Buddha And The Slut



What happens when an award-winning writer/producer hits 'eject' on the 9 to 5, grabs a backpack, and dives head-first into the uncharted world of 'digital nomads'?After 7 YEARS in Asia, Europe, and parts unknown, BROOKE BURGESS (Broken Saints, Becoming, The Cat's Maw) shares candid tales of culture shock, creative inspiration, sex and relationships, psychedelics and spirituality, and much MUCH more!It's a 'Renaissance Dude's' Eat, Pray, Love (with the naughty bits still intact) it's BUDDHA AND THE SLUT.



    30/01/2022 Duration: 23min

    Daddy gets lovingly schooled by the Buddha-boy, who ends up delivering a LONG overdue zen masterclass in self-esteem. Feat. ONE & ONLY from the new album DADBOD, plus tunes from Stillness 3.

  • MY FAVOURITE THING — A Bedtime Story for All Ages

    29/12/2021 Duration: 28min

    How Lord of the Rings, Psychic Dreams, and Fatherhood combine to (retroactively) give birth to a treasured children's story. Oh...and cats :) Feat. and original story written and performed by yours truly, w/ music by Stillness3 and Owl Cave Dreams.

  • THE BEST FRIEND QUEST — Searching for Deeper Connection

    30/10/2021 Duration: 27min

    The irony when you search and dream and pretty much BEG for profound connection with others...but that same intensity of longing only pushes people away. Uggh. As a middle-aged male in a society that puts little value on men's need for deeper bonds and friendships, is it any wonder there's a troubling loneliness and mental health epidemic?  All I ever wanted was a 'best friend'. And maybe, just maybe, my prayers were answered...

  • I GOT CAST ON SURVIVOR! (Be Careful What You Wish For...)

    23/09/2021 Duration: 01h44min

    Yes, it's true: I WAS cast on Survivor.   But, as is often the cast in my Charlie Brown football-kicking history..? CBS execs changed the format plan last minute, and I got the call to UNpack my bags   With the new season 41 out now after a LONG pandemic hiatus, it feels like the right time to dish on this crazy dream (almost) come true = 90MIN of dirt dishing on the whole wacky process, from audition tape right through to finals week.   Buckle up, children - THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN!

  • SEASON 3: A New Era for Love...and Other Contagions

    31/08/2021 Duration: 25min

    A heartfelt 25MIN Pre-Covid Revelation heralds the surprise premiere of SEASON 3! New art + tweaked title = new Daddy! Finally, it's crystal clear who's the Buddha...and who's the S**t =) HUGE thanks to all you amazing listeners for keeping the show in the Top 5% of podcasts globally, even in my absence

  • FATHERS ON FIRE: A BatS Album Release Special!

    26/07/2021 Duration: 31min

    https://dadbodthealbum.com — my new DADBOD album is on FIRE, so we're doing a shameless nod to Sean Evans' interview high-bar HOT ONES to celebrate! From Best Friend funk to Little Guy folk to hip-hop autobiography in BUMPY w/ Chrystal Leigh (Sons of Daughters), co-composer extraordinaire TOBIAS TINKER is in the house from Berlin to conquer 8 wings from Hell and share tales of creating this massive 20 song and 20 video epic for my young prince. And we finish off with a HUGE video preview for 80's homage ONE & ONLY in full Genesis/Gabriel style. Get your swoon on! https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/bro... - for album samplers, the BEST FRIEND video, and links to Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Tidal, Amazon, and more! Wanna skip straight to the good stuff? Wing 1 - 3:00 Aardvark Habanero Wing 2 - 5:30 Heartbeat Hot Sauce Wing 3 - 9:00 Christian's Cherry Bomb Wing 4 - 14:00 Dawson's Hot Sauce Wing 5 - 15:00 Christian's Tomato Haste Wing 6 - 17:30 Bravado Black Garlic Reaper DA BOMB! - 21:00 WE'RE GONNA DIE!!

  • Masks VS Walls: What Does YOURS Look Like?

    28/02/2021 Duration: 06min

    A bite-sized ep where I harness a creative technique to ask a timely question:  if MASKS are the modern symbol for our social and emotional WALLS...then what does YOUR 'wall' look like?

  • A VERY CORONA CHRISTMAS -- Your 2020 Doom Antidote Has Arrived!!

    20/12/2020 Duration: 16min

    When a good friend pulled me aside to share that they were Googling 'most painless ways to kill self'...? WelI...that triggered a powerful revelation about the trials and tribulations of the past year. 2020, people. We're all in it together. And there IS a way out


    30/10/2020 Duration: 20min

    Take a DEEP dream-dive with me for 20MIN! Featuring music by OWL CAVE DREAMS:   Happy Halloween one and all! It's the season of the witch, so I'm bringing you a fresh DREAMTIME journey — this is where I walk you (and myself, let's be honest) through the strange symbols and trippy moments and flickers of lucidity to try to get at the root of what a particular dream was trying to communicate. If you've got any hunches, inklings, or ideas, please pass 'em on! (And yes - I DO believe that dreams are important messages from the subconscious...and that the ones we remember upon waking are remembered for a REASON)

  • GAME WRITER HUSTLE: The Writing Test (IE: How Studios Get You Doing Free Dev Work)

    26/09/2020 Duration: 18min

    I've been a game writer and interactive narrative guy, in some capacity or another, since 1997.  23 YEARS. Let that sink in for a minute. And even with all of that storytelling experience, heaps of professional accolades, high-level game writer recommendations, and some acclaimed self-created indie projects? I still get asked, more often than not these days, to do a test story or provide an exclusive 'sample' for game writer gigs. Seriously.  In this age of Covid-19 and the (re)rise of remote work? I've been batting .500 on these 'auditions', which ain't bad. Especially when said gig ends up being fun, creatively challenging, and networking boon, and wallet steroids. But that still means that there were a handful of game writer jobs I applied for and didn't hit the bullseye. Ones where — after the headhunter or studio HR got my CV and reviewed my past work samples and learned of my (modest but fair?) salary expectations — I was asked to spend 1-2 weeks on a game writer 'assessment'. A test that would most cer

  • LASTCAST: It's the End...and the Beginning

    27/08/2020 Duration: 16min

    Closing time Time for you to go back to the places you will be from. Closing time This room won't be open 'til your brothers or you sisters come. So gather up your jackets, and move it to the exits I hope you have found a Friend. Closing time Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's End, yeah.   YouTube Channel, Yo. Facebook Page, homie. Instagrammin', slammin'.

  • DREAMTIME 3: Demon at the Edge of Sleep!

    03/07/2020 Duration: 22min

      4 sleepless nights in 1991 = a chilling 'encounter' + an impossible revelation. It's DREAMTIME 3

  • BECOMING: 10th Anniversary Reading and HD Giveaway) Graphic Novel

    24/06/2020 Duration: 25min

    It’s the 10th anniversary of my creepy AF graphic novel BECOMING — published by ARCANA Comics — so what better way to celebrate in remote lockdown than a suitably spooky reading + hypnotic new music by Owl Cave Dreams? SKIP TO 4:10 to dive straight into the narrated goodness of the first act of the story. If you like what you’re hearing? Then drop me a line and maybe…just maybe…we can figure out a way to get an HD PDF of all 98 pages into your grubby virtual paws! Here’s the summary, along with an embed of the original trailer for the comic: At a remote university, an angry young student faces the harsh realization that he has nothing to show for years of study. When he threatens his professor to teach him something real, he is drawn into a horrifying game of life and death. Soon, he will learn that the only rule is pain, and that true knowledge only comes when everything you believe…has burned away. Written by Brooke Burgess — the award-winning creator of Broken Saints — with art by Dane Cypel.  

  • DREAMTIME 2: Of Cat Tragedy, Super-Gods, and the Prison at the End of Time

    08/06/2020 Duration: 15min

    This is # 2 in a 'DREAMTIME' series I've been recording live and unfiltered, where I share profound 'visions' downloaded in sleep. Prophecies? Well...that's for YOU to decide. You can find VIDEO of the first—a super emotional symbol dream on the eve' of my 50th— over on my FB and Youtube pages (5000 FB views and counting!)  Featuring hypnotic new tunes by OWL CAVE DREAMS.

  • DEEP FAKE IMMORTALS: AI, Artistry, and the Dark Future of Entertainment Tech (SNYDER CUT-inspired)

    26/05/2020 Duration: 11min

    With all the buzz surrounding the Snyder Cut, 'deep fakes', the spectre of advanced AI, and the entertainment industry leaning on animation to survive the Covid-19 pandemic? I had a thought.  Or two ;-) Feat. original music by Tobias Tinker and Owl Cave Dreams.

  • 50 for 50: The Shameless Birthday Begging Special!

    10/05/2020 Duration: 19min

    Jesus H Christmas...it's true...I'm turning 50.  And with just a few weeks left to brace before the 'oldometer' rolls me into flattened obsolescence? I wanted to reach out to my most loyal and loving listeners with a request. You see...after 3 years of giving this show away for zip, nada, bupkis, nothing, FREE...I figured it was fair time to hit you up for some sweet b-day charity. Fiscal love. Cash-cash-money, y'all. And if just 5% of you send me a little somethin-somethin'? Then this Southeast Asian Lockdown mid-life nightmare might just transform into this storyteller's creative dream...

  • LOCKDOWN GIVEAWAY: It's Free Audiobook Time! (The Shadowland Saga)

    22/04/2020 Duration: 45min

    It's FREE AUDIOBOOK BINGE TIME, folks! For the next 30 DAYS I'm giving away copies of our HD deluxe bells-and-whistles #audiobook extravaganza The Cat's Maw to any and all who want it — that's 8+ HOURS of award-winning storytelling, FREE! Listen to the latest ep for how to snag it (of course there's a catch, but it's mere minutes of effort) — if you're still on the fence, I've included THE pivotal chapter in the story for your listening pleasure! So spread the good word, get those headphones ready, and be sure to set your Audible account to HD Downloads — I promise you are in for a feline-lovin' trip

  • THE BUCKET LIST: 10 Things I MUST Do Before I Die

    15/03/2020 Duration: 16min

    You want it? You got it! No razzle dazzle required, my friends — by popular request, here's my TOP 10 BUCKET LIST, in honour of 2020 and the painful birthday milestone I'm destined to hit, coronavirus permitting =))) Feat. original music by STILLNESS 3

  • DOUCHEBAGS IN THE WILD: A 'Bad Traveller' Q&A Special

    28/02/2020 Duration: 19min

    This month's 20min Q&A edition asks: WHO ARE THE WORST KIND OF TRAVELLERS YOU'VE MET, WITNESSED, OR PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED? Whooooo-boy. Fasten those safety belts, kidlets. It's about to get nasty. (FEATURING MUSIC FROM STILLNESS3)

  • WHEN I LOVE YOU: A Valentine's Podcast Special

    11/02/2020 Duration: 11min

    If there’s anything I've learned in my near 5-decades wandering the plains and crags of this waterlogged rock spinning in the deep, deep dark, for God Knows What Purpose before this soul of mine pops off like the last bubble in a dirty kid’s bathwater..? It’s this: though the essence underneath it is the same, the human act of LOVE represents something different to everyone. And here's what it means to me... (Featuring original music from OWL CAVE DREAMS)  

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