Colorado A-list

Episode 54-A Conscious Paradigm Shift in How Leaders Think About Their Business



How do you define “success?” Attaining a desired outcome that you have worked hard for? Does that success bring you fulfillment? What if you still have a feeling of emptiness? Finnian Kelly, a successful multi-million dollar entrepreneur and now keynote speaker, author and transformational coach explores this very topic with Matt.  Drawing from Finnian’s own experiences, he describes the profound pivot in his perspective that caused a massive upheaval in his life and set him on a completely new path.   Today Finnian provides coaching and speaking engagements for individuals and organizations who are seeking alignment between their endeavors and their internal compass. He uses breathwork and other modalities to access states of consciousness that our ego often feels the urge to protect. His first book will be released on June 18th and is called, Intentionality: A Groundbreaking Guide to Breath, Consciousness, and Radical Self-Transformation and he will be traveling across the US and Canada on a breathwork and