Colorado A-list

Episode 56-Connecting the Head and Heart for Your Highest Potential



Our guest on this episode has built her career by beautifully blending organizational psychology, cutting-edge business strategies, innate leadership, and a passion for the mind-body-spirit connection that ties everything together.  A great example of the apex of these talents coming together was in the medical industry just as the pandemic hit.  It was a critical time for medical professionals and essential for them to be at work. Aileda's mission at that time was to make sure that the business of running a medical practice was smart and efficient so that the medical staff could most effectively combat the fallout from the worldwide spread of a novel disease.  Aileda Lindal sits down with Matt Brower to discuss the beautiful synergy of using her head and her heart in her business consulting practice and how she can help you to benefit yours!  And for information beyond today’s interview, visit --- Support this podcast: