Love Handles



The single greatest podcast to ever attach themselves to the lower half of you body ever.


  • S1E13: Agent of Change, Finale

    24/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    When I started the Love Handles podcast, I unintentionally labeled them seasonally, as in, at a certain point, the podcast would end to pick up again for another season later. The thing with setting things up seasonally is it allows for pauses, and moments to clarify, create, expand and breathe new life into something, which is exactly why this season one is coming to a close. For a time, Love Handles was a way for me to sort of explore creatively in something that I had no relative experience doing. AND, while that was fun for a time, I feel a need to reassess what the purpose and direction for Love Handles are, in order to continue to create content that is insightful and meaningful to you, as well as myself. So, springtime Love Handles has come to an end, but stay tuned, summer is just around the corner and with all of the margaritas you'll be drinking, I'm sure your Love Handles will be back and just as beautiful as before.  This episode is recapping the progress made over the month of May and continui

  • S1E12: The Subject of Personal Style

    17/05/2018 Duration: 11min

    Welcome back to Thursdays with Love Handles. I know this month is all about change, but lately, everything seems to float in the air, instead of progressing forward—meaning "Change Month" is a bust.  In actuality, I guess the greatest way to embrace change is to just allow things to progress naturally, and embrace the chaos, rather than try and control it. Such sentiments actually fit perfectly with the theme of today's episode. Personal style! How do you get it? How do you know when you've achieved your personal style? In the apparent post-trend era that galvanizes the cues of individuals rather than the collective grandeur that is, the fashion industry, how do we execute personal style?  I tried something different for this episode and wrote it out before I spoke it, and then practiced it 87 times to ensure that I didn't sound like I was reading off of a teleprompter. If I do sound like I am reading off of a teleprompter, I apologize in advance.  Without further adieu, Love Handles, S1 E12: The Subject

  • S1E11: Just Checkin' In

    10/05/2018 Duration: 11min

    This week's episode of Love Handles is sort all over the place. It's the first time in a long time that I decided to stick my head into le sound booth without a clear idea of what I would say once I was in there. This has happened, maybe once before, but once I sat down and pressed record, words started pouring out of me. Some of them, I don't even recall uttering. Uttering is kind of a funny word, isn't it?  The truth of the matter is that I have been away in Los Angeles, visiting my family, and I unrepentantly decided that I wasn't going to give any fucks regarding Love Handles, or my blog, or anything else for that matter.  Is that a good enough excuse? Absolutely.  Will I stop asking questions only to answer them immediately? Maybe. The bottom line is this: TW's theme of the month is Change but with a dash of irreverence, and a sprinkling of resistance—because that is how I do things. With my priorities last month leaning towards getting my shit together, and failing, I realized that I just needed an

  • S1E10: Everything Is Connected

    19/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Hi ppl! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my podcast! I really appreciate the love and support. This week is all about being connected, and tbh, I get a little emotional about it.  Without saying too much, this podcast is all about getting back to our roots and getting connected with the environment. I took a listen to an NPR podcast, that really motivated me to see things connected environmentally, and it showcases perfectly all of the beautiful intricacies of life.  Without further adieu, Love Handles, S1E10.  NPR Ted Hour: Everything is Connected  George Monbiot - Rewilding  Jane Poynter - The Biosphere Bernie Krause - Bioacoustician  Marla Spivak - Entomologist

  • S1E9: Get Your Sh** Together

    12/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    That's right folks, you heard it here, first. After hibernating for the winter, it's (un)officially time to get everything else in our lives together so that we can enter into the summer months full speed ahead. I mean, its already April 12th, so the month is almost halfway through, but that doesn't mean that it isn't possible to use the lessons we've gathered over the past months to inhabit efficiency this month, right? Right. This month on TW I've been snuffing out the metaphorical and literal fires that burn us out and cause us to feel drained. April should be the soaking tub that forever stays full of hot water no matter how pruney your hands and feet are, where you read our stories and they warmly restore your sanity and embrace you like a plush towel. My month usually blends quite effortlessly into the next without much resistance, so in the meantime, whats on your mind? What would you like to improve? Tell me in the comments below and if you feel so compelled, do also tell me how you'd like to Get

  • S1E8: The Freedom In Saying 'No'

    05/04/2018 Duration: 08min

    I cannot believe that I have actually kept up with releasing a podcast every week for the past month or so! It's crazy because I have very real moments of not wanting to do it, or feeling like I am speaking into the void of existence that is radio. Every time I feel this reluctance to record, I decide to just record and see what happens, and usually, there is something there that I can work with—and right when I finish recording, a moment of happiness sweeps over me and I realize, "I did it!"  I'm feeling like I'm in an extra special place this week primarily because I haven't had the best sleep over the past few days. It's not even that I have much on my mind, I just feel like I have too much energy.  Anyway, this week's podcast is all about saying no, as the title I'm sure, tells you. Saying no for me is scary as hell. On one hand, I crave my freedom and independence, on the other hand, I am so extraverted I need to be around people constantly, this juxtaposition has made saying no to situations difficult

  • S1E7: The Rebel Without A Cause

    29/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    This week's episode of Love Handles is pretty weird: I recorded it on my recently purchased microphone with a slight hangover from simply not drinking enough water the day before, after procrastinating for like, a week to finally make it, and yet, it is an episode about productivity and accomplishments. I know that sounds rather paradoxical, but most of Judaism is, and since Passover is this week, I decided to embrace my roots a little. So here it is, without further adieu, this week's podcast. Give it a listen. Leave me a comment. Show me you love me with a Five Star Rating and Subscription. And jump into the weekend like it's 1985 and your Prince, or is it The Artist, or is it The Artist Formerly Known as Prince yet?

  • S1E6: The Power of Positive Speaking

    22/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    "Life and death are in the power of the tongue," some ancient scripture states. So why are we just throwing words around carelessly?  I went running this week for the first time in a really long time and when I found myself just shy of giving up, I changed my playlist and turned on Beyoncé. She represents everything I want to be: strong, brave, confident, independent. She's hardworking and relentless. Fierce.  And she wakes up flawlessly... So maybe it was the power of her words that sparked me to finish my run? Maybe words do have weight? I'm taking the cue from Beyoncé this morning and attempting to remind myself that in spite of my flaws, I am flawless.  And I'm going to drink my coffee better than anyone else, and flip zero people off no matter how bad of a driver they might be. It's a new day. So take a listen, leave a comment, give me a five-star rating, and as always...stay lovely my friends.

  • S1E5: On Consistency, It's Source, It's Power

    15/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    Do you have a problem with consistency? It might be because you are really out of touch with your future self, or it might be because you need a wake-up call. Either way, this week's podcast is all about consistency and the source for finding a way to remain consistent in your endeavors. I've had a hard time this past week just trying to be hopeful and consistent with the things that I have been working towards, but when I saw the students protesting the other day and walking out, something in me was reminded of the need to be consistent in order to make a change.  If this sounds like you, maybe take a listen. I always appreciate your feedback, love, and comments, and of course your five-star ratings on iTunes and your subscriptions. Show me some love folks, my poor little heart needs it.

  • S1E4: Conscious Consumption, Is It Possible?

    08/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    Is conscious consumerism even possible? A good question to ask when it pertains to environmentalism and buying things, but what about all of the information we consume? With an influx of social media, music streaming, and information, how do we filter out the good and bad, get to the context behind the work, and develop clear lines of thought to understand everything we are taking in? Is it too much information? Are we being overwhelmed with information? In this week's episode of Love Handles, I mention a recent phenomenon that I have barely become aware of called algorithms, and how they relate to what we consume as it pertains to media and information. Good news! The first step in becoming a conscious consumer is awareness. All of those questions can hopefully be answered or delivered by you or the like in the following weeks as we high tail it out of February, and leap into March. As always, take a listen on iTunes, subscribe to the podcast, and leave us a five-star rating so we top the charts and are ab

  • S1E3: An Attempt At Doing Good

    01/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    This week starts off kind of where last week ended, actually, maybe it's more like a continuation of last weeks episode. I've been thinking a lot about using your platform for good no matter how large or how small, and in light of the Jewish holiday Purim, I feel like there is no better time to start than right now.  People talk about using whatever tools and resources you can right now to make a difference instead of waiting, but what if we actually listened? Imagine the implications if everyone just did one good thing today. Whether it is giving your money to a charity or cause you support, or donating some of your time to volunteer, impact begins when you stop thinking about impacting people and start doing it.  Take a listen to me pretending to be Gandhi and hopefully enjoy this weeks episode of Love Handles.

  • S1E2: Social Media and Apathy

    22/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    This week's monologue was inspired by the recent shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida, and covers how social media, although helpful in getting the message out there, seems to make us fall short in spurring us to take action. Although I am very aware that there are a myriad of reputable and much further-educated opinions, i.e., anything from Pod Saves America, my hope is that what you take away is more or less an emotional response, or a naive take that there are people actually working towards changing the narrative, and they should be recognized. Of course, please engage, interact, and share your concerns or moments that you enjoy and let me know if you know any movers and shakers doing large or small things in their community to make a change. I would love to hear about them and share their story to encourage others to take action. This—all of this—is for you, and me, and everyone who wants to listen and band together and hopefully make the world a better place. From one idealistic idealist to

  • S1E1: Let's Start at the Very Beginning

    14/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    Love Handles will cover a range of topics that include but are not limited to feelings, feelings, what it's like to have feelings, what it's like to feel feelings, and why I feel like without talking about my feelings I will never get anything done. So do me a solid and take a listen, make me feel like you are truly my best friend, and redeem a part of my childhood that has been locked away until today, and then tell me what you want to hear. That's all. I love you, you love me, now let's all love each other's love handles together.