Grace And Coffee Podcast



Grace and Coffee is hosted by Felix Manzanares, Senior Leader at Journey Ministries in the Cayman Islands. Grace and Coffee is just his thoughts on things that he is learning on his Journey as a Husband, Father, Pastor and just an all around guy.Hoping that this Podcast encourages you on your Journey. Grab some coffee and mix it with a dash of Grace.


  • Value vs Volume (Episode 7)

    26/03/2019 Duration: 22min

    Grace and Coffee is hosted by Felix Manzanares, Senior Leader at Journey Ministries in the Cayman Islands. Grace and Coffee share’s Felix’s insights that he is learning and putting into practice along his jour as a Husband, Father, Pastor and just an all around guy. Hoping that this Podcast encourages you on your Journey as well. Grab some coffee and mix it with a dash of Grace to

  • The Power of our Testimony (Episode 6)

    19/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Recently I had the opportunity to chat with a group of people exploring the power of our testimony. In this podcast we discussed ways of how to grow in sharing our testimony. I believe your testimony is a great treasure for the Kingdom of God and the people in your life. Be blessed and encouraged. 

  • Becoming a Landing Strip for the Dove

    24/10/2018 Duration: 41min

    This podcast is the audio recording of teaching I did recently at our small group gathering at our church. We looked at how the Holy Spirit is looking for rest and remain on the believers. In this podcast we explore what life would look like with the Dove remaining on us. Be encouraged and thanks for subscribing.

  • On Your Mark Get Set Go!

    21/06/2018 Duration: 18min

    Recently I had an opportunity to be the guest speaker at the Lighthouse School's Graduation Ceremony for their 2018 Class.   This message is a message not just for graduates but for a generation.   Be encouraged!

  • Episode 4 Your Story our Journey

    10/05/2018 Duration: 27min

    This podcast is just a brief recording of a conversation about faith with my amazing intern CJ. Be encouraged!

  • Episode 3 Think Higher

    04/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    One the simplest things to do is to judge people from their current situation or circumstances.  However real transformation and positive impact begins when we think higher of them and speak into who they truly are destined to be.  

  • Episode 2 Just Wait

    19/03/2018 Duration: 19min

    Many times when I am faced with challenging situations at work, in family, in ministry in life in general there is always this tendency to respond immediately.  However, when I just think and pray it through instead of saying or typing the first things that come to mind the outcome tends to be more favorable. I've found the practice of simply waiting a few hours or possibly a day or two before responding to be very helpful because it changes my heart and mind about the situation and the people involved. So just wait, get ready to receive some Grace and don't forget your cup of Coffee.

  • Episode 1 Conflict and Leadership

    14/03/2018 Duration: 30min

    Everyone is leading and influencing in some capacity in an environment in their lives and working through conflict is a part of that. There is positive perspective of conflict and more than likely you may just some Grace and some Coffee to work through it. Be encouraged!