Violent Aggression



Full of high energy, high octane stories, rants, humor blended together with pop culture, movies, television and more. More eager to please than a cavalcade of aging hookers. We edit out all the boring tangents and pass the savings on to you.


  • #8 VA vs. Brevity


    03½ Catching child molesters on camera 05— The perils of nipple stimulation 06½ Dead hookers, blow, combinations thereof 08½ We introduce ourselves and Liam is conned into screwing up his intro. again. 11— A discussion of the BBC’s Sherlock Holmes segues into a detailed discussion of a different show which doesn't exist 15½ viewer mail: what would it take to be a VA podcaster? Possibly an egregious amount of genital modifications 17½ Vlad's failure as the husband of an pregnant wife 21½ Wildly inaccurate predictions as to the fate of Egypt 24½ New Monopoly is Stupid! So is Smurfs, but that didn’t stop James from becoming addicted to the stupid Farmville-like game 29½ viewer mail: is VA for sale? does VA have scruples? Well, the introduction of TheRiseborough (an item for enhanced sexual pleasure) should answer that question once and for all 33— Twilight! What kind of podcast would it be if we didn't talk about the Twilight saga? Spoiler alert: Kelly admits he has read the entire series and knows in

  • VA#7 Violent Aggression Overthinks Sodomy


    We're joined by Jay Bardyla, owner of Edmonton's Happy Harbor Comics. We talk the Blackest Night comics, Lost, the oil spil, mock Liam, talk strippers and spend far far too much time thinking about sodomy.

  • VA#6 Violent Aggression vs. Decency


    Liam completely fails at introducing himself. John Crier is roasted in a verbal spit. Vlad and Kim buy a ladder. I mourns the loss of the Silk Pie at Denny’s and this leads into... well... almost certainly the most offensive bit of improve we’ve ever done.

  • VA#5 Violent Aggression vs. The Racist Candy


    We provide a story, involving a certain candy. We maintain we are not racists. Also Shaun and Lindsay get drunk and sleeps in their car and Vlad’s job as Relationship Fluffer is discussed.

  • VA#4 Violent Aggression & The Legend of the F-Bomb


    Cliff espouses the awesomeness that is Steel Panthers. Shaun creatively expresses his frustrations regarding certain computer users. GI Joe reviewed. Drunk driving is considered as a reason for dismisal, but the jury is split. And Janine causes the death of a small snail.

  • VA#3 Violent Aggression and the Onslaught of Destiny


    Vlad creates an Improved Explosive Device using dry ice and a pop bottle; Shaun, meanwhile, has his hands down his pants, scratching vigorously. Plants vs. Zombies is reviewed & recommended. All time worst flood stories. Micheal Jackson (unfortunately) and Liam and James have a session of vegas-style lounge singing.

  • VA#2 Violent Aggression Versus The Seal Meat


    The second podcast is released into the grand internet. Me and the crew eat seal meat, lament Transformers 2, discuss Watchmen (movie & comic), I accuse both Kell and Liam of ruining the podcast and many more audio hijinks.

  • VA#1 Violent Aggression Is Advised


    Violent Aggression #1 is a podcast full of high energy, high octane stories, rants, humour and a dash of music that probably violates a few copyright laws. For some reason the theme of illegal drugs plays heavily in this session.