Juggling Fifo



FIFO WAG turned Podcaster.. After realising my hubby was about to return to the FIFO lifestyle I decided to start a Podcast for other FIFO Partners. One, as a coping mechanism for myself, but to also connect and meet other amazing FIFO partners. An outlet for them to share their stories and help other FIFO partners who may not have a strong tribe of their own.


  • Episode 18: What does Success look like

    01/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    Using Lego Serious Play, I answer the question: What does success look like. Be sure to check out my Facebook or Instagram to see the 3D Metaphorical model I have constructed.

  • Episode 17: My Biggest Strength

    29/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    Day 3 of my Lego Serious Play challenge focusing on answering the question - What is my biggest strength and how this helps me living the FIFO lifestyle.

  • Episode 16: A Happy Day For Me Is

    27/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    Using Lego Serious Play, I answer the question: A Happy For Me Is... Be sure to check out my Facebook or Instagram to see the 3D Metaphorical model I have constructed.

  • Episode 15: What makes someone brave?

    26/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    In this episode I introduce everyone to a new love of mine, Lego Serious Play (LSP) a facilitation methodology that engages people and fosters new creative thinking. Over the next 14 days I will be posting one podcast each day answering one question using the Lego Serious Play methodology. Today's question: What makes someone brave????

  • Episode 14 - FIFO Financial Communication

    12/04/2017 Duration: 17min

    Money is the cause for many arguments in relationships, but it's what you do afterwards makes a difference. In this episode I share how my husband and I manage our finances. While I am not a financial adviser or the sort, having open honest conversations about our goals and expenses have allowed us to work together and grow stronger as a couple.

  • Episode 13- Mindset Matters

    29/03/2017 Duration: 34min

    Katie's passion is to guide people to understand the root cause of their suffering so they can release it and be empowered to live the life of happiness they truly deserve. Whether it be presenting as an emotional, psychological or physical issue she gives people tools with which to understand themselves more deeply and heal through a healthy mindset.

  • Episode 12: The Resources Hub

    15/03/2017 Duration: 26min

    In this episode we hear from Dani a high profile Recruitment, Career Development, Human Resources and OHS professional, Dani’s passion is people as well as employment opportunities in the mining and resources sectors.

  • Episode 11: Pregnant & FIFO

    08/03/2017 Duration: 18min

    In this episode of Juggling FIFO I mix things up. We hear from one pregnant FIFO partner share her story, and some advice from a Sunshine Coast Doula. Bron is a Sunshine Coast birth and postpartum doula, a HypnoBirthing practitioner, placenta encapsulator and birth birth photographer. A self confessed birth junkie! Her passion is supporting families to have their best birth experience, no matter what that looks like. she provides open, caring non-judgemental support throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum to help families have a positive and empowered birth and early parenting experience. Mimi, a FIFO partner, expectant with her second details different milestones of her pregnancy. Please note some names and voices have been changed in this episode for privacy reasons. If you liked this episode and want to listen for more FIFO pregnancy stories, stay connected. We will be sharing more from other mums, Mimi and Bron soon.

  • Episode 10: Energising FIFO Life

    16/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    Rachel, FIFO Lifestyle Coordinator and founder of Energising FIFO Life. She believes anything is possible in life if you dare to face your fear and jump into the unknown towards a dream. In this episode she shares her journey. How she has spent the past 7+ years working within the FIFO industry under Health & Wellbeing and has ‘lived’ every part of a FIFO lifestyle.