Lessons From The Universe With Jennifer Hall

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 33:31:00
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The Lessons from the Universe podcast is your guide along the spiritual path to awareness and awakening. The lessons here strive to develop interconnectedness, gratitude, peacefulness, and ultimately the manifestation of a life you truly want to live and love. © 2018 psychicjenniferhall.com


  • Sometimes People Suck

    06/04/2024 Duration: 01min

    Sometimes people suck and that is ok.

  • Podcast 192 – Some Things are More Important Than Fear

    17/06/2022 Duration: 12min

    Jennifer is taking a risk here, pushing you to have an open mind, and asking you to hear the message even if it makes you uncomfortable.  Our culture and language are changing.  Words we thought we understood are becoming taboo, genders and identities are now fluid, and every one of us is likely to make a mistake.  We need to normalize asking for what is appropriate, releasing once widely accepted norms, and humbly apologizing when we misstep even if we are approached with anger or resentment.  This new world is more important than the old one, because it is where we live and breathe and have life.  Change can be scary, but some things are more important than fear.   © 2022 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 191 Juggling the Complexities of Relationships

    25/04/2022 Duration: 15min

    Most people won’t hesitate to say their lives would be easier (or at least easier to manage), if it weren’t for all these other people, their emotions, and their opinions.  That might be true, but without these relationships and interactions, we would cease to grow and life school would be a lot more boring a lot more often.  The key is not eliminating people from our lives, but learning to separate our emotions, moods, and needs from theirs. © 2022 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Grapevine Wellness Expo Live Event April 2, 2022

    11/04/2022 Duration: 29min

    The Universe utilizes Jennifer Hall to relay the most important and essential messages for an individual’s achievement of Highest Good. In live forums, Jennifer shares information in whatever form it is received- as messages from past loved ones, insight into misuse of personal energy, teachings about Universal Truths, etc.  At this echoing event center in Texas on April 2nd, Jennifer discussed a wide variety of topics including, relationships, self-mastery, spiritual awakening, Mercury Retrograde, and more!

  • Podcast 190 – Let’s See What the Universe will do with This

    12/03/2022 Duration: 12min

    Sometimes the only thing we can do is trust the process, follow through with the task for the task’s sake and embrace an experience for simply that…experience.  In Lesson 190, we have a free flow conversation about mindfulness, potential, and enjoying the simplicity of life. © 2022 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 189 – Doors not Wall – The Art of Navigating Boundaries

    19/02/2022 Duration: 11min

    We all know boundaries are healthy and important.  We know we need them for ourselves, and we need to respect them when directly or indirectly imposed by others. While many of us have instances in our lives that require walls in defense of toxic people, all of us have relationships, topics, and priorities that require permeable boundaries instead. In Lesson 189, we discuss navigating and creating boundaries that provide doors for communication in place of the walls that divide us.   © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 188 Power & Opportunity

    29/01/2022 Duration: 13min

    When asked to choose, people often either react too quickly as if there is some prize to be lost or completely shut down as if the result will become some sort of imprisonment.  Its time to change the way we think about choice, to embrace it as what it truly is.  Choice is power and opportunity.  It is the space we give ourselves to exercise our personal power.  It is the opportunity to determine for ourselves what is most suitable, most useful, and ultimately what will allow us to thrive.    Love the show?  Did you know you can “buy me a coffee”?  Check it out… https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JennHall   © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 187 Did you know?

    24/12/2021 Duration: 22min

    Criticism, conflict, and rejection are things of value.  They teach us who we really are, grow our emotional awareness, and endow us with grit.  Finding value in the moments so many of us face with contempt is one of the most necessary skills in living a spiritual life.  In Lesson 187, we discuss a variety of topics that when flipped to the positive help us know ourselves and more easily determine the next most valuable steps on our paths toward awakening.    Love the show?  Did you know you can “buy me a coffee”?  Check it out… https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JennHall   © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 186 – Boredom is a tool.

    03/12/2021 Duration: 24min

    Boredom is a plea from our souls to take responsibility for our own contentment instead of blindly relying on others to add meaning to our lives.  It is the Universe urging us to release contempt, to accept the value of our day-to-day experiences and seek new ways of embracing the elements of being.  As we lose ourselves in the forest of discontent, boredom begs us to replace these well-worn neuropathways with new connections, deliberate passion, and intentional enthusiasm.  © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 185 – Kintsugi & the birth of Intentional Enthusiasm

    16/11/2021 Duration: 22min

    It’s time for a reset…all of us, collectively and individually.  It’s time to recognize how we’ve set our sights on autopilot intentionally and subconsciously.  It’s time for a reset.  It’s time to live with intentional enthusiasm.    It’s time to view our negative thoughts as mathematical equations, to rewrite them, and to set ourselves free.  © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 184 – Sacred Love

    24/10/2021 Duration: 23min

    Sacred love is about so much more than just seeking the divine in another person.  It is about seeking the divine in ourselves as well.  It is the decision to offer grace and to purse it.  It is the selflessness to both grant equity and be willing to accept it when it is offered.  It is the continual pursuit of right thinking, and the determination required to dissect and breakdown the wall that separates us from those with which we seek true alliance.   It is the ultimate quest for self-mastery fueled by openly accepting there will many days in which it is lacking. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 183 – Déjà Vu

    02/10/2021 Duration: 16min

    Déjà vu is easy to ignore.  All too often we shake it off as coincidence or forgotten memory.  We forget that nothing is arbitrary and miss the reminders, confirmations, and warnings that déjà vu sweeps in to provide.  In truth, déjà vu is a calling.  Its nudging us ever so gently to pay attention.  It is granting us a great gift.  Sometimes the gift is small, a reminder that even the mundane is precious.  Other times, the gift is grown out past the edges of our human comprehension, the opportunity to make a day or even save a life. 

  • Podcast 182 – What to do when you’re having a hard time.

    17/09/2021 Duration: 24min

    Sometimes life is hard.  Sometimes people are difficult.  Sometimes we’re so annoyed we don’t even like ourselves.  In any case, there is only one thing we truly have control over.  Its us, ourselves, our thinking, our reactions, and our willingness to take responsibility for our own physical health, desire for control, and innate insecurities.  In Lesson 182, we discuss these things and more as we reflect on grace, equity, self-mastery, karmic reflections, and the ultimate goal of all spiritual practice…self mastery. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • We are Mirrors – Podcast 181

    29/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    We are mirrors, channels of higher wisdom, catalysts for positive change.  We all have the power and presence to change someone’s life or even the collective consciousness as a whole.   The Universe may use us with or without our conscious knowledge, using our image and likeness for the emotion, security, and confidence it evokes in others.  Acceptance of this divine reality is required as an awakened soul.  It is a sacred privilege to be treasured and valued.  Denial of this truth is ego not humility.   In this rewind of Lesson 58, Jennifer shares personal experiences, as well as, the understanding, knowledge, and motivation to accept this divine reality in your own lives.  © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 180 – Freedom & Creativity

    07/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    Creativity is cause, the source of all things.  The key is to harness, direct, and empower the creative forces of mind to open the desired doors pushing the momentum of cause toward the endless possibilities, countless realities, and peace of mind available to us all. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 179 – Freeing the Victim

    24/07/2021 Duration: 21min

    Sometimes without intention, we become victims by our own allegiance, fear, or karmic attachment.  We suffer as we continue to pursue some object, affection, validation, forgiveness, or amends that is completely unnecessary in our pursuit of self-mastery and wholeness.  Freeing the victim within is the answer.  Releasing attachment to outer approval, validation, and praise is the work.  Peace of mind is the reward. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 178 – Creating Ourselves from Chaos

    10/07/2021 Duration: 24min

    As we create ourselves, the desire for control rolls in dressed in many disguises.  It can “look like” righteousness, wisdom, or generosity.  It can feel like restoration, love, or selfcare, but in most cases it is us getting in our own way while hindering the evolution of others.  In Lesson 178, we continue our pursuit of self-mastery, learn to become better partners, and explore a little Ancient Egyptian Wisdom along the way. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 177 – I learn. I grow. I move on.

    27/06/2021 Duration: 20min

    Our mental habits define our lives, dictate joy over pain, and mandate the quality of our relationships.  They wrap us in jealousy where there should be praise and rob us of hope, understanding, and allyship.  Gaining control of this all-important element of life and self-mastery requires wrangling our thoughts and reprogramming our cognitive loops. Success in this process benefits us on every level in every part of our lives, and at the end we gift ourselves with better days, better relationships, and a heightened self-reverence that allows us to navigate all challenges with ease. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 176 – Attachment

    11/06/2021 Duration: 12min

    Obligation is no reason for attachment.  If a relationship has run its course, lost its mutual respect, or grown toxic to anyone involved, it is time to let it go.  There may be history, love, even longing, but these do not always require uncomfortable conversations, the degradation of our values, or emotional blindness. Sometimes, the most loving, compassionate thing we can do for ourselves and others is to simply let them go. © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

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