Rants & Rage

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 33:27:44
  • More information



Political, and social commentary from an inherently angry man.


  • We’re Not Really In Control of Ourselves

    13/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    Understanding why people are the way they are is probably one of the best ways to let go of anger.

  • A Series of Unfortunate Events

    19/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    The first week into my journey of self-examination and discovery. Figures something ridiculous like gout would go ahead and throw it's hat in the ring as well.

  • And Now For Something Completely Different

    15/08/2022 Duration: 28min

    Yo! I'm back on my bullshit. And y'all thought I was gone? Psh

  • Understanding Morality - Part 2

    01/02/2021 Duration: 36min

    In this episode, I break down Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind, a book that takes a scientific look at moral judgements and how we develop them.

  • The Cult of Q

    22/01/2021 Duration: 55min

    Q Anon is quite possible the most amazing cult ever. Why? Because it's the first cult to originate and propagate online. Believers swear it's NOT a cult. But if it looks like a duck, quaks like a duck.... Am I right? 

  • The Reality of the Far Right Extremists

    19/01/2021 Duration: 33min

    Under Trump, the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, American Militia Movement, and Q-Anon believers have found unity. But do they really pose a threat? I feel like the far-right extremists are just bored kids and rednecks that need to find some purpose in their life.

  • Understanding Morality - Part 1

    17/01/2021 Duration: 35min

    I picked up a great book called the Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided By Politics and Religion. It's filled will all sorts of great case studies on how people develop their moral compass and whether or not our morals are something that comes from the heart, or the mind.

  • Groupthink, Social Proof, and the Dangers of Running in Crowds.

    16/01/2021 Duration: 58min

    In this episode, I discuss some of the factors that cause people in groups to behave in irrational and violent ways.

  • Eilite Theory and the Effects of Corporate Money on Democracy

    06/01/2021 Duration: 51min

    In this episode, I rant about how the candidates you elect are bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists who work to push the agenda of their clients. The results of Citizens United vs. The Federal Elections Commission gave corporations the right to spend as much money as they want on "electioneering communications." These corporations (and labor unions) spend millions each year to influence you and politicians. They convince you on who to vote for, and they convince the elected officials to vote for policies that favor their bottom line. Many of these corporations own shares in the news outlets you rely on for the information you vote on. There is also a strong correlation between the amount a corporation spends on lobbying and the profits they make. Still think your vote really matters?

  • Rat Lickers and the Confusion of Propaganda

    27/12/2020 Duration: 50min

    Carrying on with the discussion of agenda setting and how politicians all get benefits from their political. It's a dirty corrupt world out there in Washington and the Capitol and that's exactly what they want. We're screwed no matter who is in office.

  • More Notes On Eductation - An Essay

    16/12/2020 Duration: 09min

    I recorded this short essay I wrote. At least, I think it's an essay. I don't remember what an essay is because I'm a stupid American.

  • Ignorance in America

    15/12/2020 Duration: 49min

    Are you not wearing a mask because of your political affiliation? Apparently, that seems to be the case. How will America ever stop sucking if this is the level of intellegence we're dealing with? 

  • This Is Not How We're Supposed To Live

    09/12/2020 Duration: 52min

    Humans evolved into hunter-gathers over a hundreds of thousands of years. Since we've developed farming and agriculture, we haven't evolved much but our societies have. We're getting more depressed the more we participate in this f'ed up world. This is an episode about the connection between our current society and depression.

  • Another Comeback Episode?

    02/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    With everything going on, I felt compelled to get back on here and start talking about some of it. Hang on cuz I'm just getting warmed up again. 

  • We Are Too Stupid To Care: How the Government Feeds Us Shit and How We Smile While Chewing

    18/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    The more I look into how the government deceives the public, the more I find out that they don't actually do anything to hide it. They are bought and paid for by special interest and big business and are in no way ashamed. We never had control, and we never will. They will just implement programs, slowly but surely, that lead us further and further into genuine slavery. And we will go, not only without a fight, but with a smile on our face. Just give us a few trinkets to distract us, drugs to make us complacent, and BOOM!!! instant robots!!!

  • Stop Protesting. Just Get Yourself Elected

    03/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    People in Sacramento are pissed that no charges will be filed against the cops that shot and killed Stephon Clark. I understand this. But I don't understand why they think inciting riots are the way to get anything to change. Wouldn't it be better to get yourself elected to a position that could possible change the outcome of these situations? If Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez can get elected, I'm pretty sure anyone can. 

  • Rants and Rage Returns!!!

    25/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    Sorry I've been gone! I've had a lot of binge watching I had to catch up. I'm back and here's my first episode of 2019. Tune in or be square. 

  • My Introduction to Socialism - Part 2

    01/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    More of my thoughts on the despicable philosophy of Socialism and what's wrong with the entire system. 

  • My Introduction to Socialism - Part 1

    27/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    Socialism is bad, mkay? But mostly, it doesn't seem to be thought through. I've recently began studying socialism because I think it's important to have information on more than one single viewpoint. My conclusion is that it's a horribly thought-out plan and only appeals to those who don't want to put in any effort at life. 

  • Rollie Turns Commie and Makes a New Baby!

    28/08/2018 Duration: 36min

    After a break from the negativity, I'm fucking back! Although, I'm prolly a little less negative that the past. Prolly cuz there are too many amazing things going on in my life. Fear not, though. I still have an opinion on everything. 

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