Gorilla Alliance Radio



Join Seth Humphrey as he helps busy men with the important stuff in their lives: family, faith, fitness, and finance. Get control of your life with every no holds barred episode!


  • Letting Off Steam

    25/06/2018 Duration: 09min

    Do you get triggered off of small things? Are you annoyed all the time? Are you looking for a reason to explode on someone? Then look in the mirror at yourself - and show up all the time as the best version of yourself! Seth talks about seeing a window being open in his son's room - and how he handled it hearkened him back to the energy he displayed once his son showed sincere contrition.  He then thought back at the times he would be angry at the smallest things, and how he flew off the handle. Your anger at something so small in the now could lead into more contentious moments for you later.  It is a simple matter of managing stress.  Perspective is the key - and if you practice it, you will own more of your power in the process.   You have the power to choose your reactions.  You don't have to hurt your subordinates, your family, your friends - or yourself - in flying off the handle.   The Bible says, "Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind ..." 

  • Push ... Judiciously

    18/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you put a lot of pressure ony ourself to perform? Is it always about being bigger, better, faster and stronger? Are you amped in everythibng you do? Chances are you will crash after a while ... and that's not good. Seth talks about balancing family time with other aspects of life.  He talks about the times when the pedal needs to be pushed.  Then, there were other times where the pedal needs to be eased. There are times you need to go hard,f ast, strong, long.  Then - you need to gather rest so you can recharge and refuel.  You need to find the correct balance in life.  You do need to work ... no question.  However, you don't have to go so hard to the point you 'flatline'.   You do need to push - but you decide how hard, are fast, how strong and how long.  Know this:  If you push hard in your workouts and work with no breaks - the energy for your family and faith would be depleted - and it would not benefit you in the long run.   Change your thoughts, and it will change your actions.  Change your act

  • Do What You Know

    12/06/2018 Duration: 10min

    Are you gathering ifo and not acting on it? Are you not implementing the information given you? Are you not going to do the work? Don't be this way!  Act on the information given you. Seth muses on a former client who started on The Gorilla Alliance journey - but his client felt he knew the stuff given to him.  Seth, seeing his client having cold feet, parted ways with him. Take the tools you have - whether it's in faith, finances, family or fitness - and use them.  Act on them.  Implement what you know - and learn more things that you don't.  Don't paralyze yourself with analysis.  Walk that talk - and take action.   You hold the power.  You have all the cards at your disposal.  All you need to do is walk out the information and do the work.  Roll up your sleeves.  Get in position for the change you want to see ... and walk out your plan.   You know what you need to do.  Now, it is time to do ... what you know.  Let's get to work - and grow together to a better you!

  • Being Real With Yourself

    06/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Are you aware of something biting you - but you ignore it? Do you want to hide from what ails you? Are you good - or so you think? Then, you need to look honestly at yourself ... now! Seth talks about being aware of an ant hill during a ruck sack march.  He relates the possible ant bites to that of not avoiding the things which are painful. What things are you avoiding?  Bad eating habits?  Horrible communication problems with your wife and family?  Not talking with God?  Face them.  You have the power.  You have the strength.  You have the wherwithal to face whatever your demons may be ... and conquer them.  You can do it!  You have it in you to do it. But you have to go to work!  You can't snap a finger, buy away the pain or talk your way out of the pain that troubles you.  What you can do is roll up your sleeves, honestly look at yourself and change the bad behavior you possess.  Slowly, but surely, you have the ability to transform your life. Start changing the way you think about yourself ... today

  • The Obstacles

    30/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    How do you handle when things don't go on schedule? What is your plan (if you have one) to attack your day? Do you want your life to always be in order no matter what? Well, unfortunately - life happens! Seth talks about having his life scheduled down to the minutia - and brings up a time when a couple of things in his life threw the order out of whack.  In his past, he said, he chose to be pained by it all.  Now, he takes these hurdles as a challenge to make the day even better than if they weren't there. Do obstacles in life throw you?  Does it make you sour?  Is it something you wish never took place?  Well, the unfortunate hapenstance of life is that it always presents an obstacle you didn't see coming.  The question is, "How do you choose to take it?"

  • Passing The Buck

    28/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    Have you set a goal, but are frustrated you aren't going to reach it? Is your countenance changed because ofthe missed goal you set? Do you take it out on others because of it? Well stop passing the buck - now! Seth goes into detail as to when he set a weight goal target.  He came close but missed it and, as a side effect for his missed target, he expressed his self anger on others not doing their work.  He learned that lesson - and is back on track. The same can be said for you.  All of us set targets and don't hit them.  It doesn't mean the dight is over.  Nor does it mean you failed.  It just means you have the oportunity, now, to learn.  Take this as a learning process for you to get better, do better and be better.   Athletes in sports have to learn how to deal with defeat the right way.  You have to learn how to deal with lifde's defeat the right way.  Champions hit the weight room, run harder on the track, put in more time in film study.  They do anything to get the advantage on their opponent - while

  • Don't Stop Pushing

    23/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    Have you put the pause bbutton on your growth? Have you sabotaged your progress? What would you do if you were to do it again? Hopefully - you will learn from your past mistakes! Seth muses on easing off his work when he set a weight goal.  He was almost there - when he let off the gas, so to speak, and didn't eat as well to get to his target. It may not be weight, buit it could be something else that you are trying to do to better yourself.  Relax, yes - but keep pushing.  Keep going and you will get to where you are destined to go.  Be disciplined in your approach.  Enjoy the journey - and your goal will be met. Affirm yourself along the way to make the journey more enjoyable and less laborious.  Give yourself a system so that you can execute and put yopurself in an even beetter position than where you are, now.   Be confident in yourself when you walk into a room - so that others take notice of you.  

  • Sustaining

    21/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    Are you tired of the violent up-and-down travails as an entrepreneur? Do you feel like on top of the world when things go well - and the world is on top of you when things aren't? Can these erratic times be managed? Yes they can - and it starts with you! Seth lets us in on a time where he just wasn't feelin' it as an entrepreneur, but lets us know that it's par for the course.  He tries to not let the highs be too high and the lows not be as low.  Perspective is the key, and how to manage it is the lock. There are things you can do to have a more consistent outlook (and outcome) in your life: do a mindset shift (move, work out, etc.) question your thoughts (understand why you feel the way you think) watch your conversation with self (build yourself up - not tear yourself down) Know that you have work to do.  However, you are also fearfully and wonderfully made.  There is no other person like you on the planet.  That means you have something unique and worthwhile to contribute to the world.   You were buu

  • Double Cups?

    11/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    Are you feeling stressed? Is exhaustion permeating throughout your whole life? Do you want your 'flavor' to come back? Then let's look at where you are losing your power! Seth talks about his love of snowcones and how, when he bought some with two cups, the flavoring would pour to the bottom of the second cup - leaving a hole with the first one.   You are leaking power in some shape, form or fashion.  You are leaking confidence, certainty, power to not get enough work done/your workout done/your prayer up to par.  It is all because you have a hole ion your life ... and you are leaking it. Where are you leaking power?  It could be your business, fitness or relationships.  Whereever it is - you have a responsibility to find the area where you are leaking and plug the hole.  You are supposed to be juicy - so others can enjoy you at your most optimal level.  The people who love you deserve that .. and you deserve to be fully juiced up having no holes. Resist needing to have two cups in your life.  Be as fla

  • Bring It On

    08/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you pray for your problems to disappear? Are you wanting to have only good times? Even when good things happen - why do you focus on the bad? Stop!  Change your focus right now! Seth talks about how the different obstacles that faced him.  From a mature perspective, he looks at it with the strength of clarity.  He now knows there is a purpose to the trials that come in his life.  For him - it serves to make him a better coach. In the Bible, it states that you should, "count it all joy that you fall under trials of many kinds - for it produces perseverance."  Tough times are supposed to produce perseverance in you ... so you can give hope to others who will endure the same hardships you did. Don't wish your trials away.  Embrace them.  Learn from them.  Overcome them.  Be a better man because of them - and improve the world because of the lessons you gathered from them.   Have the mentality with trials that you develop the posture of, "Bring it on!"

  • Invest In Yourself

    04/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    Do you invest in your business? Do you invest time in the passions you have? Do you invest time in your relationship with God? That's good ... but you also need to invest in yourself. Seth muses about a potential client for The Gorilla Alliance, and he sees a half-hearted embracing of the membership's rigors.  From far away, Seth sees this potianl client has a core need to pour love into himself. How about you?  Do you need to invest time in yourself?  Do you: update your wardrobe? get your fitness up? spend time making sure you are well taken care of? In order to live a full life - your fitness, family, faith and finances all need to line up.  You have what it takes to pull off a high-stakes business deal.  You also have what it takes to be there for your son, daughter and/or wife.  Along with getting yourself spiritually right - you can achieve all the other things.  You just need to make the committment to invest in yourself.   Always bet on yourself.  It's what makes everything else happen.

  • Through The Fire

    01/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    Are you gunshy about taking the opportunity presented to you? Is money an obstacle for you? Do you see success right in front of you? Take it!  Now! Seth discusses how a person he knew in college became a member of his in the Gorilla Alliance.  He talks about how this person, who he has known more than 15 years, credits Seth with the turnaround in his life.  It served a sa reminder as to his purpose on Earth. So - what is your purpose?  Are you afraid that it's going to take being singed along the way?  That is the price for success.  The impurities have to burn off of you before you can ascend to the next level in life.  You have the ability to take this opportunity for untold success and grab it by the horns.  Do sit idly by and wait for someone else to claim the prize.  Go after it yourself ... right now!  Life is yours to bless others.  Take it and grow in your power.

  • Don't Sell Yourself Short

    27/04/2018 Duration: 09min

    Do you believe you are not ready for the next level in life? Has someone asked for your help - but you feel unqualified for the job? Are you not sure that you can get the job done? Stop it - because you can! Seth talks about one of his clients trusting him enought o make a hardocre change in his life's direction.  He questioned if he was the right coach to do it, at first.  After a minute of self-reflection, he realized that his client turned to him for a reason - and now, a source of frustration and stress has turned into a sign of a challenge ready to be fulfilled. Look in the mirror.  Yes.  You!  Look in the mirror.  What you normally see is something that is less than what others do.  If there are people who trust you to get the job done - be strong enough to reward their confidence in you. Write down these things every day of your life: I am strong I am powerful I a a world changer I am unstoppable Believe that you are the leader which has the ability to change the world - and watch how your walk

  • Waiting For Perfect

    25/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Is the timing not right for you? Do you not want to commit ntil the opportunity presents itself? Do you commit ... only to renege on your commitment? Then stop waiting for 'the right time'! Seth goes into detail about a potential client who needed his help.  Information was exchanged and things were about to be set - when his potential client decided to no longer be interested. Has that been you at any time?  Have you waited for the perfect time before you acted upon it?  If so ... don't!  If you are taking in oxygen, then the time is perfect.  Step into your truth, right now, and change what you feel is needed.  Don't hestitate at all.  As Seth says, "The right time is when you decide it's the right time."  Dont suffer from analysis paralysis.  Get to it - and wait for perfect no more.

  • Cherish The Time

    20/04/2018 Duration: 06min

    Are you putting off spending time with your family? Do you feel you have the time to do other things? Why are you pushing aside other things for the sake of chasing that golden parachute? Go spend those precious times with your wife and children! Seth talks about how he reflected on time passing by on seeing how now-teenage son growing intot he man he is destined to be.  He mused on enjoying a recent outing of catch with his son relaizing how special these moments truly are. The same can be said for you.  These moments are fleeting.  They are special - and you can't take them back.  The one thing we can get back ... is time.   Scale back one of those important meetings and arrange time to spend with you son or daughter.  Take your wife out on a date to show hewr how special she really is to you.  Know that, as much as they appreciate you crushing it in the boardroom - your children would love it more if you crushed it with quality time.  The same goes for your wife. Cherish the day, night and time you spen

  • Thank You, Negativity

    19/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you hate bad things happening to you? Do you complain about them every chance you get? Would you like for the bad times to stop? Well - considering you want the best things in life ... they won't stop! Seth talks about the different trials he has undergone during the last four years of his entrepreneurial journey and he has only one thing to say about them:  Thank you! Now - you are probably confused, here.  Seth is saying, "Thank you," to his troubles?  Yes, he is.  Why?  It is because the trials we all undergo serve as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. Say this with Seth, "What I resist - persists." Don't resist those obstacles that come your way.  Hurdle them with the joy of the Lord and the strength of your perseverance through hard times.  Embrace those challenges in life.  Love the negativity ... just don't become negative along with it. Why is this frame of thinking so important?  Seth puts it this way: "How you think ... impacts the way you feel impacts the way you believe

  • Life Rollercoaster

    12/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    Do you get hung up on the negatives? Is the focus solely on those who want you to do bad? Do you celebrate your victories? Well, it's time to count your victories and not focus so hard on the losses! Seth talks about the meager beginnings of The Vitality Mill - one of his business.  In looking at a filled parking lot, he thought back where that same space was only occupied by two cars.  A person who was along with him on his entrepreneurial journey commented on the growth and expressed congratulatory sentiments to him.  Teary-eyed, Seth appreciated the compliments - and the growth his business underwent from then to now. Where in life are you focused on that negative customer?  Where are you locked in on showing that 'hater' what you have done to show him/her up - if not shut them up?  Are you hung up with the improvements you need more than taking account of the successes you've made? It's time to understand that life takes you on ups and downs.  It is up to you to minimize how far down you go - and rememb

  • More Information: The Success Killer

    09/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you inquire more information ... get it and ask for even more? Better yet ... do you ask for more infomation and sit on the data? How successful are you in compiling mountains of information on improving yourself? Then, it is time for you to invest in yourself! Seth talks about how important it is to invest in yourself, and gives detailed examples on how he did this for himself ... to untold success all across the board.  He does forwarn you, though ... "More infomation does equal transformation." Continually asking for 'more information' without action will lead you to: be overwhlemed stressed out incapaciate yourself on starting second guessing yourself That leads to your not taking action - and it gets you in a place where you're stuck. Be decisive as to how you will move forward on whether you want to improve on your life or not.  No matter what - act on what can build, rebuild or restore your life from what has made it go off track.   You owe it to yourself to be intentional in imporving your

  • You Got It Bad

    06/04/2018 Duration: 06min

    Is your life really that bad? Do people say you complain all the time? Do you hate your situation? Change your thinking!  It is not as bad as you think. Seth muses about his complaining of the diagnosis of eczema (a condition of itchy skin).  One of his former clients who is the same age as Seth, as was told to him at the time of his dealing with eczema, is going through battling breast cancer.  It, as Seth puts it, "snapped" him back to reality. Where in your life are you compaklinaing about how life is unfair to you?  Where are you saying that it is unfair that you are going through a certain scenario in your life?  Gain perspective on your situation.  There are people in this world who would trade places with you in a heartbeat ... but because your focus is narrow, your problems loom larger than it should. Be thankful of the life you have.  It isn't perfect.  Tehre are times when things go haywire,sure.  However, the beauty of life is that there is always another moment to fix what is wrong ... and enjoy

  • The Big Domino

    02/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Are you good? Do you feel a power leak somewhere in yo9ur life? You don't need any help, do you? Don't cheat yourself!  Learn where you need a boost in life. Seth talks about all of us needing a heart check with our lives.  Is our relationships good? Is our business doing what it should? Is our faith in God strong? Is our health where it needs to be? Only you know where you need improvement.  Only you are aware of where you can step up and be better.  You are of no exception in the fact that you can stand to improve somewhere.  Let Seth help you get there. Find out where you are leaking in life.  However: Until you are able to plug that leak - Your success will not be where you would like to be.   The beauty in life is that you can run fast by yourself.  It takes being vulnerable and relying on others who are traveling along the same path as you to go further.  Don't say that you are good.  Work on being better by aligning yourself up with being around other men who also need to plug their power leak.

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