Last Turn



A strategic Hearthstone podcast! We analyze the metagame, and discuss principles for success on the ladder. Our goal is to help you become a better player. Come join us for some great conversation about a great game!Get in touch on Twitter @LastTurnHS.Music credit goes to Psyche Corporation. Check her out at!


  • Episode 54 - Mechs on the Rise

    03/06/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Okay, so nerfs happened, but buffs? Wtf does this mean for the Hearthstone metagame? We go through each card and try to speak to its potential - some are pretty unexciting, but others are *extremely* exciting.

  • Episode 53 - The Strongest Deck in the Meta

    13/05/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    One deck stands head-and-shoulders above the others in win rate and play rate at higher ranks: tempo rogue. Why is this deck so much stronger than the other aggressive options, and how do you beat it? It has one bad matchup, but what makes that matchup bad? Also, what will be banned and how? We're pretty confident about our guess!