Life's Better Here | Audio Feed



Hello Girlfriend,Thank you so much for visiting Lifes Better Here. I have been waiting just for you.Im here to let you know that in the midst or making life happen, you are not alone. It is so important to be connected. Lifes Better Here is designed to connect you with the God of the universe. He really isnt as far away as that sounds. He is as close as your whispered prayer! Lifes Better Here is also about connecting you with other women. We have designed this website to encourage interaction. Take a moment to respond to any of the videos or content that you read. I would love to hear from you!Lets laugh, learn and grow because, Lifes Better Here!Luv, Joel


  • LNO: March

    23/03/2011 Duration: 44min

    LNO stands for "Ladies Night Out" and is time of connection for every woman - any age and life situation. We meet once a month on the 3rd Sunday night in a very informal, casual style that lends itself to lots of interaction. More information is available at Recorded live at New Horizon Christian Center, March 20, 2011. © 2011 New Horizon Christian Center. All Rights Reserved.

  • LNO: February

    28/02/2011 Duration: 50min

    LNO stands for "Ladies Night Out" and is time of connection for every woman - any age and life situation. We meet once a month on the 3rd Sunday night in a very informal, casual style that lends itself to lots of interaction. More information is available at Recorded live at New Horizon Christian Center, February 27, 2010. © 2011 New Horizon Christian Center. All Rights Reserved.

  • Pride

    25/11/2010 Duration: 02min

    Pride is such a tricky thing in our lives. It sneaks in when you least expect it and causes you to do really dumb things! God tells us very plainly in the Bible to have nothing to do with pride. There are many reasons God warns us against pride. One for for sure is to save us embarrassment. Another reason is that pride keeps us from fully submitting and trusting in God. So come on Girlfriend, let's step away from pride and embrace God fully, before we do something dumb! ’cause Life’s Better Here!

  • Repentance

    21/10/2010 Duration: 02min

    The word repentance can seem so old fashioned, irritating and annoying. We have come so far, I am so grown up and capable and confident. Besides, I really don't have time to deal with the hassle. The only problem with this is that I keep making mistakes! Why do I still find myself blundering it with people and situations! Ignoring my faults do not make them disappear. Instead they seem to get worse. Humbly repenting to God and those around me is the only way to reverse the guilt and damage caused. So come on Girlfriend, let's be quick to repent and admit our shortcomings! ’cause Life’s Better Here!

  • Adversity

    22/09/2010 Duration: 02min

    We all have tough stuff we have to overcome. I want to encourage you that you are not alone. God is standing in the window, giving you the go ahead to fight through. The Bible assures us God will not give us more than we can handle. I am always surprised that with Christ I am able to do far more than I think I can. What I think is just too big or too much to carry, through persistent faith, I am always able to overcome. You have more in you than you think! So come on Girlfriend, Let’s get through this thing and win! ’cause Life’s Better Here!

  • Influence

    08/09/2010 Duration: 01min

    There are so many things that need changing. What can one girl like me do to make a difference? The answer is ‘A LOT!’ There is a lot we can do and a lot we can change just by being Christ in our world. We can quite strife with a soft answer. We can silence despair with hope. We can stop destructive choices with truth. We can dispel fear with love. Just being Christ’s heart, voice, hands and feet, we can change and influence that person that is near us right now. Trying to change the world can be too much for our own ability. But giving Christ to the one closest to us at this moment will make a bigger difference than you can imagine. Use your influence, be an influence….’cause Life’s Better Here!

  • Courage

    18/08/2010 Duration: 02min

    Courage is the thing that gets you through You are so important to God and to those around you. Everything that you do needs to be done. Sometimes we can feel a little overwhelmed with the opposition to what we need to do. Things can get hard and challenging. We can feel like we are a little four year old with a stick facing giants with real weapons. If that’s the case then we need to have four year old courage as well! My son did not realize that in reality he was much smaller and less equipped than his opponent. He was convinced he had what he needed to overcome everything in front of him. It’s the same with you. No matter how big or small you are or how well equipped you are, God is behind you and with Him you are more than a conquer! Take courage, be encouraged, you can win because…..Life’s Better Here!

  • God's Definition of You

    30/07/2010 Duration: 02min

    My children are notorious for re-defining the use of certain things. Some for the good, some for the worse. A stick becomes a gun, a towel becomes a means of flight, a blanket becomes a fort or a castle. God watches us do the same. The very woman He made to overcome and win (that would be you), tends to yield to discouragement and failure. God is the one that invented you. He knows what He has instilled within you. It's our job to let Him define us and our world. God does a much better job in setting our course than we do. Don't let yourself DE-VALUE you, instead let God DE-FINE you. Read the Word of God and you will be encouraged with what He sees in you. You will be amazed at His plans for you. So come on Girlfriend, listen to what God says about you because, Life's Better Here!

  • Contentment

    10/07/2010 Duration: 02min

    The power of contentment is highly UNDER-rated. Contentment is what helps us center our life in peace. The constant striving for more and any unhappiness with what we presently have can rob us of any peace that we might enjoy. But to be content almost seems like stagnation - aren't we suppose to be becoming more like Christ? More prosperous? More mature? The answer is yes, we are to continually press for these things but at the same time realizing that God loves us just the way we are, right now and right here. His love and acceptance is not based on what we will become. Instead, the Word says that while we were yet sinners He died for us. Before we became anything! So the Word calls us to be content and yet press on. This is how we can keep our peace and joy AND look up and beyond ourselves and keep growing.

  • Prayer

    07/08/2009 Duration: 04min

    Prayer is a universal activity. Everyone does it. If given the right circumstance even the atheist prays. I want to encourage you to pray, pray often and pray to God, your Heavenly Father. Prayer is your way to connect with the one that made you. It’s your way to hear from the one that created you. God loves you and has your very best in mind. He loves it when you take time to be with Him. He is truly your Heavenly Father in the purest sense of the word. Regardless of the actions of your earthly father, God wants to protect you, provide for you and be a part of your life. There are four aspects to prayer. Using the word ACTS as an acrostic you will be sure to hit all four as you pray. A stands for Adoration. This is your time to tell God how much you love and appreciate Him. C stands for Confession. This gives you the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for anything that you have done that is contrary to His will. T stands for Thanksgiving. It is so powerful when you take time to express your heart of gratit

  • The Bible

    09/07/2009 Duration: 02min

    One thing I appreciate about the Bible is that it is not all about perfect people. Actually, the Bible is full of people that really messed up! As you read the Bible you will see a pattern. God is not about our being perfect. Instead, God is all about our being willing to give Him our brokenness so that He can make us something better! The Bible just might be the biggest book you have ever attempted to read. I want to help you so that you don’t get lost in it. Some people seem to get frustrated and give up before they’ve gotten to the ‘good stuff’. To keep that from happening, here are some pointers before you get started. Be sure your Bible is one that you can understand: That huge white one that grandma has on her coffee table with everyone’s birthday in it may not be the best one to start with! Look on the spine of your Bible. About half way down it will tell you what version it is. Try to stay away from the King James Version. It was written back in the 1600’s and is very hard to understand. If you can,

  • Friendship

    01/05/2009 Duration: 01min

    There isn’t one person that can live and flourish in this life without relationships with another person. Some people try to isolate themselves but the end result is a strange sight. There is a reason that one of the worst prison sentences handed down is solitary confinement. We are made to interact with other people. Some relationships are strictly business. The checker at the grocery store or the gasoline attendant. Other relationships are on a deeper level – those people that you see more regularly and interact with. Then there are others that are considered ‘friends’. These are people that we choose to become closer to. They see our good and our bad. Good friends cover our flaws and love us beyond them. Good friends also see our positive traits and love us for them. Friendships can be painful and full of drama. Don’t give up on friendship just yet. Take a minute and a deep breath. Consider who would be a worthy risk and try again. Be the kind of friend that you desire. Base your actions on what you woul

  • Hope

    17/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    Hope is such a vital part of life. I think we can survive anything if we have hope. Hope for a better time, hope that there is a purpose for what we are going through, hope that our dreams will come to pass. Hope requires us to believe in something bigger than ourselves. That when we come to the end of what we can do, there is someone to pick up the slack. I know that I am not enough to complete all that is required of me. I am not enough for my kids, my work, my husband. I believe that God is there to fill in the blanks. Hope gives me the strength to continue on when I am at the end of myself. I know that God will be there when I am out on a limb and there is no limb left. I am never ‘all by myself’. He is always there to help finish the job. Hope gives me joy when everything is down. Just the word hope has a tendency to put that smile on my face. I know that what is in my hand is not the last word. I have a belief and a hope in all that God can bring forth. Hope is the opposite of discouragement. Disco

  • Stress

    04/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    Life is not a bed of roses or a box of chocolates! All day, everyday we are faced with hard things. Some are just small little disappointments all the way to very huge difficulties as well as everything in between. All of it can make or break us. The biggest thing to know and understand is that regardless of what goes on around us, our reaction is just that – OUR reaction. I have been raising kids now for 20 years. If I have learned anything during this time, it is to not make a mountain out of a mole hill. If only I could get back the time I spent 'stressed out' about the messy house, or the huge 'to do' list. Looking back, we all survived but I lost out on those opportunities to hug and love and laugh. I have also come to realize that my attitude directs the attitude of those around me…I am contagious! I was watching a home video a while back. Jasmine is about 2 ½. She is sitting at the kitchen table coloring and singing and having a great time. My husband is videotaping her. I happened to come home and

  • Perspective

    15/03/2009 Duration: 02min

    It’s all about perspective. How many times have you heard that one? Regardless of the source or the amount of repetition, it’s true. I believe that how you look at your situation has more bearing on where you will end up than the difficulty itself. Have you ever found yourself frustrated over certain people or events, and rightly so? "If they would just…things would be so much better." Given enough time with this line of thought and I will have run myself into a pit of irritation and even anger. Along with that comes pity, righteous indignation and the temptation to quit. None of which really benefit me or help me overcome the original situation. Just when I’m thinking that life is so hard and unfair, I hear of someone up against something worse. There they are, sharing their tragedy and yet still smiling and victorious. All of a sudden my issues are minuscule and I am acutely aware that my complaining sounds like a whining two year old. My daughter and I traveled to Uganda a few years back. It was durin

  • Getting God's Attention

    06/02/2009 Duration: 02min

    My husband woke me up yesterday out of a horrible dream. I actually thanked him for waking me up! I was dreaming that I was traveling with 3 of my friends. We HAD to get to a Seattle for an important meeting. We all had piles of luggage and I had my purse and my laptop. Somehow we were dumped off on a street corner and couldn’t seem to get any help. It started to rain and we were chasing after busses with all our luggage and I kept losing my laptop and my purse. The busses wouldn’t let us on. Of course it was my responsibility to get us there and I was desperately trying to succeed. I woke up EXHAUSTED and UNSUCCESSFUL! NO ONE WOULD HELP ME!! This is how REAL life can be – We need God’s help to get us through. Try as I might, I can’t seem to hold everything together! I can’t keep my kids from doing stupid stuff, I can’t keep my husband ‘on-task’ and I can’t fix the economic crisis (if they would just listen to ME)! No, this kind of stuff calls for someone bigger than me. I have to get God’s attention. Fir

  • Welcome to Lifes Better Here

    02/01/2009 Duration: 01min

    Listen in as Pastor Joel gives a brief overview of Life's Better Here and its website,