Iron Fanatics 101



We are two guys, myself, Darryl and my gym bro Eli. We crush our workouts and then turn the mics on to bullshit about life. Tune in as we talk about life in the gym, we talk about our workouts, and everything that surrounds our life, and how we go about creating a better life for ourselves and the things that surround us. We talk about our kids, work, women, life in general! Everything is on the table, it's an open discussion, lets go!


  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 18

    06/10/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Hey, what's going on it been a while since I've done a podcast, but I'm excited to get things rolling again. In this episode I talk about how my training has been going with my Powerlifts (bench, deads, squats). I touch on my injuries and how I've been training with the injuries and how that has been going. I touch a little bit on family life and my personal life. I hope you guys enjoy this episode, less go!

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 16

    28/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    Iron Fanatics 101

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 17

    28/04/2019 Duration: 41min

    I talk about striking up conversations with certain people at the gym and people/gym buddies that I prefer to talk to. I like to stay focused and in the zone, little distraction as possible! I also touch on being able to center your mind and staying focused when dealing with tough things in life. In part 2, some advice for dating after a bad breakup, and my experience.

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 15

    13/02/2019 Duration: 56min

    Hey what's going on guys, I talk about fun in the snow with my son, being more prepared when you have kids, it's the little things that count, boys like to destroy things, grown ass men and these shitty little pony tails which look cute on 5 year old girls, levels of public affection, no one needs to see that shit! Let's have some fun, lesss go!

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 14

    06/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    Hey guys, I'm here to share with you some techniques and an approach that I use when lifting, its helped me out emencely and tonight my workout felt solid given the fact that I almost talked my way out of it. Give these teqniques a try it may help out it may not. Hope you enjoy this short episode, and get after it bitches!!

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 13

    27/01/2019 Duration: 53min

    Hey guys I talk about Marijuana and CBD oil and how it has helped me out in day to day life, and why you should think about incorporating it into your life. Hope you enjoy the podcast!

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 12

    09/01/2019 Duration: 23min

    Eli and I are back for the first time in a while! We talk about time off during the holidays and how time off from the gym can be beneficial, and what not to do when taking time off lol. We talk about gym stuff, kids and I talk a bit about CBD oil and how it helped me!

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 11 continued

    01/01/2019 Duration: 55min

    I continue on talking about competing in bodybuilding, my opinion on parts of the fitness industry and supplements. I end with some changes that I want to apply to my life and why. Thanks for tuning in, Happy New Year!!

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 11

    01/01/2019 Duration: 59min

    In this part of the podcast I talk about my years of lifting in the gym, how I got started, and where it led me. I get into competing in Bodybuilding for the first time and my experience with it.

  • Iron Fanatics 101

    08/06/2018 Duration: 29min
  • Iron Fanatics 101 episode 8

    07/06/2018 Duration: 27min

    Hey guys, here are our thoughts on what the do's and don'ts are of chatting up your gym crush. We share some opinions from our past experiences. We touch a little on what it takes to compete in bodybuilding, powerlifting and mma.

  • Iron Fanatics 101 Episode 6

    02/06/2018 Duration: 28min

    I go into detail and share my experience with CBD oil and its helped with injuries and working out and how they have benefited me in life in general, Let's go!

  • Iron Fanatics 101

    13/05/2018 Duration: 01h55min