Fusion City Church



This is the weekly podcast for Fusion City Church located in Kannapolis, NC.


  • God is So Over It

    19/05/2024 Duration: 34min

    When you are in trouble, where you turn for help matters. You may find something that actually helps, or you may find something that adds to the trouble. In other words, when we look for help in the wrong place, it adds difficulty to the situation we are trying to fix. In a country with lots of division, tension, and questions our solution is not on the left or the right, but above. Join us and learn how to shift your focus on the only thing that can really help.

  • Peace Makers, Light Keepers

    12/05/2024 Duration: 37min

    Have you ever misheard something that was said and ended up lost, confused, or angry? In His most famous sermon, Jesus opens with a list of things that would increase our joy for living. We call them the Beattitudes. They all start with "Blessed are the..." One of resolves in that list is "Peacemakers." We read, "Blessed are the peacemakers," but many of us heard: "Blessed are the peacekeepers." The difference makes, well, all the difference. Join us and we'll talk about that difference and what to do about it.

  • One for the World

    05/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    Every tense political season in our country provides a remarkable opportunity for the Church to be and do what Christ called us to be and do. Almost every time, we fail or have very limited success in taking advantage of that opportunity. Here we are again: a divided country, polarizing candidates for President, moral issues creating debate, and for most of us, no clear way forward. What are the followers of Christ supposed to do? Lucky for us, Jesus saw this coming, and gave us some instructions. Actually, He prayed for us to follow some instructions. We'll look at those today. Wouldn't it be cool if we could be the answer to Jesus' prayer?

  • Numbers & Deuteronomy


    The adage says: "You can't know where you're going until you know where you've been." That was certainly Moses' mindset after seeing and experiencing the consequences levied on his generation for their behavior. Like any good person, Moses instructs future generations, including ours, to learn from their mistakes. His retelling of the events, and his warnings comprise the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy. If you have any interest in learning something the easy way (instead of by making the same mistakes) join us at Fusion City Church this morning as we continue to Binge the Bible

  • Leviticus


    Chances are, if you have tried to read it, Leviticus is not your favorite book of the Bible. Or, it has been weaponized by a naysayer of Christianity to debunk or devalue your faith. Either way, no one would be excited about a message about Leviticus. However, when we understand its purpose and how it factors into the larger story of the Bible, its message is a powerful one. Come hang out with us today at Fusion City Church and let's see if we can trade all of our bad experiences with Leviticus for new perspective as we continue to Binge the Bible.

  • Exodus


    Our trust of anyone is dependent on their ability to repeatedly come through. The story of God's faithfulness in Exodus is a picture of His grace, His provision, and His awareness of the plight of His people. Knowing that God knows, that He cares, and that He will faithfully move on behalf of His people is a great reminder of why we can trust Him. Today, we'll see a bunch of examples of how God always comes through as we continue to Binge the Bible.

  • Genesis


    Are you intimidated by the Bible? It's a lot pages, a lot of history, and lot of commands, and a lot of information about an invisible, but all powerful God. Do you feel like the Bible is important, but confusing? If so, then our new series is for you! We are going to do a flyover, book by book through the Bible. Much like your favorite shows on TV, we are going to do so in seasons, starting today with Season 1.

  • Resurrection Sunday


    More often than not during His earthly ministry, Jesus shattered the expectations of onlookers and listeners. Lucky for us, the same was true regarding His death. As miraculous as the resurrection of Jesus is, it does not matter if it doesn't matter to you. Today, we'll celebrate our Risen Savior, but we will also confront ourselves with the question regarding the resurrection...what now?

  • Palm Sunday


    Easter is just one week away and a lot of prep work needs to happen in just a few days... Jesus starts preparing TODAY for Easter Sunday and so should we. Join us this morning as we look at Palm Sunday in 33 AD as Jesus makes his triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

  • It Takes Three


    As long as you think your spouse owes you, your marriage will be all about keeping score. That destroys intimacy. It destroys love. But what are we supposed to do about our hopes, dreams, and desires? First, we have an honest conversation about those things, and then we invite God into the relationship to help. God has a stipulation, though, before He will get involved. Today, we'll find out what that is, and how God can help.

  • What's Love Got to do With It?


    If there is one part of scripture read at weddings more than any other it is definitely 1 Corinthians 13. It is most commonly referred to as the "love chapter." How ironic would it be if you were to find out that getting married actually makes it harder to love your spouse in the manner described in that chapter? Well, it's true. It's true because of a shift that takes place early in every marriage. If you would like to know how that could be true, and why that is true, we're going unpack it all in week 2 of our series For Better or Worse.

  • We Before Me


    There is a simple question that many or most married couples never consider, yet not knowing the answer is catastrophic to their marriage relationship and, by proxy, to their family. Here is the question: what is the purpose of marriage? If someone cannot answer that question, is it not safe to say they should not get married? Yet it is happening, and has happened countless times. So, what do we do? We consult the one who thought the whole thing up, so we can know its original design, and as a result reap its full effect and benefit. That is exactly the purpose of our new series starting today called, For Better or Worse.

  • What are You Afraid Of?


    Our lives consist of innumerable decisions. There are limited number of hours in our day, dollars in our accounts, and loyalties to be dispensed. As a result, we are required to choose where our limited quantities of resources are placed. Each decision is a trade, one thing for another. When God offers to us a relationship with Him, it comes with a trade. We trade our old fears for a new fear. So today, we'll seek to answer the question: what are you afraid of?

  • Contrast and Consequence


    Jesus said, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." If the goal of following Christ is to align our hearts with His, wouldn't there be a problem if our treasure did not find its way to all the places and people who had Jesus' heart? Of course Jesus loves us as well, but how much stuff is too much when there are so many that do not have enough? More importantly what is the impact on our relationship with Christ when we ignore what He says is of high importance? Chances are the answer is more dire than many of us realize.

  • Radical Urgency


    Just because something is important does not necessarily mean that it gets our full attention. Just about everyone agrees that diet and exercise are important, but not everyone eats well and exercises. Why is that? With that as a framework, is it not possible that Jesus could tell us something is of the upmost importance and we agree that it is important only to do nothing about it? It is not just possible, it is prominent. Today, we'll take a look at a command of Christ and work to develop a sense of urgency around what Jesus said was important.

  • Radical Compassion


    Do we really, actually, authentically care about the lost? If we're honest with ourselves, how much do we REALLY think about it? When we do think about them, how much does it REALLY affect us? Chances are we do not think about them very often, and when we do the truth of their reality makes a surface level impact on us. Today, we'll take our cue from Jesus to see if our awareness of and response to those who do not know him are aligned.

  • Count the Cost


    To do the right thing for the wrong reason always produces, at best, a half-hearted celebration from those who hear of it. We are glad of the good done, but disturbed by the motivations behind it. When our following of Christ is reduced to a list of tasks to complete and boxes to check we are, in fact, doing the right things but from the wrong motivations. In no uncertain terms, Jesus completely removed the option of just checking boxes as a means of being His disciple. Somehow, our modern version of Christianity managed to slip the boxes back in. Today, we'll discover what following Jesus truly requires.

  • On His Terms


    With so many religious beliefs that include Jesus (Christian, Mormons, Jehovah's Witness, etc) and then denominations among some of those religions, it is obvious that the Bible can be interpreted differently. The truth of the matter is that there is only one correct interpretation of everything in the Bible. Lots of churches, and lots of well-meaning people have lots of differing ideas of what it means, and what it looks like to follow Jesus. Does it not make sense, though, if we are going to commit to following Jesus that we maybe check with Jesus about what HE says that entails? Starting today at Fusion City Church we are going to walk through the Gospels and some teachings of Jesus to determine if what some would call Radically Christian, might, in fact, just be Christian.

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