Christlife: We Have Been Sent



Equipping Catholics to proclaim Jesus Christ


  • CL18 - Are You Afraid to Evangelize?

    30/03/2007 Duration: 24min

    If evangelization is one of the words that makes your hair stand up in fright, than this episode is for you.   Listen to Chad and Pete as they continue their interview with Becky Pippert, an international speaker and author on evangelization. Drawing from her own experiences, Becky gives practical advice on how to share the Gospel with friends without fear of offending them.  Furthermore, she offers profound insight into how campus Christian organizations can dynamically engage the secular environment with the challenge of the Gospel! Also hear updates on ChristLife's latest evangelization course, Discovering Christ. This episode is part 2 of 2.

  • CL17 - Jesus Is Irresistable

    19/03/2007 Duration: 22min

    In this podcast episode, Chad and Pete interview Becky Pippert, an international evangelist and author with twenty-five years of experience.  She is the author of Out of the Saltshaker and into the World, a book designed to help us feel relaxed and enthusiastic about sharing our faith.  In this first of two podcast episodes, she gives testimony as to how she came to the Christian faith and provides valuable insight into how Jesus can fulfill the needs of postmodern man.

  • CL16 - Missionaries in Slovakia

    02/03/2007 Duration: 25min

    In this podcast episode, Pete recalls his recent two-week trip to Slovakia, including interviews with two Slovak missionaries.  The first, Fr. Rast'o, shares his experiences in bringing others to know and love Christ in his country following the fall of communism.  His zeal and dedication to the Gospel provides a courageous and inspiring example of what it means to be a missionary.  The second interview centers upon Hanna, a lay missionary whose love for the Lord has brought her as far as Turkmenistan to share the Gospel with people who are predominately poor and Muslim.  Both of these missionaries provide the listener with insight into the very heart and mission of evangelization.

  • CL15 - To Be a Witness We Must Know Him

    16/02/2007 Duration: 24min

    Here is the second half of Chad and Pete's interview with Fr. Francis Martin.  Though a few days late due to travels in Slovakia and lots of ice on the East Coast... this podcast is worth the wait!  Fr. Francis shares his heart one more time in this interview with lots of wisdom and the fire of the Holy Spirit.  You will leave this podcast wanting to dive into prayer to know Jesus that much more so that his beauty can be communicated to this world! Part 2 of 2.

  • CL14 - The Witness of Holiness

    31/01/2007 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, ChristLife interviews Fr. Francis Martin of the Mother of God community in Gaithersburg, MD.  As a priest and brilliant professor with years of experience in the charismatic renewal, he is known globally for his expertise on the topic of the role of the Holy Spirit in witnessing to Christ.  During this interview, he shares the essential characteristics of an effective evangelist.  His wealth of experience resulting from 15 years as a Trappist monk and 50 years as a priest provides for incredible insight into proclaiming the beauty of the truth of Jesus.  Part 1 of 2.

  • CL13 - The King's Men

    17/01/2007 Duration: 25min

    Get inspired in standing up for your faith and witnessing to the great news of what God has accomplished in Christ Jesus!  Two men from a Catholic apostolate, the King's Men, join hosts Pete and Chad as they discuss evangelization and masculine spirituality.  What is this?  Well listen in and find out how a small men's apostolate is standing up for purity and truth on the streets of Philadelphia.

  • CL12 - ChristLife Interviews a Seminarian

    03/01/2007 Duration: 22min

    On this first episode of the New Year- Pete, Chad, and Dave give some updates on what's happening at ChristLife. In addition, guest seminarian Chris Rush joins Pete on the phone to discuss Catholic evangelization at one of America's top party schools, Florida State.

  • CL11 - The Prodigal Son

    19/12/2006 Duration: 24min

    The latest and greatest ChristLife podcast featuring our host, Pete Ascosi, who is joined by college intern, Chad Zik, and Director, Dave Nodar.  The focus of this podcast is the Father's heart for the lost - and how we can respond as the Church to those who are lost among us.  The substance of this podcast is an excerpt from a talk ChristLife's program director, Dianne Martin, delivered recently.  A very inspirational call to action!

  • CL10 - Living for Christ on Campus

    04/12/2006 Duration: 18min

    Ten podcasts! Woohoo!  This great podcast is aimed at college students and other young adults. This stimulating conversation between Pete and ChristLife's current intern, Chad, and past intern, Julie surveys their experience in living for and proclaiming Christ in their college environments. 

  • CL9 - Into the Fields: ChristLife's Missionary Corps

    17/11/2006 Duration: 23min

    If you're a Catholic who wants to actually evangelize - this podcast is for you! ChristLife is beginning a new initiative in the Archdiocese of Baltimore - that of raising up a "missionary corps" of Catholics committed to being, as the Pope recently said, "apostles among our contemporaries" - nourished by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.  The podcast comprises a short intro by Pete Ascosi, a talk by Dave Nodar, and some comments from a bishop on our evangelization training program - Sharing Christ.  

  • CL8 - Let the Language of Faith be on Your Lips - part 2

    02/11/2006 Duration: 22min

    Listen to the second half of ChristLife's interview with Fr. Robert Barron! He answers the question of how we proclaim Christ as head of His Church and addresses the great need for the laity to take part in their apostolate.  Finally on a personal level, his insight into how Catholics can practially "let the language of faith be on our lips" is inspiring!

  • CL7 - Let the Language of Faith be on Your Lips - part 1

    19/10/2006 Duration: 22min

    If you haven't listened to a podcast yet - make this the one! Get to know ChristLife a bit better and learn from one of the best on how to evangelize as a Catholic.  Fr. Robert Barron from Chicago shares his passion for Jesus, encourages the laity to take an active part in spreading the Gospel, and gives some practical ways to make the good news compelling to our contemporaries.  This podcast is the first of a two part series with Fr. Barron.

  • CL6 - Interview with Catholic Author - Bert Ghezzi

    10/10/2006 Duration: 26min

    In this podcast, ChristLife staff, Pete Ascosi & Chad Zik interview Catholic author Bert Ghezzi about living for Christ in the secular world.  Particularly, Bert gives testimony to his own efforts at sharing the Gospel with his contemporaries and provides insight into how all Catholics can follow the Holy Spirit and evangelize in daily life.

  • CL5 - The Extraordinary Adventure

    18/09/2006 Duration: 23min

    The theme of this podcast centers on a message Pope Benedict XVI teaches the Christian faithful, that "God calls ordinary people into the extraordinary adventure of joining his mission." The message is delivered through a talk, ChristLife's Director, Dave Nodar gave to a gathering of 170 Catholics at the One Thing Celebration in August 2006.

  • CL4 - What's so "good" about the Good News?

    24/08/2006 Duration: 17min

    Our fourth podcast comprises three excerpts from a talk our young adult project manager, Pete, gave to the Jesus Youth movement in June 2006.  First off Pete answers the question: what's so "good" about the Good News?  Second, he shares personal testimony of God's mercy in his own life.  Third he inspires the youth to be witnesses for Jesus Christ as Catholics. 

  • CL3 - Young Adult Interview Part Two

    28/07/2006 Duration: 21min

    During the second part of our Young Adult Interview, Julie, Christy, and Mark continue their discussion and testimonies on evangelization and the amazing work of the Holy Spirit.

  • CL2 - Young Adult Evangelization

    06/07/2006 Duration: 16min

    In the first of a two-part interview our Young Adult Intern, Julie, interviews two young adults about their experiences sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

  • CL1 - Introduction to ChristLife and the New Evangelization

    05/07/2006 Duration: 17min

    Welcome to ChristLife's first podcast!  We at ChristLife are excited about using podcasting to spread the love of Jesus Christ in a new way and we hope to encourage and inspire you to do the same.  This first podcast is an introduction to ChristLife's ministry and the Catholic Church's call to the new evangelization.

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