Today's Call: A Podcast For Realtors



Helping Realtors dramatically scale their business without working 24/7 or hiring more staff.


  • Ep 2: The Value of Focus

    22/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    In this episode of Today's Call, Jordan discusses the following topics: * Why it is important as an agent to focus on one thing * The two primary types of focus (geography and transaction type) * What will happen as you become an expert on your focus area * How all of the most successful people developed an unfair advantage * Striking a balance between being too broad and too narrow * Why you shouldn't worry about missing business by being focused

  • Ep 4: Why YOU Need a Coach

    22/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    In this episode of Today's Call, Jordan discusses the following topics: * Why the way the real estate business is set up makes having a coach important * The importance of an external perspective on what you are doing * Working your way to success vs. buying your way to success * Why extremely successful people are almost never a "one woman show" * Advice from the CEO of Google

  • Ep 3: Experimentation and Split Testing

    20/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this episode of Today's Call, Jordan discusses the following topics: * How the marketing concept of split testing actually applies to all areas of business * How most people try something only once and then stop, and why this makes no sense * The best way to improve your marketing results without spending more money * How to apply the concept of split testing in two specific situations * How academics uncovered a "secret code" in agents' listing descriptions

  • Ep 1: Social Media for Realtors

    20/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this episode of Today's Call, Jordan discusses the following topics: * Why it makes sense to be on social media even if your client base is older * The main reasons why most agents are not effective on social media * The specific types of content that people like to see most from Realtors * Are you "Facebook famous?" * A simple test to prove that the strategy Jordan recommends will immediately start getting you better results