Mountain Ridge Church



Mountain Ridge Church


  • The Three Points of Connection - Audio

    12/11/2017 Duration: 53min

    Are you connecting to God? Are you connecting to yourself and understanding how you feel? Are you connecting to others?

  • You Need A Snow Day - Audio

    05/11/2017 Duration: 43min

    Are you feeling frantic about today, worried about tomorrow, and does that leave you feeling spiritually empty? There is an answer. But before I give it to you, I must something on the front end. It will require radical trust in God. It will require radical surrender to God. And, you will need to make a radical change in your life.

  • This Preaches Easier Than It Lives - Audio

    29/10/2017 Duration: 44min

    How are you handling grief and loss in your own life? Are you stuffing your emotions? Are you ignoring this stuff or are you turning towards the pain, and growing and maturing through it?

  • #Blessed - Audio

    22/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    God didn’t come to make your life an American success story. He came to forgive you, heal you and walk with you as you walk through the mess of life.

  • Going Backward to Go Forward - Audio

    15/10/2017 Duration: 44min

    Do you see history repeating itself? Do you see any behavioral patterns from the past impacting the present for me there? Our family history lives inside us all... even those of us who just don’t want to go backwards so we can move forward.

  • Check Engine Light - Audio

    08/10/2017 Duration: 52min

    Do you own a car? Have you ever had the engine light go on? Your engine light is telling you that you need to pay attention to your engine. If you ignore it, you are ignoring reality and bigger problems are coming. Your emotions are the exact same. They are God’s way of telling you that you need to check your heart.

  • The Beast, The Dragon, The Key, and The Gifts - Audio

    01/10/2017 Duration: 46min

    You can live opposite of the ways of this world. You can live a life that is centered on Jesus. A life that is deliberate, intentional, and full of the kind of love that only comes from a relationship with Him! This happens as we begin to work on both our Spiritual health and our emotional health.

  • Following Christ: A Part Time Job - Audio

    27/09/2017 Duration: 46min

    A part time job helps you make ends meet but you really don’t want to be there – right? Today we talk about what happens when we treat following Christ like a part time job.

  • Our Selfish Secret - Audio

    27/09/2017 Duration: 46min

    In the absence of love, selfishness rules. Tit-for-tat living, measuring each other, secret agendas, and rankings always leads to broken relationships.

  • Stuck: 12 Symptoms - Audio

    17/09/2017 Duration: 47min

    Do you feel stuck?

  • Seeing Life Through The Gospel - Audio

    10/09/2017 Duration: 52min

    Think about what life would look like if your first view wasn’t about you, but was seen through the eyes of the Gospel. Would your life look any different?

  • Keeping It Real - Audio

    03/09/2017 Duration: 46min

    Our worship, our prayer, and our church should be real… and our challenge as people inside the church community is to let our guards down and allow God’s truth in regardless of how challenging or uncomfortable that can be.

  • You Are A Body Builder - Audio

    20/08/2017 Duration: 38min

    Each of us has a gift from God that we are to be using so that we can help others, whether that’s physically, emotionally, or spiritually. But where does your gift fit?

  • There's Just No Replacement For Intimacy - Audio

    13/08/2017 Duration: 44min

    Paul is driving home this idea that you words don’t matter as much as your actions. Sure, you can tell everyone what an amazing Christian you are, but in the end your actions and how you live is what really matters.

  • When Is Enough Actually Enough? - Audio

    06/08/2017 Duration: 41min

    When you face temptation, God knows you can handle it, and you can handle it…but…it doesn’t mean that we don’t have things to do in the process to protect ourselves from our sinful cravings and temptations.

  • Love Before Freedom - Audio

    30/07/2017 Duration: 36min

    In Christ, we have freedom. There are a few topics that the Bible doesn't address; we call these grey areas. But what happens when our freedom comes before love of others?

  • The Connection - Audio

    23/07/2017 Duration: 36min

    Do you believe there is a connection between your relationship with God and how you view sex?

  • Grab The Porcupine - Audio

    16/07/2017 Duration: 52min

    Dealing with sin isn’t fun. It’s like grabbing a porcupine with no gloves. Nobody wants to do it. But the reason we do it is because we love the person.

  • Do You Remember? - Audio

    09/07/2017 Duration: 50min

    Paul is WITH them in the mess to lead them by how he is living out of that mess to Jesus! This is where so many Christians struggle, because they aren’t holding onto their own redemption story… they lose sight of the fact that we are all sinners!

  • Your First Class Ticket - Audio

    02/07/2017 Duration: 45min

    When you help others experience grace, that’s when God will empower you. What would you do with your free gift?

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