Wesh Financial Radio



Helping young professionals crush debt, manage money, and build wealth.


  • The #1 Mistake Travel Nurses Make

    04/08/2022 Duration: 03min

    Travel nursing has been around forever. It’s been a way of life for many nurses who simply didn’t want to be tied down to one hospital system forever. But for nurses just getting into the game in the wake of the Covid pandemic, shocks with the fluctuation of pay sent as many back to staff nursing as came for travel. Oftentimes those nurses were barely any better off financially then when they began to travel. They still have debt, still have little investments or retirement savings and more often than not a brand spanking new car payment that their staff nurse salary can’t support. So what's the issue at hand here? The issue is that those travel nurses didn’t leverage the 5 shifts that our clients do everyday. Read along on my blog: https://www.weshfinancial.com/blog FOLLOW THE TRAVEL NURSE FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetravelnurseadvisor/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/travelfinance Twitter: https://twitter.com/tvlnurseadvisor

  • Don't Know How to Create a Financial? Try Managing Risk Instead

    30/09/2021 Duration: 05min

    You never know when life is going to hit you with a curve ball that throws you off track. Especially when you’re on the journey of building your wealth, these curveballs can quickly set you back to square one.

  • How a Travel Nurse Can Save For Retirement Without Access to a 401k

    30/09/2021 Duration: 05min

    I know when you’re working contract to contract, you’re usually on your own when it comes to investing for retirement. Don’t worry! You don’t need to rely on your employer-sponsored plan in order to save for retirement. This blog post breaks down your options and each of their limitations. Read along on my blog: https://www.weshfinancial.com/blog FOLLOW THE TRAVEL NURSE FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetravelnurseadvisor/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/travelfinance Twitter: https://twitter.com/tvlnurseadvisor

  • The Biggest Savings Mistake Young Nurses Make

    17/09/2021 Duration: 06min

    When you’re less than 10 years from the start of your career, it can be hard to think about how much to save or what you should be saving for.

  • Travel Nurses and Tax Homes

    09/09/2021 Duration: 07min

    One of the major topics I keep seeing around the Travel Nurse community is the confusion around tax homes. I know we’re all about that tax-free stipend, but in order for your stipend to remain tax-free, you need to have an established tax home, and you’ve got to be able to duplicate your expenses. If you’re wondering if your home qualifies as an established tax-home, I got you covered!

  • Travel Nurses Save Yourself From Bad Tax Advice

    02/09/2021 Duration: 05min

    In our latest episode of the Travel Nurse Wealth Show, we discussed the dangers of bad tax advice. You can get tax advice from anyone these days, but it’s up to you to make sure that the advice you’re following won’t get you audited by the IRS.

  • Travel Nurses You're Asking the Wrong Questions

    24/08/2021 Duration: 05min

    When it comes to your finances, so many of you are asking the wrong questions.

  • Investing Does Not Equal Having a Financial Plan

    16/08/2021 Duration: 07min

    Sure, investing is a great tool to use for wealth building - but you can’t rely only on your investment portfolio. A good financial plan makes your money more efficient and incorporates a variety of financial strategies. You deserve to keep as much of the money that you’ve earned as you can. A good financial plan will get you there. Read along on my blog: https://www.weshfinancial.com/blog FOLLOW THE TRAVEL NURSE WEALTH ADVISOR: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetravelnurseadvisor/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/travelfinance Twitter: https://twitter.com/tvlnurseadvisor

  • Stop Crowdsourcing Financial Advice

    09/08/2021 Duration: 06min

    I see too many travel nurses suffering for following this "one-size-fits-all" advice.

  • Your Tax-Free Stipend and the IRS One Year Rule

    26/07/2021 Duration: 06min

    Many travel nurses end up at assignments that they love and want to extend at. But you have to be careful. A simple misunderstanding could cost you your eligibility to the tax-free stipend or worse... Back owed taxes in an audit. Let's talk about your Tax-Free Stipend and the IRS One-year Rule ---------------------------------------- Schedule Your Complimentary Call   Join the Travel Nurse Facebook Group  Watch the Free Masterclass  Learn More About Our Solutions

  • 12 Questions to Ask Before Buying into Any Investment - S2 Ep9

    22/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    First generation professionals have zero deficiencies when it comes to hard work, grit and creative problem solving. If there is one weakness that plagues us, due to no fault of our own, it’s this… We struggle with knowing the right questions to ask. Not know what questions to ask not only affects the amount of resources we’re able to take advantage of… It also affects our ability to create a personal financial plan that is aligned to our goals and values and it leaves us vulnerable to unscrupulous salespeople who will gladly exploit that weakness. If you want to build wealth that lasts for yourself and family, you have to be able to weed out good investments from the bad ones. How can you tell the difference between the two? It comes down to the quality of questions we ask. Join me for our Live Wealth Built to Last show this Wednesday, July 22, at 1pm EST to learn about the 12 Questions every professional should ask before buying into an investment. WFprivategroup.com ----------------------------------------

  • How to Supercharge Your Money Plan with the Life-Cycle Of Needs Approach - S2 Ep8

    16/07/2020 Duration: 22min

    As a first generation professional or entrepreneur you know that’s it’s not enough to break through your families’ education or income ceiling. You know to enjoy an amazing life, you need to be able to leverage your income today to build wealth that lasts for you and your loved ones. The problem is that so much of the messaging targeting first generation professionals and entrepreneurs only focuses on earning income instead of helping you design a lifestyle that you can be happy with… And then helping you fund that lifestyle. So, you end up stuck in the hamster wheel of chasing the next “income” opportunity, instead of figuring out exactly what you want, and how much you need to save and invest for it. Fortunately, our clients learn to leverage our “Life-Cycle of Needs Approach” to establish, grow, preserve and ultimately transfer their wealth to the people who mean the most to them. ---------------------------------------- Book a FREE Breakthrough Call:  MyFamilyMoneyPlan.com/Talk  Private Online C

  • How to Overcome First-Generation Wealth Building Overwhelm - S2 Ep7

    08/07/2020 Duration: 12min

    If you’re a first generation professional, entrepreneur, or first ANYTHING, you know how hard it is to take a break, breathe and relax. You’re secretly terrified that if you let up for just one second, everything you’ve worked so hard for will disappear and you’ll be left with nothing. And so, nothing is ever enough. The problem is most first-generation professionals have learned to overcome their challenges on sheer willpower and grit alone. Unfortunately, life is a marathon, not a sprint, especially when it comes to building lasting wealth. join me for our Live Wealth Built to Last show this Wednesday, July 8, at 1pm EST to learn how first-generation high achievers can break the curse of wealth building overwhelm. http://ow.ly/JM8G50zzCaN ---------------------------------------- Book a FREE Breakthrough Call:  MyFamilyMoneyPlan.com/Talk  Private Online Community:  WFPrivateGroup.com Free Masterclass:   MyFamilyMoneyPlan.com Website:  weshfinancial.com

  • How to Maintain Financial Resilience - S2 Ep6

    01/07/2020 Duration: 18min

    One of the most frequent questions I get in regard to managing one’s finances is “How do I achieve and maintain financial resilience through the ups and downs of the economy”? If there is one truth that unites people across race, religion, gender and socio-economic status it’s this… LIFE HAPPENS. Unfortunately, many of us go through life just HOPING it won’t happen to us, and if it does, HOPE to be in a position to handle it. Let’s face it… HOPE isn’t a winning strategy. I’ve seen way to many lives destroyed because people were faced with an emergency situation they just couldn’t bounce back from. And it can happen to anyone… rich or poor. If you don’t believe just revisit the mortgage crisis of 2008. The truth is there are three to four main outcomes you should strive for in your finances and one approach to ensure you achieve it. Remember the acronyms E.G.P.T. and L.C.O.N. and join me for our Live Wealth Built to Last show this Wednesday, July 1, at 1pm EST to learn more. http://ow.ly/JM8G50zzCaN ---------

  • Super Market Finance - S2 Ep5

    25/06/2020 Duration: 20min

    Do you own assets like Mutual Funds and ETFs? Do you own investment vehicles like IRAs and Brokerage Accounts, or products like Life Insurance? How did you come to own and invest in them? Can you explain in simple terms the part they play in your larger wealth strategy? If you’re having trouble articulating their worth beyond “I know it’s a good idea to save”, you’re definitely not alone. With access to financial markets at our fingertips, it’s so easy to open an account, buy some stock, or buy a life insurance policy and call it a day. Unfortunately, managing your finances in such an uncoordinated way is unquestionably a recipe for disaster. Not all financial products or strategies are created equal. And employing the wrong ones could spell out disaster for you. I want to shift your mindset around your wealth strategy and why you should adopt a wholistic approach. Join me for our Live Wealth Built to Last show this Wednesday, June 24, at 1pm EST to learn more. http://ow.ly/JM8G50zzCaN ------------

  • The Myths of Building Wealth - S2 Ep4

    20/06/2020 Duration: 23min

    Are you a high achieving professional or business owner and you want to make sure you’re building wealth that lasts? Have you poured over countless books, articles and videos with “gurus” claiming they know the secrets to building sustainable wealth? Have you joined a friend’s “business” or worked on a side hustle to create multiple streams of passive income? Are you there yet? If any of this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Most high achievers want MORE and actively pursue more in everything they do. The problem is they’re unable to navigate through the overwhelming amount of “snake-oil-salesmen” lurking in the shadows for the opportunity to sell you a product or process that has no chance in actually moving you towards your goals. What’s worse is they get to be rich off of your desire to improve yourself! YUCK. But there is hope and it’s rooted in how you approach wealth building. I want to shift your mindset around growing, preserving and transferring wealth. Join me for our Live Wealth Built t

  • Approximately WRONG: Why “Close Enough” is the Death Sentence for Your Finances - S2 Ep3

    18/06/2020 Duration: 21min

    Have you ever heard of any financial “rule-of-thumb” metrics like… Save $1,000 in an emergency fund Save 10-15% of your income or… Max out your 401k for a secure retirement? If so, isn’t it great that with five minutes of your time and a quick Google search you can learn all of the strategies you need to intelligently manage your finances? Oh! – and conveniently packaged in a “5 Tips” blog post, nonetheless? If my sarcasm isn’t clearly coming through my writing, I’ll speak clearly. Rule-of-thumb metrics are seriously dangerous for your finances and I’ll tell you why. ----------------------------------------     Book a FREE Breakthrough Call:     www.myfamilymoneyplan.com/talk       Private Online Community:   https://bit.ly/2ZyH69W       Free Masterclass:   https://joinnow.live/s/WPYTGb       Website:   www.weshfinancial.com

  • Managing Risk: A Whole Lot More Than Thoughts & Prayers - S2 Ep2

    15/06/2020 Duration: 20min

    When you think about making a plan for your finances the first thing that comes to mind is saving or investing right? If so, you’re not alone… But it’s a step too fast. The number one reason money plans go awry is because you plan for all sunshine and no rain. Managing your financial risk is key to giving your plan the best chance to win. ----------------------------------------   Book a FREE Breakthrough Call:   www.myfamilymoneyplan.com/talk    Private Online Community: https://bit.ly/2ZyH69W    Free Masterclass: https://joinnow.live/s/WPYTGb    Website: www.weshfinancial.com

  • Breaking Up With Your Budget - S2 Ep1

    15/06/2020 Duration: 19min

    Making a budget is NOT the key to financial success… And you know it’s true. Budgets are restrictive and only reflect obligations, instead of priorities. I want to shift your mindset around BUDGETING and why you should DUMP the practice today! ---------------------------------------- Book a FREE Breakthrough Call: www.myfamilymoneyplan.com/talk Private Online Community:    https://bit.ly/2ZyH69W Free Masterclass: https://joinnow.live/s/WPYTGb Website: www.weshfinancial.com