Banned Behavior



I try to cover some politics, some news and pop culture...from the point of view of a gay Latino guy living in Southern California.


  • BannedBehavior003

    29/11/2016 Duration: 27min

    Left leaning news podcast covering news and LGBT media representation Today I talk a little about the NODAPL protests, Fight for 15 continues,CALExit is ridiculous, Supergirl and Westworld too!

  • BannedBehavior002

    21/11/2016 Duration: 24min

    On my second podcast I discuss the NODAPL protests, how Mike Pence feels about LGBT people and a little bit of some fun with Supergirl and Flash episodes.SPOILER ALERT on Supergirl, not so much on The Flash. Thanks for listening!

  • BannedBehavior001

    12/11/2016 Duration: 32min

    Podcast that focuses on politics and pop culture with emphasis on LGBT issues, hosted by your favorite gay Latino guy, Isaac.