Daily Prophetic Word



All my accomplishments are rubbish compared to knowing Jesus Christ. Posting a Daily Prophetic Word For Today #DailyPropheticWord at https://soundcloud.com/neilvermillion/sets/daily-prophetic-word


  • Do Not Neglect What Is Important

    04/09/2020 Duration: 03min

    This is a season of growth before you now. This is a day to move forward, even past where you have been in the past. It is a time to advance closer towards the call upon your life, to fulfill the destiny within you, and abide in the place of perfect union together. Even though you were made to accomplish you were also made for relationship. You were made to give and receive love, all from our union together. (1) So allow yourself to dream, plan, scheme, and create. Dream without limits. Make your plans in faith, believing. Move forward towards the fulfillment of these plans, in line with all I have revealed to you and all I have already placed within you. But also, allow yourself the dignity of rest. While you are active making plans, working to implement all I have shown you, busy about your father's business, remain in the space of our rest together. (2) Though you will work you will abide in the space of the rest I have for you. And though you are active, you will not be stressed. Though you are advancin

  • Trust In My Leadership In This Season Upon You

    03/09/2020 Duration: 03min

    You are on the verge of the next step of what I have in store for you. You are knocking on the door, so continue to progress and advance knowing you are on the verge of the transition I have already spoken to your heart. There are things I have revealed to your heart that your mind has not understood. There are truths within, you are not able to fully process with your rational mind, but nevertheless I have given them to you. I am birthing these things within you, and through you, in this present season. (1) In this time as you encounter new experiences, you will simultaneously discover they are familiar. Though they are new, they are also familiar. You will discover these experiences awakening truths and realities within you that have been within you since before the beginning. While this is a mystery to you, do not allow yourself to be distracted from the moment by attempting to figure it all out. Instead, embrace and acknowledge this reality. Move forward in faith knowing I am guiding you now, just as I a

  • The Simplicity of Faith Like A Child

    02/09/2020 Duration: 03min

    Click here to make a donation to support these daily prophetic words http://www.neilvermillion.com/donate/ As you step out in faith, following what I have placed before you, you will come to understand how I will meet you, for my will for your life is somewhat different than what you think. Though you understand bits and pieces, there are still many things you do not fully understand. So grasp what you are able, and follow as best as you are able, and do not concern yourself with trying to understand every single aspect of your path in life, for there are many things which are yet to be discovered and it is not possible for you to fully grasp every little detail at this point in your life. (1) Do not let this discourage you but walk in faith trusting in my will for you, for there are too many things happening in the course of your life. Focusing on them would only overwhelm you. Instead, allow yourself the luxury of simply walking by faith knowing I have a good path marked out for you already. Allow yoursel

  • The Place Of Possibility Without Limits

    01/09/2020 Duration: 03min

    As you come to know me more and more you will discover I am completely limitless. You know me in part, and because you are limited, you presume I am also limited, but as you come to know me more and more over the years you will find this is not true. You presume I am like you, because this is all you know, and this is what you are familiar with, but in many ways I am not like you. I am not limited. I do not grow tired, weak, or weary. I do not sleep or run out of energy. I do not forget. I do not neglect. I do not lie. I do not become overwhelmed, fearful, or worried. (1) Continue to seek me in all your ways, day after day, and you will realize I am not limited in any way. I am not small, that you could ever possess or fully comprehend me. But as you continue to know me, you will experience me in greater measure than you have in days past. In this discovery you will see me more closely to how I really am, not how you have presumed I am. I will reveal my heart and show you my face, and you will come to know m

  • Remember I Am With You Still

    31/08/2020 Duration: 01min

    Even when you are stuck in times of brevity, when you do not have sufficient time to devote to the things which matter most in your life, I am there. Though you feel I am distant from you in every way, understand and remember, I have never left you. I will never forsake or forget about you, for you are my Beloved. Though you are busy with your day to day activities, I am there with you even still. (1) Do not feel discouraged, or that you are unable to sit before me in my presence, for even though you are busy, I am with you, and we are sharing all these things together. You suppose that only in times of strict meditation, moments of concentrated prayer, times of literally sitting still and doing nothing, are you able to receive and share with me. But as you continue to grow in your experience in my presence, and come to know more fully the never-ending love and fellowship in our union together, you will understand that nothing can ever separate you from my love - not even your busyness. (2) While it is good

  • Remember My Great Love For You

    28/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Even though you know my love for you is great, you also need to be reminded of this again and again, for your hearts grow tired easily. Your mind loses focus and you become distracted. You forget your way and forget my words, but even still, my love for you does not waver. Because I am The Good Shepherd I will give you what you need, and will I remind you frequently. I say all these things again, and again, in persistent reassurance. Because you lose your way, I guide you back to your path. And because you get tired, I pick you up, feed and comfort you. I love to give you all these good things because you need them. (1) As you continue to come to know me, and experience me in the place of my rest, you will also encounter my great generosity. My extravagant nature will be satisfied in pouring myself out to you, for you were made to know me, and to be known by me. My extravagant heart will bring you to me, and in me you will find your rest. In your rest you will also experience my generosity again and again, f

  • I Will Exchange Your Tears For Laughter

    27/08/2020 Duration: 01min

    As you enter into my rest I will turn your tears of fear, heartache, and disappointment into tears of laughter, joy, and amazement. My goodness is greater than your heartache. My redemption is greater than your disappointment. My love is greater than your fear. And all these little things will be swept away, remembered no more as you encounter me again and again in the place of my rest. (1) So consider all your tears, and consider what caused them, and bring them to me, for these things will be remembered no more, as they are removed. If you will surrender them to me, and hold on to them no longer, I will take them from you and remove them. I will remove the sting. I will remove the knife. I will remove the hurt and allow you to heal and be made whole. I will show you the beauty of my redemption, and you will come to know in greater measure what my son has done for you. You will come to know his great love for you, and how he has renewed all things. (2) So bring all your hurts, disappointments, heartaches a

  • Enter Into My Rest

    26/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Click here to make a donation to support these daily prophetic words http://www.neilvermillion.com/donate/ Enter into my rest, my Dear One, for in fellowship with me all your worries, cares, and fears will melt away. In union with me you will be free to play and frolic. You will be free to dream without hindrance, so enter into my rest and put your trust in me. My plans for you will cause you to prosper and will satisfy you. My plans will bring you to the fullness of your potential and you will manifest and realize who you are in me. (1) In this awareness you will move forward rapidly, securely, and accurately, for you will see your path, and understand your steps - each step, one at a time. You will be fully aware of the pace at which you are traveling, and with this understanding and awareness you will move forward in all I set before you in grace and passion. My heart's desires will guide you into the path not only of your destiny and purpose, but of your fulfillment and satisfaction too. (2) My plans w

  • Forgetting Lies And Misunderstandings

    25/08/2020 Duration: 03min

    I know where you have come from, and I know where you are headed. I know who you are, how you think, and what your limits, hurts, and fears are. In spite of all these things I know about you, I am inviting you to come to me, for I will make all things new again. I will make your mind and heart new again, and will make your dreams, hopes, and plans fresh again. Even your memories of the past, I will renew. I will redeem and restore all things, even things that have already happened. (1) In this invitation you will come to know me, but you will also encounter aspects of yourself as well, for you see yourself incorrectly. You know yourself incompletely, so I will draw you close to me, and cause you to come to a place of revelation, not only of me, but of who you really are as I see you. In your error you do not see the landscape correctly. You see obstacles, hurts, and mountains - all these things, and even more - as too big for you. You see things as being too difficult, or even impossible. But as you walk w

  • My Joy Is A Gift To You

    24/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    My joy will go before you and will open your heart. My joy will speak to you, as you find rest, protection, and recuperation in the midst of my presence. My joy will sustain and invigorate you. My joy will be a gift and a blessing to you, but it will also be essential to you as well. My joy will be crucial and imperative and will become your greatest delight, and for this reason you will accept no substitute, but will grow in your insistence of experiencing my joy. (1) My joy will empower you to dream, for you will look at your own hands and see your limits, but as you experience my joy your heart will conceive my plans, vision, hope, and provision for you. As you do, all these limits will be pushed back, making room for the expansion I have already set into motion, for all these things were chosen for my good pleasure, and all these things will be revealed over the course of time, in their due season. (2) As you see the path marked before you, and you encounter your enemies, limits, and inadequacies rememb

  • Your Choice To Remember Your Original Vision And Inspiration

    21/08/2020 Duration: 03min

    Each day is a launching point for you. Each day is an opportunity for you to choose to move forward, remain where you are, or go backward. In each day you have choices again and again, and it is up to you to decide how you will respond - so choose wisely, for your choices matter. When you are confronted with many choices simultaneously, and you feel overwhelmed or confused, do not hesitate to reach out to me, for I have heard you already and I will make myself known to you as you call out to me. (1) As you call out you will remember me by my spirit. You will see and understand, and will remember you are never alone. I will comfort and inspire your heart for I will make your path plain to see, and clear to understand. There will be no confusion or fear. In fellowship with me you will remain in the center of peace, security, and stability. You will not hesitate to make the right choice for I will show it to you, as I also empower you to take action. I will supply the courage you need to make every choice requi

  • Dismantle Your Habits And Come To Me

    20/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Though so much seems slow in its arrival, development, and maturation, understand it is not slow, for in your presumption you think I am negligent. In your presumption you think I have forgotten. In your presumption you think I am incompetent, but you think these things because you do not know me. You think these things because these are familiar to you. You think these things because it makes sense and validates your experiences, paradigms, and assumptions. However, as you come to know me for who I really am, not what you project onto me, you will see my timing as beautiful, glorious, and excellent. (1) You will no longer presume things to be arriving so slowly. You will no longer perceive development and progress as slow in maturing. You will no longer consider me negligent, absent-minded, or incompetent, for you will know me as I am. In this knowledge you will be humbled and amazed as you gaze upon and perceive my beauty and glory, for my perfection is beyond what you can imagine. My perfection is beyond

  • Your Perspective Will Shift And Change

    19/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Click here to make a donation to support these daily prophetic words http://www.neilvermillion.com/donate/ You resist me as if I am working against you. You resist me as if I am moving you away from what is best for you. You resist me as if you know me not. Rather than resist me, trust me. Rather than push against the wind, allow yourself to observe and cooperate, for in your cooperation I will reveal and show you many things and you will prosper. I will guide you to things you have not conceived or perceived and you will be blessed as a result of your responsiveness to the guidance by my spirit. (1) My plans are to prosper you, not harm you. My plans are to see you flourish, not to see you dwindle or diminish. My plans are to bring you to your greatest fulfillment, your maximum blessing and benefit, so allow me to govern, guide, and speak to you, as I continually direct you. In receiving my guidance and adopting my ways, in my timing, you will open up your heart to see, understand, and know all I have for

  • Rest, Receive, And Follow

    18/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    You press, pull, stress, and strive but what good does it do you? What can you accomplish by your worries? Can you add another hour to your life? Seek me and come to know me, for in your quest you will surely find me. In your discovery and exploration you will uncover many answers as you learn valuable lessons along the way, for I am your ultimate destination, but I am also your ultimate journey as well. (1) As you continue to seek me, you will invent and discover new tactics, methods, technologies, and applications for what I have given you. My spirit will guide you into all truth, especially that which you have not yet discovered. I will give you new ideas, combinations, innovations, and paradigms, for my spirit of innovation will manifest among my people. My fingerprint will be left upon all my work, and surely my people who know, love, and follow me will accomplish my work. Sit quietly and open your heart and mind, as you allow me to download all I have for you. In your stressing and striving you miss t

  • Allow Yourself The Luxury Of Resting And Trusting In My Peace

    17/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Within you are many ideas, directions, and options, but I will guide you. I will steer your path and inspire you. I will direct your course as I orchestrate the timing of and synchronization of them all, for there are many layers, events, and individual trajectories developing simultaneously. There are many agendas progressing at different rates, yet I will manage them all. I will bring them all to their destined and appointed fulfillment, and will do so, not only excellently, but precisely on-time as well. (1) There is nothing too hard or too complex for me. There is nothing I have not already seen, acknowledged, and understood. So as you see events unfolding and circumstances developing in your own life, understand I have seen them all already, and am more than well acquainted with them. I also see all of the variations and possibilities too, and have made more than adequate allowances for every possibility. There will never be anything that occurs out of my sight, knowledge, or awareness. (2) So let your

  • Amazement In Our Union

    14/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    It is for my good pleasure I have seen fit to bring you close to me. In our union you will come to know all the glorious riches you have inherited. Your mind sees things backwards and you interpret things upside down. You see problems, where the victory has already been accomplished. You see obstacles, where the solution has already been presented. You see heartache, when you have already been given direct access to the most glorious source of joy and happiness that has ever existed. (1) In our union and fellowship together you will come to see yourself as I see you. You will see the world, your circumstances, and your problems as I see them. As a result, you will no longer look at things backwardly as you do now. You will see and understand. You will hear and perceive. You will receive and comprehend, and your heart will continually grow and expand in the wonders of my goodness and mercy, for there are so many universes of mysteries yet before you. (2) Do not concern yourself with these things for now, but

  • You Will Be Delightfully Surprised

    13/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    There are such wonders and delights in store for you. As you come to me I will continue to reveal them one at a time, one after the other, again and again. I will amaze and surprise you, even though you have already known these things from a distance, for my glory and my splendor are greater than you imagine. My righteousness and capacity for generosity are greater than you imagine. My forgiveness and patience is greater than you imagine. So forget your notions of who I am and allow yourself to imbibe the joy of the reality who I am. (1) In this reality you will begin to see me as I truly am, not as you have previously conceived I am. With this understanding you will be so delightfully surprised, because you know me partially, but not fully. In the discovery of who I truly am you will be excited, enamored, and amazed, for I will intrigue you beyond what you think reasonable. I will perplex and inspire you beyond what you have capacity to contain. I will attract and compel you beyond what you think is even po

  • The Illumination Of Your Motives

    12/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Click here to make a donation to support these daily prophetic words http://www.neilvermillion.com/donate/ The great extremes of my love for you will be shown to you again and again as you are willing and able to sit with me and realize them. I have made them freely available to you already, and I will show and remind you repeatedly, as much as is needed. My love and patience for you is great. As you allow me to speak to your heart you will come to find there is never any need to worry or fear, for all my plans for you are great. (1) All things are in the palm of my hand, and all circumstances will work to your good over the course of time as you continue follow me. I will speak to you plainly, and you will come to know what I have for you in great detail. In the understanding of this revelation you will become very bold and courageous, for the vision set before you will activate the passions and desires already planted deep within you. As these desires grow, they will manifest the gifts and callings plante

  • You Have Never Been Forgotten Or Abandoned

    11/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    Though it seems your life is progressing very slowly, understand I have never forgotten nor abandoned you. You are in the very center of my sight, for my plans for you are not the plans you have conceived for yourself. In the times of delays, confusion, even catastrophe, I have also given you my grace to support and sustain you. So when you feel lost, confused, abandoned and neglected, remember the grace already given you, for my grace will be more than sufficient for you. (1) In remembering my grace your heart will be renewed. You will feel young again, but centered again. You will remember your first love, and your original intent will be revived. All the goals, plans, and dreams you conceived when your love was young and new will come to your remembrance, and hope will be resurrected again. In this place of resurrected hope you will be bold in your heart and dreams, for my spirit will breathe on you, and you will realize who you already are. (2) The circumstances that seemed so perilous, powerful, and ov

  • Embracing Your Dependence On Me

    10/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    In your limits you will encounter the edge of yourself, and at this edge you will also discover where I begin. As you encounter your limits you will also begin to encounter me. So as you feel yourself being drawn and led to the edge of yourself, to your very limits, do not shrink back from this. Do not hide yourself from the limits set before you, for in confronting, and acknowledging your limits you will also discover your dependence on me. (1) While you may not be inclined to move towards this dependence on me, understand you are dependent regardless if you realize it or not. So allow yourself the freedom to realize your dependence with courage. Face it with boldness and confidence. Face it without hesitation, for as you embrace the realization of your dependence on me you will be liberated from your own worries, concerns, and self-evaluation, for you will know I am your source for everything you need. (2) You will know I am your guide and shepherd, the one who steers, directs, and governs. With this real

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