Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison



Why Struggle? podcast with Barbara J. Faison shares ideas, insights and simple practices to live an intentional life and thrive. Enjoy meditations, affirmations, and practices along with musings from daily living.


  • 2024 - Week 23 - A Few Practices

    05/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    All the links: LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON This is a podcast about knowing yourself and having sustainable practices. Developing and sustaining a daily meditation practice for over 25 years helped me gain a deeper level of self-awareness. I have learned that the more I practice the more I gain a level of self-mastery with what I am practicing. Being self-aware and having personal insight allows me to recognize when I need to focus on a specific tool or technique, MORE. I remember when I was at dinner with a few former colleagues in 2017 and an active shooter entered the restaurant. We were ending dinner when we heard the words, “Everybody down.” I was with three much younger ladies reminding them to breathe and affirming that we would be okay. Was I concerned as we were underneath the table waiting for more news? Of course. I also had a strong sense that we would all be fine. As the scene dispersed and the police arrived we found out that the person who instructed us to get down was a retired police officer. Tim

  • 2024 - Week 22 - Stay Grounded

    29/05/2024 Duration: 08min

    All the links: LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 22 - Pat Yourself on the Back You can listen to this on my podcast - 8:36 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only) This is a podcast about trusting yourself and patting yourself on the back. How are you doing? I’m feeling really proud of myself right now. Over the long weekend my husband and I did a lot of work around the house.  We both worked diligently on our projects around the house. Mine included cleaning out the refrigerator, cleaning out and organizing the pots and pans, organizing our sunroom, which had become very cluttered. And also our guest room. Well, let’s just say no one could sleep in there. Lol. It was a very active weekend filled with lots of bags being thrown out and things being donated. Monday evening around 7:30 pm I went to sit out in the retreat space in the back of my yard, and before I could sit for five minutes, mosquitoes reminded me that it was too late to be out there. I went back to the house an

  • 2024 - Week 21 - Stay Grounded

    22/05/2024 Duration: 09min

    All the Links: LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 21 - Stay Grounded You can listen to this on my podcast - 9:39 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only) CHECK OUT THE NATIONAL MEDITATION PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE This podcast is about staying grounded. This past weekend my husband, TD, and I went out to San Antonio, Texas to visit with his sister and her husband. Whenever I travel, I like extra time to recuperate from the travel. What that means for me is giving myself permission to rest a little bit more in the morning instead of jumping up out of bed and starting my day. After sitting on the flight for over an hour due to mechanical difficulties, Delta has us change planes.  The flight to San Antonio had so much turbulence due to the storms in Houston that the flight crew was unable to leave their seats.  Nothing like a flight with constant turbulence to remind you of what's important in life. I took a lot of deep breaths while watching The Beekeeper on the plane.  A great

  • 2024 - Week 20 - Take A Breath

    15/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    All the links: LINKTR.EE/Barbarafaison 2024 - Week 20 - Start with A Breath CHECK OUT THE NATIONAL MEDITATION PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE This is a podcast about starting with one breath as the foundation for being present. Here’s a quick story about this week’s podcast. I received a download in bed yesterday morning and created a note in my OneNote file on my phone. Last night as I was about to email it to myself to review, I accidentally deleted it. Soooo… I went back to see what I was talking about for National Meditation Month last year and I think this is what needed to be shared. No, I know this is what needed to be shared. Enjoy this encore podcast of week 20 from 2023. And you also get an opportunity for a brief breathwork practice. I hope you enjoy it! I did pull a card so be sure to listen for the card in the moment. I would say we are back into the business of the” busyness” of life after the pandemic. Time is a premium for most of us and we all have the ability to make choices about where and how we spen

  • 2024 - Week 19 - Our Personal Guidance Systems (PGS)

    08/05/2024 Duration: 10min

    LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON This is a podcast about trusting your Personal Guidance System. Guess what y'all? It’s National Meditation Month… I get a little geeky about this because meditation has been such an important part of my life since the 90’s. I started meditating because I was struggling and tired of the struggle. Back then there was no YouTube or podcasts or any of the really cool technology that we have now. I bought Shakti Gawain’s CASSETTE TAPE called Creative Visualization which was a 30 minute program. I thought I was going to EXPLODE. Trying to sit and visualize for me was very stressful. You see, when someone walks me through a beautiful visualization practice, I don’t see a thing, just the black behind my eyelids. Lol Meditation is such a personal practice. Some people see images, others are really impacted by sounds and other people, like me, are more connected to feelings and sensations when they practice. My meditation practice is one of the key steps I take daily as I walk that journey

  • 2024 - Week 18 - Beach Day Trip

    24/04/2024 Duration: 07min

    All links - Linktr.ee/barbarafaison 2024 - Week 18 - Beach Day Trip Destin FL is one of my favorite places to go to the beach. The blue water from the Gulf of Mexico can be mistaken for beaches from other countries. I remember when I had pictures of Puerto Rico and Destin in my camera roll and I couldn’t tell them apart. 2019 was the last time I was at the beach, we were in Panama City, FL. It had been wayyy toooo long. I missed hearing the waves of the ocean and feeling the wind caress my skin. When I found myself being irritated more than usual, I knew what it was. My body was calling me to the beach. I needed to be near the water. I suggested to my husband, TD, that we take a day trip to Savannah to go to Tybee Island. Bonus: We have never been, so we got to do something new, a twofer. lol The drive from our house was less than four hours and it was a lovely Saturday to be on the road. I could feel my body getting ready to be near the water as we got closer to our destination. I have learned that my body

  • 2024 - Week 17 - Pinochle, Platelets and Resident Alien

    24/04/2024 Duration: 07min

    2024 - Week 17 - Pinochle, Platelets and Resident Alien All the links: Linktr.ee/barbarafaison Doing new things is great for your brain. I am an LL- a lifelong learner and I’m grateful that for the most part I enjoy trying new things. I’ve been doing new things so long it really is second nature for me, most of the time. Watching a genre of a movie or a series you normally wouldn’t watch is doing something new. It can also be picking up something new when you go grocery shopping or turning down a different street on your way home. It doesn’t have to be major, just something “different” from the usual. This week I did three new things: Pinochle, donated platelets and watched Resident Alien on Netflix. Pinochle Last weekend I went over to my friend Kym Kennedy's house for a birthday celebration. At these gatherings, we pretty much hang out for the day. It's always a lot of fun and people come and go based on their availability. I arrived mid afternoon after a four hour shift working at the local l

  • 2024 - Week 16 - Take a Breath

    17/04/2024 Duration: 09min

    All the links - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 16 - Take a Breath You can listen to this on my podcast - 8:13 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only) Wouldn't it be nice to have people do what we want them to do all day long? Good luck with that. We live in a society of free will. Every day we make choices. Each person takes a path that will be filled with learning experiences for that individual. You can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. The only behavior you can control is your own. A reminder of this is watching a two-year-old or any child have a tantrum. The child will stop when ready, no matter what anyone tries to say or do to him or her We can't control anyone as much as we may think we can learn to accept people for who they are, not who you want them to be. Learn to manage your ability to respond to others and check in with yourself. Learn to step back and check your expectations. Practice: before you ask anyone to change his or

  • Week 15 - Celebrations!

    10/04/2024 Duration: 08min

    All the links - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 15 - Celebrations! This is a podcast about celebrating friendships and enjoying life. My dear friend Bonnie is celebrating her birthday and a group of us will go salsa dancing on Friday. When I was chatting with her earlier this week, neither one of us could remember exactly when we met. Well, we remembered when we met, we just couldn’t remember the year. We’re pretty sure it was around 2000ish. Lol At that time, I was dancing once or twice a week around various places in Atlanta. One Friday night while I was at the Duplex listening to music and dancing in place, Bonnie came over and struck up a conversation. That act started the beginning of our friendship. Over the next 20+ years, we experienced a lot! Whenever I had a program and needed support, Bonnie was there. She would be there early, stay for the program, and help me clean up afterwards. In fact after I got married, my husband noticed whenever something was taking place whether it was people coming

  • 2024 Week 14 - Staying Grounded

    03/04/2024 Duration: 11min

    All the Links - Linktr.ee/barbarafaison 2024 - Week 14 - Staying Grounded This is a podcast about how I stay grounded. Last week I mentioned using your phone to remind you during the day to stop and check in with yourself.  Are you checking in with yourself? Are you noticing how you feel and paying attention to how you are moving through the day? I notice when I’m rushing or moving fast I drop things. I might have too many things in my hand as I’m walking to the car and I drop something. Maybe if I put my water bottle down and make another trip that wouldn’t happen. Lol. So lately I have been noticing and stopping and putting my hand in the center of my chest and taking a few breaths and lovingly saying to myself, “Barbara, slow down.” Spring brings a different energy than winter. When the weather is nice it makes me want to be outside more and do a lot.  New ideas and adventures are naturally a part of spring since we were more inside and closed off during the winter months.  I’ve learned it’s important t

  • 2024 - Week 13 - Deep Breathing Practice

    27/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 13 - Deep Breathing We are officially in spring. Yay! And there’s still a lot going on in the world. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to really have to remind myself to stop and take deep breaths during the day even more. One of my practices is to have my phone alarm at different times during the day. I change the word alarm to an affirmation or something I want to be reminded of, like take 5 deep breaths. I call this my Affirmation Alarm Practice. My alarm at 1:11 PM is All is Well with high-fives emojis and hearts. At 4:44pm the alarm prompts me to Take. Deep. Breaths. The 10:30 PM alarm is Thank You for This Day with emojis as well. Emojis remind me to be less serious… Yes, I have to be reminded of this often. lol After over 25 years meditating daily, practice is what it’s all about. It’s also the little things like connecting with your breath and your body and finding moments of beauty and presence.  Did you know that taking a few deep breaths during the day r

  • 2024 - Week 12 - THIS Moment

    20/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    All the LINKS - linktr.ee/barbarafaison You can listen to this on my podcast - 9:11 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only) This is a podcast about taking in all that is happening in the moment and flowing with life. When I have my live meditation sessions I often talk about the infinity symbol and how it is a lovely reminder to flow with life. The word infinity is from the Latin word 'infinitas' and it means 'unboundedness' or 'endless'. The infinity symbol reminds me of the ebbs and flows of life. All the perceived ups and downs and the waves of emotions we may feel throughout the day. The symbol looks like a sideways number eight. I draw the infinity symbol in the air and I share what I see as a flow; going with the changes of life as they come. Feeling down and then rising up and falling back down then coming back up again, and the cycle repeats.  Life is lived in moments. In one moment I can be filled with immense joy and in another I may recei

  • 2024 - Week 11 - Patience and Acceptance

    13/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    All the links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison This is an episode about patience and acceptance. Do you know the expression patience is a virtue? I never got that virtue. lol I must've been missing on the day that they were giving that out to people. I remember my father teasing me growing up, calling me his pet nickname for me, Doll. “Doll you just gotta be patient.” He would tell me. Yeah, me, not so much. Well, what I've learned in all of these decades of life is whatever I need to stay in practice with is what I will have the opportunity to practice even more.  Teaching keeps me accountable. There's nothing like a fever blister on my lip to remind me of the my relationship to patience, acceptance and wisdom. I’ve gotten fever blisters my whole life. I woke up a few days ago with a big, juicy fever blister on the right side of my lip, the usual spot where I have a fever blister show up. One thing a fever blister has taught me is acceptance and divine timing. The fever blister goes through the stages

  • 2024 - Week 10 - Money

    07/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    All the links: Linktr.ee/barbarafaison Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/barbarajfaison Week 10 - Money This is an episode about money, content creation and online platforms. Money is not Evil Money is not the root of evil. Money or currency is a representation of what people think will make them happy. Being rich will set you free from all the demons of the world, right? Does money truly motivate you, or is it the freedom that having money provides? If we lived in a society where having a golden duck was the expected level of being rich, would everyone try to find as many golden ducks as they could? What is a lot of money? Does money equate to happiness? Investigate your beliefs about money and take time to get clear about your relationship to money. You may have to go deeper into your family dynamics to gain more insight. Practice: Imagine you won the lottery for the amount of money you feel would set you up for life. Think of all the things you would do with your winnings. After thinking of everything, wha

  • 2024 - Week 9 - Embrace Change

    28/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    All the links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison Week 9 - Embrace Change You probably got up this morning and got dressed. You may have showered, brushed your teeth, eaten breakfast, driven to work, read the newspaper, and had a cup of coffee or tea. You have already been through at least six changes. Every moment is a new change, every second is different from the last one. Change is a natural part of the life cycle. Learning to embrace change is a major step toward peace of mind. Imagine seeing an old friend whom you loved dearly and giving him/her a loving hug. Think of this image the next time you have to handle a major change in your life.Picture yourself opening your arms and welcoming the opportunity to grow. Change will show up at your door regardless of how you feel about it. Learn to open the door and welcome your new friend, CHANGE, with a warm embrace. Practice: Think of all the things that change in one hour. If you are having difficulty accepting change, repeat the affirmation, “I am open and willing to

  • 2024 - Week 8 - Be Grateful

    22/02/2024 Duration: 09min

    All links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison Week 8 - Be Grateful This is an episode about how I believe being grateful is an attitude and a practice. A few weeks ago I talked about the The 40 day plan my friend, Regenna London created over 16 years ago. It’s a journal with questions, reminders and encouragement to focus on what you desire for 40 days. One thing I love about this plan is it gets the momentum going for me and I usually continue beyond the 40 days.  It is day 52 of 2024 and I’m still reading, writing & journaling, doing qigong daily and really grateful that I am. Sometimes we need a little boost or encouragement to get started and to keep going. Regenna and I chatted earlier this week and we are both still doing what we started on day 1 of the Forty Day Plan. Yay, us! Please remember to patch yourself on the back! Mom taught me that. I believe gratitude is an attitude and a practice.  Most days I wake up with immense gratitude. Grateful for another day to be here. Grateful for good health, my family

  • 2024 - Week 7 - Be Kind

    14/02/2024 Duration: 09min

    All the links: LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON This is an episode about how I mind my mind and manage less desirable thoughts. There is still a lot of stuff going on in the world and in our personal lives… welcome to life! I do believe that being loving to ourselves and others is the answer to most “situations” - the truth for me is that there are many times I may not be in the space of being loving toward others, however; I can usually make the choice to be kind. Being kind may be stepping away from a conversation, choosing not to share my perspective and not saying anything at all. Yep… being quiet. Lol Do you ever have random thoughts? Of course you do, we all do. Are you being kind to yourself when you do? Learning to be kind to yourself when we have these thoughts that pop up, that we likely don't want or like, is a Practice. What are you saying to yourself when you have these thoughts? Are you upset or mad because you had a thought you didn’t like? Or are you being kind? Let me tell you, learning not to

  • Week 6 - Know Yourself

    07/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    All the Links - https://linktr.ee/barbarafaison This is an episode about how I believe discipline and commitment trump inspiration and motivation. I’ve known Regenna London since 1995 and in those years we have experienced a lot of life together. As a fellow creative (she’s a Gemini, so you know some creating is going on there) we have been each others talk it out partners for projects and life. I think it has been about 16 years since she created her Forty Day Plan, which is a journal with questions, reminders and encouragement to focus on something for forty days to help you live life better. Regenna and I have been using this plan since its inception, between 2 - 4 times a year. It’s a great way to create structure for me and to have discipline to complete projects or goals. I also realize that it is winter, so I choose things that are not as challenging to do and I still feel like I’m moving forward in life. We are on Day 38 - Be Proud - Courage has its rewards is the encouragement for today. Indeed, it t

  • 2024 - Week 5 - Be Adventurous

    31/01/2024 Duration: 08min

    All the links 2024 - Week 5 - Be Adventurous This is an episode about how the mind creates ideas and stories. And how it’s important to decide what’s important to you and not let your mind get carried away. My birthday was January 22, which fell on a Monday and my intention was to do a trip to a cabin with my husband, it’s a vacation we’ve not done together before. I like doing new things and not necessarily traveling to places I’ve been before, unless it’s going to Destin Florida, which I absolutely adore. I digress. In my mind, I found a place, and we would go there and be nice and cozy. I also created this lovely weekend of snuggling up somewhere, and staying warm and just relaxing. Well, my mind creates all kinds of interesting stories and adventures. As it came closer to the time to book something, I didn’t want to do that. A part of me wanted to stay home. Another part of me wanted to go away. I was back and forth for a few weeks. I just couldn’t decide. See how the mind does! Guess what I did... I let

  • 2024 - Week 4 - You Are Not Alone

    24/01/2024 Duration: 08min

    All the links This week I intended to do a different book excerpt. After my morning meditation, this is the one that presented itself for today. Here we go. I have one brother. Tony has two children, Byron and April, and one grandchild, Aiden. I married TD and gained two bonus sons, Tyriel and Dewayne. My mother used to say we are a small family, but we are mighty. My parents instilled in us a bond that continues to this day. My brother has been my protector, my agitator, my friend, and my confidant my entire life. Growing up, I was involved in theater, band, oratorical contests and more. Growing up, he was there, (like it or not) at all of the dance recitals, music recitals, graduations, theater productions, and whatever ever else I had going on. I can still hear my parents saying, “you support and protect your sister.” And to this day, he still does. He has been to book signings, salsa birthday parties and most recently my meditation hike. I am so grateful to have him in my life. I am a person who has to

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