First Baptist Conroe Podcast



Podcast by First Baptist Conroe


  • Reaching the Black Sheep

    28/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 6 - Rebellious people can be frustrating. Their determination to do what makes them happy can hurt others and ruin their own lives. So how do we handle the "Black Sheep"? learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Reaching the Transgender Person

    20/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    The Ever-loving Truth - Part 5 - Empathy is often discarded when we disagree with someone. But in order for us to reach people with the love of Jesus, we need to show great empathy. After all, Jesus showed great empathy and compassion on us.

  • Does God Keep His Promises?

    16/05/2024 Duration: 41min

    In God We Trust - Part 17 - The history of the Jews can be confusing at times. There is a lot to remember. But it's important, because it shows us how we serve a faithful God. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Reaching the Ex-Christian

    13/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 4 - The statistics for people who grow up in church and then walk away from their faith are discouraging to say the least. So, how do we reach out to people who have turned their back on what the Bible teaches? learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Are You Following God or Man?

    09/05/2024 Duration: 39min

    In God We Trust - Part 16 - A great leader is no substitute for a great revival. And where does revival start? learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Reaching the Person of Another Faith with the Ever-Loving Truth

    06/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 3 - We all have neighbors, co-workers, family members, and friends who follow a different faith. How do we tell them the Good News? learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Does Your Family Know Your Story?

    02/05/2024 Duration: 40min

    In God We Trust - Part 15 - Your life is a testimony of what God has done for you. Have you told that story to anyone? You sharing how God has changed you can encourage family and friends to live lives devoted to Christ. Learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Reaching the Gay Person

    29/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 2 - There are many reasons that a gay person might not feel welcome in church. In this message, we address some of those reason, and what we can do to reach them with the love of Christ. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Modern Day Idols

    25/04/2024 Duration: 37min

    In God We Trust - Part 14 - We don't have idols like they did in the Bible, but in many ways we still worship things that aren't God. What are these idols, and how do we combat our tendency to fall before their feet instead of God's feet. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Reaching the Skeptic

    22/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 1 - All around us are people who assume the Gospel isn’t for them. Some are our friends or loved ones. How can we reach them? Scripture calls us to “speak the truth in love.” Some Christians emphasize love without reference to biblical truth, and others preach nothing but condemning truth without love. In this series, we’ll see what the biblical truth is regarding six different types of people, and explore how Jesus would interact with them. Today, we address the skeptic. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • Are You Putting Your Trust In The Right Thing?

    18/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    In God We Trust - Part 13 - This week we look at three stories with three unique lessons. And then we ask ourselves, are we putting our trust in men or in God? learn more at

  • How To Show Compassion

    15/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 4 - Grace-healed Eyes - The repentance Jonah expressed in chapter 2 doesn’t mean his stubbornness was gone forever. It’s amazing to see a preacher so angry at the success of his own ministry, but once again, it’s a sign that Jonah wasn’t actually living by grace. When we let grace heal our eyes, we begin to see our neighbors the way God does. That changes everything. How can we be healed? learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • What Does It Mean to Have Good Character?

    11/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    In God We Trust - Part 12 - Here we read a story about God accomplishing His will despite the corrupt character of the leader in charge. But the leader's character filters down to the people he leads. So, what does good character look like?

  • Do You Believe in a Big God?

    08/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 3 - What happens in Jonah 3 is one of the greatest miracles in human history. It’s hard to imagine how earth-shaking it must have been. We claim to believe in God, but the god we truly believe in seems to be too small to change anyone’s life. If we believed in the God of Jonah 3, we would live quite differently in our broken world.

  • How to Overcome Fear

    04/04/2024 Duration: 37min

    In God We Trust - Part 11 - Let's look at two stories about what fear can do to us, and how we can respond. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • You Should Embrace Grace

    02/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 2 - Here's Your Sign - When religious leaders asked Jesus for a sign that He truly spoke for God, He offered them only “the sign of Jonah.” When Jonah went into that fish for three days, it changed him. He had resisted God’s grace when it meant salvation for people he hated, but now it meant his own salvation. If we don’t embrace grace, we’ll never live missional lives. Those religious leaders in Jesus’ day didn’t get the sign, and missed the resurrection. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • The Cost of Pride

    28/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    In God We Trust - Part 10 - Pride can keep us from experiencing the best that God has to show us. In order to truly embrace His love, and truly love those around us, we must become humble. Pride has a cost. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • The Church Needs to Repent

    25/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    Houston, We Are the Problem - The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 1 - In this entire story, Jonah is almost comically stubborn. It’s easy to laugh at him. But are we so different? We let prejudice, busyness, laziness, and lack of compassion stop us from being salt and light. We can all admit this world is broken. It won’t get better until we repent.

  • Why are these Stories in the Bible?

    21/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    In God We Trust - Part 9 - There are stories in the Bible where God suddenly declares judgement on someone. It's so shocking and unexpected. How do we interpret this? Should we be worried? What does it mean, and why are these stories in the Bible? learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

  • The Weirdest Story Jesus Ever Told

    18/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Saints and Our Stuff - Part 4 - Invest in Tomorrow. The future is uncertain, and that can make us anxious. Believe it or not, generosity can help change that anxiety to anticipation. This is one of Jesus’ most confusing parables. But the point is about using our stuff now to make a better future for ourselves, and for others. He made the same point in a different way in Matthew 6:19-21. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at

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