discuss what it truly means to disrupt the market and the opportunities that are out there when you develop the entrepreneurial mindset. Believe it or not, there was a day when going directly to e-commerce was just not done. They revisit his journey discussing the difference between obstacles in 2008 as opposed to the challenges we face now in 2017. He shares some of their best wins and most

  • Priscilla Goes Global with Content Marketing Expert Pam Didner

    21/04/2017 Duration: 37min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing as she talks with Author, global B2B Marketing Consultant and Keynote Speaker, Pam Didner. Pam is an expert creating global marketing strategies to guide a company's content marketing efforts and together they dig into the nitty gritty of effective content marketing for the Fortune 100 Senior Marketer. Most pressing in this world is the challenge of scaling content across not only multiple teams, but multiple languages and indeed, cultures. They discuss the real cost of content marketing (HINT: It's not free) and agree that measuring the effectiveness of content marketing is they only way to improve results and truly understand what is going on in the market.Be sure to connect with her on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also download her FREE course - How To Build A Global Content Marketing Team or check out her book, Global Content Marketing. Want more info about the special world of B2B Marketing? Check out her guest blog, "5

  • Priscilla Looks at Consumer Relationships with Brands

    14/04/2017 Duration: 47min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing along with Dan Leadbetter as they discuss consumer relationships with brands. What brands do you love? What brands do you hate? What brands do you love to hate? Interestingly many people don't consider that their lives are full of actual relationships with brands. They are tied into our family stories, our values, our conversations, daily routines and holiday traditions. No matter how much you think about it, we do develop actual relationship with brands throughout our lives. Priscilla reaches back to an older article she considers foundational regarding brand relationships and consumer behavior. This article can be found here: http://bit.ly/consumerrelationships if you want to go deeper. Priscilla loves Roku. Dan loves Zildjian. Also, in this episode they do not explain jazz. If you don't get it on your own, there's really nothing they can do. Any chance you feel like doing your good deed for the day and giving a 5

  • Priscilla Gets Holistic Marketing Pointers from Mitch Joel

    24/03/2017 Duration: 55min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing as she talks with author, prolific writer and marketing guru, Mitch Joel. As the President of Mirum, a global digital marketing agency operating in close to 20 countries, he has earned the right to direct huge brands as they navigate digital marketing. He talks openly about how the marketing industry must come to grips with how consumers adopt quickly to technology while agencies and brands tend to lag behind. Since Mitch is a prolific speaker to the likes of LEGO, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Twitter, Oracle, Nestle, Procter and Gamble, Unilever and more, his ideas have been put to the test. He breaks down complex strategies by focusing on three points on his "bull’s-eye" approach. Listen in for more of his musings on the nuance between the art and science of marketing. More than anything, Mitch believes in his work as craft and labors under the conviction that he simply wants to create things that are deeply meaningful to him. He writes,

  • Priscilla is a St. Patty's Day Birthday Girl

    17/03/2017 Duration: 46min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing along with Dan Leadbetter as they celebrate her St. Patty's Day birthday. As they are fellow-holiday birthday peeps (Dan having debuted on New Year's Eve) they talk about the joys and perils of a holiday birthday. What they can't wrap their minds around is the reality of actual St. Patrick's Day Birthday cards for sale. Seriously, individualized cards celebrating your birthday falling on this holiday. Hmmmm....To celebrate, Dan delivers another pop quiz in which Priscilla rants a bit about marketing pet peeves. Seeing as it is her birthday, and will be wearing a green wig all day, he lets her vent. Included in those questions are also some reflections on entrepreneurship and of course, her memory of the top three birthday presents she's ever received. They also wrap up highlights from her trip to London and she offers some travel and networking tips. Was this supposed to be a marketing podcast? You'd better complain to the authorit

  • Priscilla Hosts the Best Damn Website Episode Ever

    10/03/2017 Duration: 31min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and her special guest, Stoney deGeyter of Pole Position Marketing. He is the author of the very definitively titled book, The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! among others. Where others focus on search engine optimization (SEO) only for ranking results, his team goest beyond with a laser focus on total web presence optimiation for the sake of helping the visitor. Stoney elaborates on his process of writing his book. His journey of writing his own proprietary checklists for the work he did over the years. He uses his own book as a reminder to stay true to these fundamentals. Again, front and center to his advice and prolific blogging is his motivation to truly help his clients. Other books by Stoney deGeyter include:SEO 101: Everything You Need to Know about SEO (But Were Afraid to Ask)Keyword Research and Selection: The Definitive Guide to Gathering, Sorting, and Organizing Your Keywords into a High-Performance SEO Campai

  • Priscilla Gets Some Life Coaching from Robin Barr

    24/02/2017 Duration: 40min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and Robin Barr, Chief Inspiration Officer at Unleash Your Brilliance in this episode. As a Life Coach Robin works with high performing executives who feel as if they are "dying at their desks". She addresses the true suffering many experience when they are out of alignment with their own values and are frustrated with their own inability to alter behaviors or outcomes they so strongly desire to change. They discuss the role of stress in modern life (especially how that shows up for entrepreneurs) and the different ways males and females tend to deal with this foundational issue. Along with our normal stress, she discusses how we layer habits of "checking out" on top by either living more in the past, or fixating on the future. Robin is passionate about helping people expand and integrate their emotions and stay present in order to create a life they truly love regardless of thes stress they feel. Together they debunk popular misconcepti

  • Priscilla Goes to London Town

    17/02/2017 Duration: 39min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing along with Dan Leadbetter as they discuss her upcoming speaking engagement in London. As she heads out to speak to marketing researchers about the future of social media she focuses on what she continues to do to disrupt the market. She discusses how her book of business differs from most other agency owners she meets. Any given day the team could be working content about turbo engines, chiropractic care, sheet metal or autism solutions, just to name a few. This industry diversity requires her team to stay focused on process at all times. She also gets pretty vulnerable about how she has garnered a high rate of repeat customers. Priscilla believes this is because she has consistently respected client's marketing budgets and treated their money like her own. They also discuss some business development issues. She gets honest about how hard it is to strike a balance between dividing her time marketing her own company and completing w

  • Priscilla Gets a Taste of Qualitative Research with Liz Van Patten

    10/02/2017 Duration: 39min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and Liz Van Patten, an accomplished qualitative researcher. Her experience discovering marketing insights for companies, advertising agencies, governments and industry groups for more than 25 years has honed her skills in marketing research. They discuss the difference between qualitative and qualitative research and how they fit into concept testing/development, understanding path-to-purchase and decision-making, new product development, positioning development, communications research, and social media listening. As an early adopter of online qualitative research methods, Liz is an acknowledged expert in the use of asynchronous approaches such as online discussion forums, insight communities, in-depth interviews, online diaries, mobile interviews, and as well as real-time methods including webcam and text based online focus groups.Liz's journey has run the gamut from handling focus groups with six year olds, to examining the effective

  • Priscilla Tackles the Nitty Gritty of Content Marketing with Michael Brenner

    27/01/2017 Duration: 41min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and Michael Brenner, CEO of Marketing Insider Group. Michael is a sought-after keynote speaker on Leadership, Culture, and Marketing. He is the co-author of best selling book The Content Formula.As a recognized Top CMO Influencer, B2B Marketer, Content Marketer, and Social Media Marketer, Michael delivers insight into the content marketing industry. They discuss what it means to truly start a conversation with your brand followers and bring authenticity to marketing efforts across the board. They go deeper into the disruption that can happen when agencies and clients walk away from a simplified attempt to "just sell more" and instead create something more meaningful for better marketing. But even for those who have moved into the content marketing spaces he keenly points out that "Marketing with content is not the same as content marketing." They discuss the role of empathy in marketing as Michael alludes to this reckoning that is coming for

  • Priscilla Blends Old School with New School with David Reimherr

    20/01/2017 Duration: 50min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and her special guest, David Reimherr, founder of Magnificent Marketing. These two have a lot in common and a lot to talk about. They both lead a team of creatives at full-service marketing agencies with specialized expertise in content marketing. He is also the host of the Magnificent Marketing Podcast. You'll enjoy his take on mixing old school techniques with the latest and greatest marketing tools and strategies for maximum results.Original theme music by the illustrious Leighton Cordell.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Priscilla Talks B2B Marketing with Bernie Borges

    13/01/2017 Duration: 47min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and her special guest, Bernie Borges, CEO of Find and Convert, a content marketing agency serving B2B clients across the U.S. He is the author of Marketing 2.0, one of the first 50 books written on social media strategy. He can be found pontificating on his expertise on his podcast called Social Business Engine which can be found at http://www.socialbusinessengine.com/podcasts/. In this episode they discuss the nuance and expertise that B2B marketing efforts require including technical integrations and closed loop sales reporting. Professional businesses need to establish that professional legitimacy from the first client interaction and yet strike a very personal and human balance in the mix. As experienced B2B marketers they discuss tips and tricks to do just that. As they both lead a HubSpot certified agency they also discuss the power of fully integrated marketing dashboards. Regardless of the sophistication of integration and automation

  • Priscilla Hosts the Extravaganza Spectacular 1st Annual Little Bird Marketing Superfluous Talent Variety Christmas Show

    22/12/2016 Duration: 25min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird and all of the creative "peeps" at Little Bird Marketing for the EXTRAVAGANZA SPECTACULAR 1st ANNUAL SUPERFLUOUS TALENT AND CHRISTMAS VARIETY SHOW! You'll laugh, you'll cry and "You'll poke your eye out kid!" Enjoy cherished Christmas memories, dramatic readings, horrible holiday jokes and musical interludes featuring the ukulele, records and of course, the autoharp. This episode features Priscilla McKinney, Dan Leadbetter, Brad Jones, Beth Claybrook, Ryan Boydston, Kahlief Steele, Amelia Hill and Leighton Cordell. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is blaring this podcast for all to hear!Original theme music by Leighton Cordell.DISCLAIMER: Christmas cheer varies from listener to listener. No elves were harmed in the taping of this show.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Priscilla Talks Market Research with Tony Cheevers

    09/12/2016 Duration: 38min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and her special guest, Tony Cheevers. With 20 plus years experience working in sales and marketing leadership roles with global brands like Virgin, KLM, Schlumberger and the U.S. Postal Service. They talk about the reality that with social media and more sophisticated marketing dashboards, companies are getting "insights" and data about their clients. But even with this access to what only large companies could see before many companies still don't know what to DO with this information. They discuss the real difference that can be made when companies, even small companies let a professional handle their business challenges like properly formatting a customer survey, finding the right people for a focus group and so much more. At Researchscape International, he collaborates with brands and their agencies, providing "Do It For You" survey research at DIY prices. Check out their amazing menu of services at http://www.researchscape.com/shop/.Ori

  • Priscilla Throws Away Her To-Do List

    25/11/2016 Duration: 39min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing along with Dan Leadbetter as they ponder the modern tragedy that is the ubiquitous TO-DO LIST. As the CEO of three companies, she has learned some ways to be freakishly productive. As her reality doesn't include simply not being interrupted on a normal basis, she offers some insights about how to calendarize tasks, understand what is your "genius work", effectively delegate and maintain clarity about how to use her time wisely. She reflects on what she learned from watching her office burn to the ground and how she relies on her team to help achieve their goals. In the end, she focuses on to-do items and actions which are directly tied to actual goals. Wouldn't it be an amazing life without decision fatigue? Call us and tell us all about it. Otherwise, listen to this episode. Also, they AGAIN discuss the Shoji Tabuchi Show, which is one of their favorite topics.Original theme music by the illustrious Leighton Cordell.Learn more about your ad

  • Priscilla Hits the Road

    11/11/2016 Duration: 34min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing along with Dan Leadbetter as they gaze into the marketing crystal ball. As a keynote and breakout session speaker, Priscilla has been traveling much lately, called upon to talk mostly about the FUTURE OF MARKETING. She gives highlights from the road along with answers to some of the most frequently ask questions. Mostly, people are just confused about what is NEXT in marketing. Whether she is speaking with market researchers, app builders, small business owners, or c-level executives, they all are feeling that traditional marketing is broken. For those who have ventured heavily into digital market they are also confused about what is really working and what will work in the future. While every marketing strategy needs to be nuanced, she sticks with 3 points she believes for sure about who will WIN in the brave and bold marketing future. Here's a sneak peek at what must be done, in her humble opinion: - Brands must pay attention to changing c

  • Priscilla Gets Some Fuel from Vivian Blade

    28/10/2016 Duration: 50min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing as she interviews Vivian Blade. She is a powerful woman of experience and recognized talent management expert, working with companies to build solid and sustainable bench strength in their leadership pipeline. In her work as a consultant, author, keynote speaker, trainer and executive coach, her passion in building leaders and developing excellence empowers companies to fuel incredible leadership, and professionals to fuel incredible careers. They discuss what do do when you're not in right seat at your company, what to do when your great work is not being recognized and how to move your career forward with purpose. Vivian teaches her four principles about career development which focus on EXECUTION, REPUTATION, REACH and RELATIONSHIPS. Vivian is a prolific writer whose articles, featured in a number of professional, industry, and business publications, and published books have helped thousands of professionals succeed. She is the author of

  • Priscilla Takes a Pop Quiz

    14/10/2016 Duration: 48min

    Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and Dan Leadbetter as she takes a pop quiz! Priscilla takes an awful lot of compliments from Dan right before he announces that he is going to shoot questions at her and put her on the spot! He collected questions from listeners and added some of his own. He starts with an easy pitch about what albums she would take if she were stranded on a deserted island. Once they finish discussing Freddy Mercury, they move on with the quiz. He moves on to ask about her most satisfying moments in business which include some highs and some lows interestingly enough. They discuss fears and inspirations and much, much more. Original theme music by the illustrious Leighton Cordell.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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