Rotten Tomato Soup



Join lifelong friends Laura, Hannah, and Brennan as they seek out the best and worst performances of any given actor's life work via Rotten Tomatoes reviews and stew 'em together. Every other week they do their heckin' best to make a movie soup the masses can enjoy. It'll be like a cool, culinary Cronenberg experiment. ...Huh. Maybe we'll do Jeff Goldblum at some point.


  • Episode 13 - Joaquin Phoenix

    13/06/2018 Duration: 57min

    Lonely loveboy or tiny chubby small boy? We're spanning the whole length of Joaquin Phoenix's life stew this week, from baby tiny man to actual man. And can I just say? It gets pretty cute up in here. Fresh Winner: "Her" Rotten Loser: "Rusky"

  • Episode 12 - Christopher Lee

    31/05/2018 Duration: 55min

    Puttering wizard or Russian chief of police? Get yourself a big heaping bowl of absolute-LEE delicious stew. See what I did there? Yeah that joke was a piece of fine fucking art compared to the caliber of humor we got from Mission to Moscow. Fresh Winner: "Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers" Rotten Loser: "Police Academy 7: Mission to Moscow."

  • Episode 11 - Saoirse Ronan

    16/05/2018 Duration: 48min

    Irish immigrant or capable cartoon love interest? Get ready to have yourself some of those delicious Irish flavors as we spoon out some Saorise, and don't worry, we had to look up how to pronounce it too. Fresh Winner: "Brooklyn" Rotten Loser: "Justin and the Knights of Valor"

  • Episode 10 - Jessica Lange

    25/04/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Patsy Cline or deranged yet somehow not incestuous mother? Hey we've got some leftover Jessica Lange in the fridge and OWO? WHAT'S THIS? ANOTHER COUNTRY SINGER BIOPIC? Fresh Winner: "Sweet Dreams" Rotten Loser: "Hush"

  • Episode 9 - Tom Hiddleston

    25/04/2018 Duration: 01h13s

    Teenage heart-throb trickster god or Hank Williams? The soup kitchen is aiming to fix your Tom Hiddleston hunger this week. Just be warned: that man has far too many teeth for the size of his mouth. Fresh Winner: "The Avengers" Rotten Loser: "I Saw The Light"

  • Episode 8 - Alan Rickman

    25/04/2018 Duration: 47min

    Period piece nice man or...period...piece...nice man? This week we're slorping out some Alan Rickman may he rest in peace. No seriously. We loved you very much. All respect. Fresh Winner: "Sense and Sensibility" Rotten Loser: "A Promise"

  • Episode 7 - Sigourney Weaver

    10/01/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Badass space hero or 80's honeypot? This week we're spooning out some Sigourney soup for all the hungry little boys and girls out there, just some grade-a very, very, VERY bad 80's satire with basically the greatest movie of all time. Fresh Winner: "Aliens" Rotten Loser: "Deal of the Century"

  • Episode 6 - Idris Elba

    27/12/2017 Duration: 51min

    Furry chief of police or hoop-dunking priest? This week we're serving up some Idris Elba egg drop soup as we try and figure out just how spooky we can make a fun buddy-cop adventure. Also everyone's an animal. Fresh winner: "Zootopia" Rotten loser: "The Unborn"

  • Episode 5 - Ryan Gosling

    13/12/2017 Duration: 55min

    Banking guru or definite, not-up-for-debate wife murderer? This week we've got ourselves a Ryan Gosling gumbo a-cookin. Fresh winner: "The Big Short" Rotten loser: "All Good Things"

  • Episode 4 - Ziyi Zhang

    29/11/2017 Duration: 55min

    Unrelated mortal or dissatisfied warrior? This week we're serving up a Ziyi Zhang zupas combo, get one sandwich and any small soup or salad for 8.99 at Zupas. Fresh winner: "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" Rotten loser: "Zu Warriors"

  • Episode 3 - Tilda Swinton

    11/11/2017 Duration: 54min

    Nazi-nailing detective or S O C I A L S E R V I C E S? This week we're serving up Tilda Swinton tomato soup. Fresh winner: "Moonrise Kingdom" Rotten loser: "The Statement"

  • Episode 2 - Nicolas Cage

    11/11/2017 Duration: 58min

    CIA agent or reckless kidnapper who is definitely from Arizona and not the deep south? This week we're serving up some Nicolas Cage consemme. Fresh winner: "Raising Arizona" Rotten loser: "Dying of the Light"

  • Episode 1 - Chris Pratt

    06/11/2017 Duration: 46min

    Bad fiance or cosmic protector? This week we're serving up some hot, CHUNKY Chris Pratt chowder. Fresh winner: "Guardians of the Galaxy" Rotten loser: "Bride Wars"