Church Podcast Scandia Bible Church



Proclaiming the Good News of God's Sovereign Grace.


  • Living Under Authority: God’s Plan for Order [Romans 13:1-2]


    Sermon Notes Date: 06/23/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 13:1-2 Description:   Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our […]

  • Love Your Enemies: A Radical Approach to Adversity [Romans 12:17-21]


    Sermon Notes Date: 06/16/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 12:17-21 Description:   Repay no one evil for evil; and as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Leave vengeance in God’s hands. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the […]

  • Transformative Love: Beyond Words to Deeds [Romans 12:9-16]


    Sermon Notes Date: 06/09/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 12:9-16 Description:   Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of […]

  • Think Soberly: The Call to Humility and Service [Romans 12:3-8]


    Sermon Notes Date: 06/02/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 12:3-8 Description:   “A body isn’t really a body, unless there is more than one part.” Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans in which we see Paul use the human […]

  • I Never Knew You [Matthew 7:21-29]


    Sermon Notes Date: 05/26/2024 Preacher: David Teves, deacon Key Text: Matthew 7:21-29 Description: Sand or Rock? …two types of foundations on which to build your house. BUT ONLY ONE CAN WITHSTAND THE STORM. Which one will you choose?? Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Deacon David Teves shares that there are only two types of […]

  • Transformed by Truth: Renewing Your Mind [Romans 12:2]


    Sermon Notes Date: 05/19/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 12:2 Description:   “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans in which see […]

  • The Glorious Ordinary [1 Peter 4:7-11]


    Sermon Notes Date: 05/12/2024 Preacher: Josh Peglow, pastor Series: 1 Peter Key Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11 Description: SBC Host: What would you do if you knew Christ was returning today? Avg Guy: Clean the house? Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Josh Peglow continues with our study through 1 Peter in which we’re reminded […]

  • Holy and Pleasing: Living as Worshipers [Romans 12:1]


    Sermon Notes Date: 05/05/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 12:1 Description:   One verse.          One verse will challenge. It will challenge you to think deeply about what it means — in the most practical and profound way — to live out your faith. Today on Scandia Bible […]

  • From Mystery to Majesty: Praising God’s Unfathomable Wisdom [Romans 11:25-36]


    Sermon Notes Date: 04/28/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 11:25-36 Description:   Paul has a secret. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans in which we see the Apostle Paul revealing a profound secret: A time of fullness will come […]

  • The Kindness and Severity of God: The Mystery of the Olive Tree [Romans 11:11-24]


    Sermon Notes Date: 04/21/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 11:11-24 Description:   It’s a call to humility and warning against arrogance. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans in which we encounter the olive tree — a vivid metaphor representing […]

  • Not Forsaken: The Election of a Remnant [Romans 11:1-10]


    Sermon Notes Date: 04/14/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 11:1-10 Description:   Avg Guy: It’s official! God has rejected His people, Israel, in favor of the Church. SBC Host: No. No He hasn’t. In fact, Paul is emphatic over the matter. As an Israelite himself, he is the *perfect example* of […]

  • Hearing, Believing, Calling: Proclaiming Salvation to All [Romans 10:14-21]


    Sermon Notes Date: 04/07/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 10:14-21 Description:   How can one believe in the One of whom they have not heard?? …And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?? Today on Scanida Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book […]

  • From Lo-debar to the Kings’s Table: Invitation to the Unworthy [2 Samuel 9:1-13]


    Sermon Notes Date: 03/31/2024, Easter Sunday Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Key Text: 2 Samuel 9 Description: What does a crippled man from Lo-debar have to do with Easter?? …More than we might initially think. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Resurrection Sunday 2024, Pastor Monty Simao opens the book of 2 Samuel to uncover the […]

  • Sunrise Service 2024: I Am the Resurrection [John 11:25-27]


    Sermon Notes Date: 03/31/2024, Easter Sunday Preacher: David Teves, deacon Key Text: John 11:25-27 Description: I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this? … the words of our Lord and Savior, […]

  • Good Friday Service 2024


    Service Notes Date: 03/29/2024, Good Friday Description: GOOD FRIDAY — a mark in history that would forever affect eternity. And welcome to our Scandia Bible Church Good Friday Service for the year of our Lord, 2024. We invite you to pull of a virtual pew and join us as we reflect on the selfless words […]

  • The Triumphal Entry [John 12:12-19]


    Sermon Notes Date: 03/23/2024, Palm Sunday Preacher: David Teves, deacon Key Text: John 12:12-19 Description: They hailed Him, King! …the king who had come to save them —the Jewish people— from the oppression of the Romans. But, instead (fulfilling Old Testament prophecy), Jesus —just five days before what would be Good Friday— humbly entered Jerusalem, […]

  • Judged by Man but Vindicated by God [1 Peter 4:1-6]


    Sermon Notes Date: 03/17/2024 Preacher: Josh Peglow, pastor Series: 1 Peter Key Text: 1 Peter 4:1-6 Description: Are you armed to suffer for Christ? Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Josh Peglow continues with our study in the book of 1 Peter in which see that though we must be prepared to suffer for […]

  • The Simplicity of the Gospel: “Everyone Who Calls” [Romans 10:9-13]


    Sermon Notes Date: 03/10/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 10:9-13 Description:   How can something so profound… be so incredibly simple?? Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans and shows us how the Apostle Paul — in just a few […]

  • The Righteousness Within Reach: No Distant Savior [Romans 10:5-8]


    Sermon Notes Date: 03/03/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 10:5-8 Description:   It’s closer than you think. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans in which we are confronted with a startling truth: When it comes to our spiritual needs, […]

  • Faith Over Works: Embracing Righteousness Through Christ [Romans 9:30 — 10:4]


    Sermon Notes Date: 02/25/2024 Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor Series: Romans Key Text: Romans 9:30 — 10:4 Description:   It’s not about what WE CAN DO… but about WHAT’S BEEN DONE. Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues with our study in the book of Romans and invites us into a radical reimagining […]

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