Colorado A-list



Welcome to the Colorado A-List. This show is a series of interviews with entrepreneurs who have found success by being disruptive in their industry. Our mission is to pick their brains and inspire listeners to be bold and creative with their own endeavors. Hear some of the dos and donts to running a business, no matter what type of business that may be. Our host of the show is Matt Brower, Owner and Managing Broker at a Denver boutique commercial real estate firm, Column Commercial Partners.


  • Episode 57-The Business of Holding Space for You

    17/05/2024 Duration: 58min

    Have you ever heard the term “holding space for someone”? In a nutshell, it means to actively listen without judgment.  That is the foundation for the company, Sholder, which is short for “Space Holder.”  Rett Kearbey, Co-Founder of the company, speaks with Matt about an essential need in the human psyche that he envisions being within reach for everyone—someone to talk to.  In this interview, Rett explains some of the research behind this fundamental human need and the delivery platform which he and his team have created.  Take a listen! And for information about Sholder beyond this episode, check out --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 56-Connecting the Head and Heart for Your Highest Potential

    05/04/2024 Duration: 52min

    Our guest on this episode has built her career by beautifully blending organizational psychology, cutting-edge business strategies, innate leadership, and a passion for the mind-body-spirit connection that ties everything together.  A great example of the apex of these talents coming together was in the medical industry just as the pandemic hit.  It was a critical time for medical professionals and essential for them to be at work. Aileda's mission at that time was to make sure that the business of running a medical practice was smart and efficient so that the medical staff could most effectively combat the fallout from the worldwide spread of a novel disease.  Aileda Lindal sits down with Matt Brower to discuss the beautiful synergy of using her head and her heart in her business consulting practice and how she can help you to benefit yours!  And for information beyond today’s interview, visit --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 55-The Art of Mindful Collaboration

    22/03/2024 Duration: 53min

    “You can have everything in life you want, if you just help others get what they want first.” Michael Graziano paraphrasing the late author, motivational speaker, and sales professional, Zig Ziglar. Michael Graziano made it his mission to travel to every country in the United Nations and in so doing became one of the youngest people to visit all 193 countries. To compound that feat, he also secured funding from multiple companies to pay for and document the entire trip by leveraging himself as a contractor to help each company achieve a goal of theirs. Michael’s overarching goal for the project was to share the vast abundance of kindness that is all around the world.  The documentary series, called Global Degree, can be seen here: Springboarding off of the success of the documentary and continuing to utilize his gift for cross marketing, Michael launched his own PR company called Mindful Media.  Within 12 months the company became a multimillion dollar succe

  • Episode 54-A Conscious Paradigm Shift in How Leaders Think About Their Business

    26/01/2024 Duration: 44min

    How do you define “success?” Attaining a desired outcome that you have worked hard for? Does that success bring you fulfillment? What if you still have a feeling of emptiness? Finnian Kelly, a successful multi-million dollar entrepreneur and now keynote speaker, author and transformational coach explores this very topic with Matt.  Drawing from Finnian’s own experiences, he describes the profound pivot in his perspective that caused a massive upheaval in his life and set him on a completely new path.   Today Finnian provides coaching and speaking engagements for individuals and organizations who are seeking alignment between their endeavors and their internal compass. He uses breathwork and other modalities to access states of consciousness that our ego often feels the urge to protect. His first book will be released on June 18th and is called, Intentionality: A Groundbreaking Guide to Breath, Consciousness, and Radical Self-Transformation and he will be traveling across the US and Canada on a breathwork and

  • Episode 53-Sharing the Knowledge of Wealth from a Wealth of Knowledge and Vision for a Better World

    05/01/2024 Duration: 53min

    Matt Brower connects with Ron Carson, CEO and Founder of one of the fastest-growing financial firms, ⁠Carson Wealth⁠. Ron describes how he started the company and the underlying theme that has been a major contribution to its success. Aside from money matters, Ron has a bigger picture in mind for himself and the world.  It can be difficult for people to achieve financial freedom when there are larger obstacles in the way. Ron touches on some of these issues and discusses how he and his wife are making an impact with the Healing Ranch⁠. Listen here to learn more about his work, the ranch, and the discoveries that have helped him along the way!" Connect with Ron Carson: LinkedIn: Ron “Omani” Carson --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 52-Using Tech to Connect with Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Support

    07/04/2023 Duration: 33min

    Inpatient treatment centers for addiction and/or mental health conditions can be a life saving measure.  But once the treatment is complete, then what? A treatment plan looks great on paper, but it’s just that, it’s only a piece of paper! When you return home and to your life, how will you remain accountable to your new habits, stay connected to community support (or develop new community supports), manage your emotions, tackle problems when they arise, and continue other therapies? What if you don't even have access to a treatment center in the first place to start this journey? This is where WEconnect Health steps in to provide long term support for living in your real life whether you experience mild anxiety and stress in the workplace, to being in recovery from addiction. Matt chats with Daniela Luzi Tudor, the Co-founder, about her experience that inspired her to build the company and a place to find all of the tools needed to to help you lead a healthy and joyous life. --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 51-Connecting Humankind in Gratitude

    17/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    Games are a great way to pass the time, have fun with other people, learn, and keep your brain active and healthy. But have you ever considered playing a game specifically designed to get to know others on a more meaningful level?  That is what this interview is all about! Sam Sokol, owner and co-creator of Graticube, discusses his own social experiment that led to the concept for the game, as well as the opportunities and obstacles that arose with helping people connect the head and the heart through play. Graticube has applications in many different settings; whether it be a game night with friends or family, team building with coworkers, on a retreat with collaborators, a student/classroom activity, or even in a therapeutic setting.  Get an 8% discount on the purchase of the game when you use the coupon code MATT at Graticube is grateful for your referrals. Refer Graticube products to others and receive a commission for their purchases at ---

  • Episode 50-Actualizing All of Your Brilliance Within

    18/11/2022 Duration: 43min

    Mazix Mahalel possesses a very unique skill set that supports awakened entrepreneurs to be the best version of themselves all of the time so they can manifest their highest vision with ease by guiding them through a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual journey.  By taking a look inward, with her guidance, you access the power to break down the stubborn barriers that could be holding you back; and actualize the immense potential you have!   Mazix expounds upon the culminating issues at a time in her life that gave her pause to examine herself and the path she had been on. It was on this journey to take control of her health and her “purpose” that led her to helping others. Check out her energy and earnestness for her work in this episode; and to learn more about Mazix’s work, access her website at: You can also join her Awakened Entrepreneurs Facebook group to access some of her coaching at no cost at: Please Note: Thi

  • Episode 49-The Uber of the Event Catering Industry: Offering Online Ordering

    01/07/2022 Duration: 42min

    Historically,  the events/catering industry has been a very person-to-person business from the very first customer phone call to the catering van driving away after an event. When COVID-19 began sweeping through the United States, just about every business was forced to stop any in-person encounters, unless it was deemed essential for the community.  The events/catering industry came to a grinding halt and even future bookings were eventually forced to cancel. With no revenue coming in for the foreseeable future, Riccardo Mazzeo, CEO of Three Tomatoes Catering, had to strip the company budget and surmise how long it could withstand the shutdown. After a period of hopelessness, he and his team gathered their wits to brainstorm alternative ways to bring the catering experience to the customer without jeopardizing the service or product. This included taking EVERY aspect of the event planning process to their website platform; anticipating every need, creating customizable menu items, customizable tabl

  • Episode 48-Bee Calm and Carry on With HiveTech

    08/04/2022 Duration: 36min

    Honey bees play a vital role in our survival, in part, because the agricultural industry depends on pollinators for yielding healthy crops.  Unfortunately, there are currently several factors that steeply affect the mortality rate of honey bees. In this episode, learn what those factors are and how an architect and a bee ecologist have teamed up to create a technology that supports a more hospitable environment for honey bee colonies. Matt interviews Kimberly Drennan, CEO of HiveTech Solutions about HiveTech's SMART apiary. This breakthrough technology has proven dramatic survival rate increases that can combat pollinator decline and help stabilize global food production. --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 47-Revolutionizing the Body Art Industry

    25/03/2022 Duration: 46min

    Much like the narrative in mythology of the phoenix rising from its own ashes, Nando Mondragon has transformed himself and the circumstances of his past to forge a new path forward. As a youth, he was on a course to inevitable destruction. Prison time was the catalyst for reshaping his future. Fast forward to today, he is a seasoned entrepreneur, artist, and avid community activist. He is taking the tattoo industry to the next level by working to change stereotypes, streamline business operations for tattoo artists, and create a first-ever accredited tattoo academy!  Listen as Nando chronicles some of the significant events and soul searching that led him to who he is today and the causes he is working for. Check out Nando's website Certified Tattoo Studios --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 46-A Journey to Heal, From Direct Patient Care to Building a Healing Empire

    11/02/2022 Duration: 32min

    CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is becoming more widely accepted/used to treat pain, anxiety, or seizures.  In this episode, Stacy Cason, Founder of Planetarie, explains what “CBDa” is, why it’s better than CBD, and the method Planetarie uses to obtain it from hemp plant! As a former anesthesiology nurse practitioner who was educated to treat pain with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or opioids, Stacy understands the dangerous side effects that they can produce. Stacy founded Planetarie in 2018 to offer a much safer and healthy alternative to managing pain.   --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 45-Every Corner Counts!

    06/08/2021 Duration: 37min

    Do you ever come across a business and think, “Well duh! It’s a great concept, why didn’t anyone grasp on to this idea a decade ago?” In this case, I am talking about REACTIV.  The company was founded in 2019 by Ryan Boykin and Jason Shepherd, two clever entrepreneurs in the real estate industry.  They thought of a simple way for individuals or startup companies to rent space on a short term basis (as short as a couple of hours), as well as to help landlords to monetize areas of their real estate assets that (for multiple reasons) may not have been getting the attention they deserved.  Listen, as Ryan tells us more about REACTIV and how simple and invaluable it is for both tenants and building owners. Also, in keeping with the true entrepreneurial spirit-Ryan and Jason have founded two other successful companies together! Of course, those are stories for another day, but click on the links to learn more!  Atlas Real Estate is a full-service commercial and residential brokerage firm and Arc

  • Episode 44-Behind a Brilliant Idea

    16/07/2021 Duration: 43min

    One of the greatest things about entrepreneurs is that we envision a better way of doing something and want to share it with the world. And oftentimes, a brilliant idea is born out of grappling with a very difficult period in life.  Once we find our footing we want to help ease the journey for others.  This is exactly how Mindful Mamas was conceived.  In this interview, Terra LaRock shares how her experience becoming a new mother, paired with her background in psychology has culminated to form an extraordinary business idea that is helping mamas around the world! To learn more and try the app for free, click the Mindful Mamas link in the description above! --- Support this podcast:

  • Episode 43-Breaking the Mold in IT!

    01/07/2021 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, we hear from Paige Goss, who is breaking the mold in the IT industry!  Paige is the Founder of Point Solutions Group, an IT company that specializes in configuring, migrating, and/or integrating tech systems so businesses can run most efficiently AND securely. Furthermore, Paige and her COO, Sarah Jolly, maintain an investment portfolio supporting women-owned businesses. And as if that wasn’t enough, Paige is also Co-Founder with Sarah Jolly and Cynthia Del’Aria of Precursa, a software development company focused on helping technology startups go through a proven and predictable process for taking their ideas to market with the highest viability of success. Paige shares with us some of the struggles and accomplishments, peri-pandemic. And listen as she discusses navigating business development through the lens of her industry, with contagious fervor, I might add!

  • Episode 42-A Mission to Empower Entrepreneurs

    14/05/2021 Duration: 41min

    If you are an entrepreneur or business leader, listen up, because this man, his organizations, and his story could be the keys to your success AND interpersonal growth!  In this episode, Matt interviews Greg “Woody” Greenwood, Co-Founder of the Colorado Thought Leadership Forum, Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network, and Co-Founder and CEO of SpiralMethod.  (Incidentally, SpiralMethod is a call-back to episode 20 with Leslie Jones. And she coached Greg back in the day!) He has partnered with Leslie on the SpiralMethod, cultivating transformative leadership in organizations.  Brimming with wisdom in building and managing businesses, Greg is now dedicated to serving the entrepreneurial community- leading with his heart, rather than his bank account.

  • Episode 41-Managing Your Office Space (Like a Boss)

    26/02/2021 Duration: 36min

    This episode's guest is an entrepreneur in an industry that's top of mind for all business owners right now as we figure out how the future of our office space will look moving forward.  Brian Watson co-Founded Proximity 4 1/2 years ago. Proximity is a workplace management platform technology that helps coworking companies and corporate real estate directors efficiently manage the daily operations of physical space.  Although the company is relatively new, Proximity’s technology is being used in over 400 locations across the US!  Listen and get inspired by this incredibly labor-saving and versatile technology!

  • Episode 40-The Magic In Collaboration

    12/02/2021 Duration: 48min

    If you do any business networking in Denver, there is a good chance you have met or heard the name Erik Mitisek.  For over 20 years he has had an integral role in shaping the Denver business landscape through founding and developing multiple large-scale entrepreneurial networking groups.  His superpower truly is designing collaborative networks of people.  As Founder and CEO for the company Highwing, he does the same thing! Highwing is a digital platform for commercial insurance carriers, brokers, and clients to collaborate most efficiently with the best technology and data.  Having this innovative technology also serves to form and strengthen the relationships between all parties involved in navigating the complexities of insurance. For additional information about Erik, check out and for additional information about Highwing, visit

  • Episode 39-The Journey of Pairing Passions with Talent in a New Way

    15/01/2021 Duration: 34min

    Matt interviews Mario Nocifera, a distinguished figure in the hospitality and service industry. He and business partner Robert Champion are in the midst of developing, perhaps the first of its kind, an “immersive art and dance bar.” This is THE dedicated place (located in Denver) to saturate your senses with beautiful sounds, ethereal motifs, delectable food, perfectly crafted libations, and enjoy a variety of events, activities, and entertainment. Listen to learn more about the very unique concept that is slated to come to fruition soon - in 2021, just as you are ready to come out of hibernation and reconnect with your tribe! For additional information, visit  

  • Episode 38-Creating an Experience Through Marketing

    04/12/2020 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, Matt interviews Justin Moss, Founder of The Pineapple Agency.  Justin’s experiential marketing firm has worked with many clients you may be familiar with such as Adidas, Under Armour, Google, Bud Light, Coca-Cola, Live Nation, (the list goes on!). Listen to learn what experiential marketing is, how the company has temporarily shifted strategies to work through the pandemic, and find out why Matt was once the Bud Light Knight for one of The Pineapple Agency's marketing activations!  This episode is a great listen.  Justin is an inspiration to be around, not just for what he does for a living and the company he has built, but also because he is unabashedly himself- intense, authentic, compassionate, and tons of fun! For more information about Justin’s marketing agency, check out 

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