Green Dragon Live



A new podcast for Middle-earth. Made for your first and eleventy-first time to J.R.R. Tolkien's high fantasy world. Served up from The Green Dragon in Bywater of the Shire.


  • 43. B3:C2 - The Riders of Rohan [LoTR Read Along]

    06/10/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    The Nicks are running across Rohan! Or at least the three hunters are. Join us as we attempt to catch up with our enemies in order to rescue our friends, but keep a wary eye out for clues, and for horsemen.   Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode   Now we see Aragorn “The greatest traveller and huntsman of this age of the world” (B1C2 - first mention)   Orcs of different factions White Hand - Orthanc, Saruman’s Uruk Hai - Orc Men Northern - Misty Mountains? Gundabad? Moria From the East - Mordor Orcs Aragorn longing for Gondor We see the King waiting for his time Eagle! Traveling away back to the North First sight of the orcs they’re chasing - 12 leagues or more 1 league = 3 miles Spring has come to Rohan Hobbit evidence - the brooch (Pippin is smaller - pin) Debate to rest or not - Gimli and Legolas stick Aragorn with the choice “An ill chooser”, we see the angst of having had bad chance before We are a side-

  • 42. B3:C1 - The Departure of Boromir - [LoTR Read Along]

    29/08/2018 Duration: 45min

    The Nicks crack open the next named section of the LoTR story and discuss the way the story changes its narrative style and the suspense that comes with it. Boromir's departure from the Fellowship and Aragorn gets some clarity about his mission. Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode     Aragorn on the seat of Amon Hen   The world seems darkened, and there was nothing to see THE HORN OF GONDOR! Aragorn came too late and missed the fight Boromir is dying Sword: broken above the hilt Horn: cloven in two Pierced by many arrows The Hobbits are taken! Aragorn doesn’t know what to do 1 Find the Ring and the Bearer 2 Go to Minas Tirith as bidden by his heart and Boromir’s dying wish 3 Find the Halflings Everything he has done today is turned to ruin Gimli and Legolas slaying in the woods, also too late to help The Hobbits were bound, therefore likely still alive Finding the Hobbit knives Work of Westernesse Symbols of the

  • 41. Back In The Saddle

    28/04/2018 Duration: 40min

    The Nicks do their first recording in many months. This episode is a reconnecting of two friends and trying to establish a routine for the future of the podcast. The Nicks also talk briefly about Sauron's attacks in the northern parts of Middle-earth and ask if there are elves in the east.

  • 40. DISC 2 - The Fellowship of The Ring - Extended Edition - Watch Along Commentary

    19/04/2018 Duration: 01h51min

    The Nicks are joined by Erin and Aran to give their commentary while watching the extended edition of The Fellowship of The Ring (Disc 2). Cue up your copy and press play with us to listen and watch along with us in this special episode. We are playing the Extended Edition of the Fellowship of The Ring which has scenes that were either shortened or cut from the theatrical release. This episode covers DISC 2 only. After a short prelude, we will give a countdown as the cue for when to start the movie. The commentary is uncut and unedited and will run the full length of the film (minus some of the credits). Thank you for listening, we hope you enjoy this special episode of Green Dragon Live.

  • 39. DISC 1 - The Fellowship of The Ring - Extended Edition - Watch Along Commentary

    19/04/2018 Duration: 01h52min

    The Nicks are joined by Erin and Aran to give their commentary while watching the extended edition of The Fellowship of The Ring. Cue up your copy and press play with us to listen and watch along with us in this special episode. We are playing the Extended Edition of the Fellowship of The Ring which has scenes that were either shortened or cut from the theatrical release. This episode covers DISC 1 only. After a short prelude, we will give a countdown as the cue for when to start the movie. The commentary is uncut and unedited and will run the full length of the film. Thank you for listening, we hope you enjoy this special episode of Green Dragon Live.

  • 38. B2:C10 - The Breaking of The Fellowship - [LoTR Read Along]

    12/04/2018 Duration: 45min

    The Nicks might be breaking up a bit in this episode, but it's only fitting as this is the Breaking of the Fellowship! How will the break happen? Is it physical? Or psychological? Which way will Frodo go? Who will go with him? Find out with us, live at the Green Dragon. Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode Sting shines blue Time to think, time to decide The group talks about what they will do Boromir has big plans Boromir cracks and nearly breaks Frodo Frodo Escapes up Amon Hen Oh The Things You’ll See - while wearing the ring of power on the seat of seeing Boromir rejoins the group, gives sparse news Aragorn is angry with him, Frodo is missing Aragorn tries to organize a search party (there are orcs out there after all) everyone scatters instead Sam knows Frodo, feels the pain of being left behind Frodo tries to leave Sam tries to catch him, but can’t swim Sam and Frodo get their gear and take off, the Fellowship is broken. Cha

  • 37. B2:C9 - The Great River - [LoTR Read Along]

    09/12/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    The Nicks discuss the journey down the great river, the speed at which our Fellowship is cutting across the landscape, and the dangers it holds on either bank. Also discussing the desire to do more recordings with less interference from real life. Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode THEY GOT STUFF THEY’S ON A RIVER THEY GOTS BOATS The Story in this Chapter: Floating down the river is boring Landscapes change Aragorn lets the fellowship kind of just drift along… they don’t paddle too much. Merry, Pippin, and Boromir | Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam | Legolas and Gimli Boromir acting strangely Sam sees eyes and strange logs floating alongside them - or is it catching up with them? Sam takes the watch - wakes Frodo Frodo sees a thing!  Draws Sting and it flees! Aragorn wakes and says that he’s seen it too… and even tried to catch... HIM?! They spot an eagle high up in the sky - at the same time they are approaching the Emyn Muil on the E

  • 36. B2:C8 - Farewell to Lorien - [LoTR Read Along]

    14/11/2017 Duration: 52min

    The Nicks dive into this chapter of gift giving by asking which of the Fellowship's gifts would you steal, or what gift would you ask of Lady Galadriel? We discuss the differences between the movie gifts and the book. And, in spite of not making an actual plan, we prepare ourselves for a long trek downriver.  Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode Summoned up to see Lord and Lady It's time to go. Celeborn talks over what lay ahead -- east is over Emyn Muil, west goes into Rohan/Fangorn and ultimately leads to Minas Tirith. Aragorn is doubtful and troubled. (Remember gandalf’s plan!) Celeborn offers boats - this could prolong the decision! The Fellowship take their own council Majority choose to go west and make for Minas Tirith. Aragorn is quiet. Boromir makes his case -- “throw away what?” Gifted cloaks, Lembas, and rope Haldir comes back to escort them out of Caras Galadhon to the waters. Gifted boats! Off down the river

  • 35. B2:C7 - The Mirror of Galadriel - [LoTR Read Along]

    16/07/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    The Nicks get down to business by talking about the elephant in the room, this elephant being the new baby boy in Nicholas' family! Also, we meet the Lord and Lady of the Galadhrim - Celeborn, and Galadriel. Later, Galadriel shows two of our fellowship her magic mirror. Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode OUR FELLOWSHIP HAS ENTERED THE ENCHANTED FOREST ELVES FROM WITHIN HAVE CLEARED THE ORC SCUM WITHOUT! OUR FELLOWSHIP HAS BEEN ENTRUSTED WITH THE SECRETS OF THE GOLDEN WOOD WHAT WILL THEY FIND WITHIN THE CITY OF GREEN TOWERS? WILL THE LORD AND LADY BE GRACIOUS? HAS ANYONE PAID MIND TO BILL THE PONY? WILL THE COMPANY’S HEARTS FALTER UNDER THE LADY’S GAZE? The story in this chapter Approaching Caras Galadhon Long walk up Meeting Celeborn and Galadriel Testing hearts Rest Frodo starts to feel like it’s time to go Galadriel shows Frodo and Sam the mirror Sam and the mirror Frodo and the mirror Galadriel and the Ring Galadriel and th

  • 34. B2:C6 - Lothlorien - [LoTR Read Along]

    07/07/2017 Duration: 01h22min

    The Nicks talk about stepping out of time in special and awe-inspiring places, as well as being too close to the special things near you. Our Fellowship makes a dash for the woods, in spite of the potential of danger within. Aragorn is forced to take the lead after Gandalf's fall, and now they take the last known road in the plan created in Rivendell.   Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode BESIEGED BY ORCS! AN ANCIENT FOE OF FIRE AND FLAME! THE FELLOWSHIP FLEES TO THE EASTERN GATE GANDALF MAKES A STAND AND SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR THE FELLOWSHIP ARAGORN NOW LEADS… THE DRUMS OF THE ENEMY FADE AWAY WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR FELLOWSHIP? WHAT AWAITS THEM ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ONCE GLORIOUS KHAZAD-DUM? The Story in this Chapter: Grieving the loss of Gandalf Need to press on. Rushing so quickly that they forgot that Sam and Frodo had been wounded and the company was lagging behind Aragorn and Legolas. Significance of the Geography

  • BONUS- Update from Nicholas Jon, Eowyn, and Lochlan

    22/06/2017 Duration: 07min

    This is a quick update from Nicholas Jon about the various things that have been happening in our world which prevents us from having a solid upload schedule. Have a quick listen. Video version originally posted on our Facebook page. Links Twitter Facebook iTunes/Apple Podcast Stitcher Google Play Music YouTube Special thanks to our friend Harry Murrell for the use of his music. Listen to more and subscribe to his channel here.

  • 33. Q&A #3

    17/06/2017 Duration: 54min

    The Nicks answer your questions about what Dwarf women look like, why it's hard to get into the books, why the names are so similar, the eye of Sauron, and more! Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Questions from listeners: What DO Dwarf women look like?  -- CHAPTER 13 The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion Friends who like Lord of the Rings... help! I'm almost done reading The Fellowship of the Ring and am having trouble. When does something happen that draws the reader to the character? When does the singing stop? When does something of importance happen? I fully expected to like the books. Am I reading it wrong? Do I have too high of expectations? Why do so many people like it?? Why are all the names so similar? Did the eye of Sauron ever have a physical body? And how did the eye come to exist Why doesn't Samwise pay off Sauron with all the diamonds he got from Chester Copperpot's buried treasure? Links Twitter Facebook iTunes/Ap

  • 32. B2:C5 - The Bridge of Khazad-dum - [LoTR Read Along]

    05/06/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    The Nicks convene at the Green Dragon very late at night to discuss the chapter The Bridge of Khazad Dum - wherein Gandalf stands toe to toe, brother vs. brother with the Balrog "Durin's Bane." Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode OUR FELLOWSHIP STRIDES BOLDLY THROUGH DARK AND DANGEROUS CAVERNS.WITH FEW STOPS. LESS FOOD. AND EVEN LESS LIGHT.OUR HEROES STRUGGLE TO FIND THE PATH THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS FEW THINGS KEEP THEM MOVING.HOPING FOR LIGHT AGAINLONGING FOR WIND AGAINRUNNING FROM THE DARKAND THE FEAR OF ENEMIES! AND NOW THE TOMB OF BALIN HAS BEEN FOUND!WILL OUR HEROES ESCAPE THIS DARK TOMB?HAS OUR GUIDE SUCCESSFULLY BROUGHT US TO THE END?OR HAS TRAGEDY FINALLY FALLEN ON OUR FELLOWSHIP? The story in this chapter It was very late when we got started, and we didn't flesh out our notes. The Book of Mazarbul Trapped! Cave Troll Frodo is NOT a stuck pig Something behind the door - Immensely powerful Run to the bridge A Balrog! You c

  • 31. B2:C4 - A Journey in the Dark - [LoTR Read Along]

    26/05/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    The Nicks take a walk in the dark as the Fellowship continues their journey. A danger in the dark is due to appear at any moment! What are those footsteps? Why can Frodo see in the dark? Why does Nick Andrew hate caves (and his brother)? All this and more in this episode of our read-along of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode THIS JUST IN! THE RING IS ON THE MOVE. EAST TOWARD THE MISTY MOUNTAINS, THEN SOUTH… BIRDS SWOOP IN… THE EYES OF THE ENEMY ARE EVERYWHERE! THE PASS OF CARADHRAS.  THE REDHORN GATE.   THE FELLOWSHIP ATTEMPTS TO CLIMB OVER THE CRUEL MOUNTAIN. SNOW PILED ON. … ... WINDS... WHIPPED. THE HOBBITS?  ….  FREEZING AFTER BATTLING THE MOUNTAIN FOR LONGER THAN THEY CAN BEAR OUR COMPANY RESIGNS HEADING BACK DOWN THE MOUNTAIN  HOW WILL OUR COMPANY HANDLE DEFEAT AND IS THERE ANOTHER WAY? The story in this chapter A rest, what to do? Only options are to go on… somehow Or go back to

  • 30. B2:C3 - The Ring Goes South - [LoTR Read Along]

    12/05/2017 Duration: 01h24min

    The Nicks talk about getting used to crazy amounts of noise, or the lack thereof. The forming of the Fellowship of The Ring, as in the title of this volume of the novel. The preparations of the Fellowship, and the courage of the hobbits as they set forth. The lands between Rivendell and The Gap of Rohan, the mountains under which the ancient civilization of the Dwarves: Khazad-Dûm was crafted. Being beaten down by the misfortune of weather, and why you should read the next chapter in the dark! All this and more of Tolkien's world in this episode of Green Dragon Live! Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode THIS JUST IN! THE COUNCIL WAS DECISIVE!THE RING MUST BE DESTROYED! THE HALFLING STILL CARRIES THE RING SAMWISE GAMGEE STILL GOING ALONG! WHAT BRAVE SOULS WILL ACCOMPANY?   WHO WILL REPRESENT THE FREE PEOPLE?WHERE ARE THE RIDERS NOW? DID THEY SURVIVE?WHEN WILL THIS STORY CONTINUE, AND WHAT DID THEY NAME THE PONY? The story in this

  • 29. B2:C2 pt2 - The Council of Elrond - Gandalf's Tale & the Purpose of the Council - [LoTR Read-Along]

    05/05/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    The Nicks fall into a meme-hole, discuss the doings of Gandalf and Saruman, and finally get down to brass tacks to decide what is to be the fate of this Council... and The Ring. THIS JUST IN! A COUNCIL HAS GATHERED….TO COUNCIL.... ELVES, DWARVES, MEN, AND HALFLINGS TOGETHER UNDER ONE ROOF! DELIBERATIONS ENSUE AND STORIES ARE TOLD -- INCLUDING BILBO’S! ISILDUR’S BANE REVEALED! WHY ARE WE HERE? CAN ONE SIMPLY WALK INTO MORDOR, AND WHAT IS GANDALF’S STORY? Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode Use the Force Harry Vader Brita Saruman Trololo Trolling Saruman Part 2 Trolling Saruman Part 3   Other fandom trolling memes: 1 2 3 4 5 The story in this chapter Gandalf's Tale: Gandalf has the longest part to tell - but he has done the most to understand the enemy, the Ring, and to set in motion the tale we now read. Saruman The Rings and their jewels or lack thereof Hunting for Gollum Saruman knew of writing upon the Ring - but

  • 28. B2:C2 - The Council of Elrond part 1 - The Tale of The Ring - [LoTR Read Along]

    27/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    The Nicks take a close look at the goings on of Middle-earth, the Council is called at a time when all the free folks happen to be represented, the tale of The Ring is told and the larger picture is starting to become clear to those present that now is the time of action, there is a chance NOW to strike against the enemy. THIS JUST IN! A WOUNDED HOBBIT HEALED.   WRAITH WORLD AVOIDED. THE TIME FOR FEASTS IS OVER.    THE TIME FOR TALK IS NIGH! ELROND THE ELF LORD HOSTS A GREAT COUNCIL.   SECRETS ARE TOLD -- DECISIONS…  MADE. WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE?  WHAT DECISIONS WILL THEY COME TO? AND WHAT OF THE RULING RING? Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode Frodo feels great! He wants to explore. No time for that _BELL RINGS!_ The gathering (Many Meetings part 2) Boromir - A stranger unlooked for Gloin’s report from Erebor and Dale The messenger from “The Lord Sauron the Great”. We are gathered here uncalled and unlooked for to deci

  • 27. B2:C1- Many Meetings - [LoTR Read Along]

    20/04/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    The Nicks wake from their slumber to find themselves in Rivendell where they must try and remember their family, meet new friends, and see old friends in a new light.  THIS JUST IN! THE ENEMY HAS GONE TO WAR!   OPENLY DECLARING HIMSELF, THE DECEIVER SENDS HIS 9 WRAITHS AFTER OUR HEROES.   FRODO IS WOUNDED AND ON THE BRINK. A MYSTERIOUS ELF LORD COMES TO HIS AID. AFTER LENGTHY PURSUIT ACROSS MILES OF COUNTRY THE SERVANTS OF THE ENEMY DRAW CLOSER THAN COMFORT ALLOWS.   NEARING RIVENDELL GLORFINDEL, THE ELF LORD, CALLS ON ANCIENT POWERS COMBAT THE ENEMY IN PURSUIT.   WILL HIS PLAN PLAY OUT?   WILL FRODO, OUR HERO, SURVIVE THE DAY? Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers! Notes for this episode Many Meetings Gandalf - what happened at the Ford - the true nature of Frodo’s injury/ringwraiths - “Delayed?” - comments about Weathertop - lost time Sam and the Hobbits - Sam has stayed with him each of the 4 days… barely left his side. Pippin - “The Lord of the Ring

  • 26. Q&A #2

    13/04/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    The Nicks take a break from the chapters as an interlude between Books 1 and 2. Some reflection on the story so far, and questions from our listeners! Maps Map of Middle-earth interactive map - Caution: spoilers for new readers!   Links Twitter Facebook YouTube Google Play Music Special thanks to our friend Harry Murrell for the use of his music. Listen to more and subscribe to his channel here.

  • 25. BONUS - "Restaurant Review" - Green Dragon Brew Pub - Fond du Lac, WI

    11/04/2017 Duration: 22min

    The Nicks, joined by Jake, Jenni, and Eowyn get together at the Green Dragon Brew Pub in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. If your name is the Green Dragon, we're interested in testing your fare, the food, and the drink. This short episode is cut from our whole meal together and barely passes as a review.  The food was good, heavy and rich with cheese in the case of the flatbreads, but very enjoyable nonetheless. The potato wedges were delicious, with a crispy perfection. The Dragon Eggs were very good - Hard boiled eggs wrapped in sausage and deep fried - even the Nicks (who don't usually like hard boiled eggs found them delectable).The drinks were tasty, but nothing that would make the hair on your toes curl up with excitement. The venue is standard bar restaurant, adequate but not any resemblance of a place that takes its name from Lord of The Rings. In fact, we don't know if the name is any reference to Tolkien's works. We would, however, like to go back and try some of the other pub food, the burgers for example.

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