Digital Publisher With Jon Benson

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 0:30:01
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The fastest way to get your message or product online and make money doing it!


  • Digital Publishing: The New And Improved Stock Market That Only Goes Up - Digital Publisher With Jon Benson Episode #1

    13/08/2015 Duration: 30min

    Just imagine that for a moment: what if you bought a stock that was guaranteed to never go down… and, even better, ONLY go up? Would you be interested in that stock? Well, digital publishing is a lot like a new form of stock that never goes down. Once you have your message in a digitally-consumable format… an ebook, a video series, a webinar or workshop online, an audio series… you name it… you have the BEST STOCK on earth in my opinion. It never goes down in value. In fact, it can only go up. No board of directors. No fears of losing it all in the next big Wall Street Crash. Hell, I don’t even own a single stock! I’m not here to advise you on investment strategies… that’s not my gig. I’m just saying that I pour my profits back into the creation of MORE digital products, because they simply kick the living crap out of investing in someone else’s company… at least in my opinion.