Full Irish Breakfast



FULL IRISH BREAKFAST is a semi-sports related, semi-everything else podcast started in 2016 by Quinn Ireland. Funny stories and hot takes sometime during the week! contact: fullirishbreakfastpod@gmail.com


  • There And Back Again

    10/11/2017 Duration: 53min

    Quinn is back from the east coast to join Jacob in a face to face episode of Full Irish Breakfast! We talk sports, travels and get a bit liberal in this weeks episode.

  • We're Back

    29/09/2017 Duration: 41min

    Quinn and Jake bring it back with A Day in the Life of a Roadie and some stories about Jake's tour experience. Also some news that the great pirate Redbeard is coming back to the mother land of San Diego. And a little bit about baseball just to get us back into the swing of things (Pun). Enjoy!

  • The Phoenix

    31/05/2017 Duration: 49min

    Quinn and Jake are back from a short hiatus with a quick serving of Full Irish Breakfast. To have your submission for the next episodes power ranking be featured on the show, email us at fullirishbreakfastpod@gmail.com with your submission!