Jyotish In Hindi



In this series we are going to discuss fundamentals of Astrology in hindi. Divine and occult knowledge of astrology can make you a good human being. This subject is not for knowing future. This subject will help you to know your inner self.


  • 3rd house in Astrology | 3 Ghar | 3 भाव कुंडली में कितना अशुभ है?

    10/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    3 घर कुंडली में कितना बुरा होता है? क्यों तीसरे भाव को अशुभ माना जाता है? जब भी ज्योतिष में तृतीय भाव की बात आती है तो मन में संघर्ष, उतार चढ़ाव का विचार आता है परन्तु क्या कुंडली में तीसरे घर का इतना नकारात्मक प्रभाव होता है| Astro Life Sutras presenting Astrologer Nitin Kashyap views on it.

  • Opting Wrong Career (In Hindi)

    24/12/2019 Duration: 31min

    Choosing a wrong career, can ruin one's life. If we can get right suggestion at right time then things could be far better for us. In this video, Astrologer Nitin Kashyap and Mind Coach Sunena Malik are discussing this important topic. (IN HINDI)

  • रावण को जब दिया शूर्पणखा ने ज्ञान

    13/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    रावण को जब दिया शूर्पणखा (रावण की बहन ) ने दिया ज्ञान | श्रीरामचरितमानस की चौपाई बिना विवेक के विद्या, बिना नीति के राज और बिना धर्म के धन होने पर क्या होता है?

  • Jyotish Query - Planetary Strength and Sign lord

    18/09/2019 Duration: 05min

    Strong Dispositor makes the planet stronger at what extent? This query is raised by Mr.Jairaj Bhatt from Mumbai. Let's listen Astrologer Nitin Kashyap's view on it.

  • Jupiter transit in Dhanu 2019 - Lagna Results (In Hindi)

    20/08/2019 Duration: 29min

    Jupiter is going to transit in its own sign Sagittarius (Dhanu) on 5th Nov 2019. What are the changes you can expect in this time? According to your Ascendant, how should you take this planetary transit? Let's understand this with Astrologer Nitin Kashyap.

  • Jupiter in the 4th house (Hindi)

    02/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    What can you expect when Jupiter is posited in the 4th house? In Vedic Astrology, How should we read a horoscope when Guru is placed in the fourth house. Let's understand this with Astrologer Nitin Kashyap.

  • Shubha Muhurta Vs Natal Chart

    29/07/2019 Duration: 18min

    This audio clip is the part of Muhurta webinar conducted by Astro Life Sutras. On reaching 60 Lacs views mark, Astro Life Sutras decided to do a free webinar for its audience. Kindly listen and share your thoughts.

  • Medical Astrology part 1

    04/06/2019 Duration: 17min

    In this show, you are going to listen advantage of podcast over videos. How one can check, health of the native by mere seeing the position of Lagna lord in different houses with reason.

  • Astrology - Saturn role in one's life (Hindi)

    11/12/2018 Duration: 05min

    Planet Saturn (Shani Graha) is always treated as malefic and negative results giver in Astrology. In horoscope, people take special care of the bhava and sign in which Shani is posited. In this podcast Astrologer Nitin Kashyap is telling a short story to share his knowledge. Visit www.AstroLifeSutras.com or Astro Life Sutras channel on Youtube.

  • How to learn friendly and inimical relations between planets?

    27/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    In astrology, For fresher its quite difficult to memorise planetary friendship and inimical relationship. In this episode Mr.Nitin Kashyap is going to share the secret about it. After listening to this audio you will understand the importance of zodiac signs.

  • Zodiac signs rashi and your behaviour

    23/03/2018 Duration: 16min

    If your planets are posited in movable signs ( Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn ), how can it impact your behavior. In this file Mr.Nitin Kashyap is telling how to check your behavior through Zodiac signs. Nitin Kashyap is teaching astrology from a decade and writing articles in different prestigious magazine of India.