Monetize Your Madness



I have a dream, that one day... there will be a community of thousands of successful people supporting each other who've beaten the odds... changed the world and made good money too regardless of their ability to focus, battle depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or any other struggle. Entrepreneurs have historically been the different ones, the misfits and that's totally ok!


  • Episode 2 - The Art of Persuasion

    20/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, host Daniel Deyette dives deep into his childhood. He describes how challenges he faced molded him into a copywriter today and why he fell in love with the art of persuasion and getting people to take action. If you've ever struggled with sales or getting results with your web copy, website, marketing funnel... the hint may lie within the psychological triggers and techniques taught in this episode

  • Episode 1 - Are You A Fish Climbing A Tree?

    06/01/2016 Duration: 15min

    Episode 1 of Monetize Your Madness, the Podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneurs with ADHD, Bipolar, Depression etc.In this episode, Dan discusses focusing on your strengths, covers some key successful people who've faced mental illness... Talks about the future of the podcast and his own history with mental health, work and successes.Dan talks about a specific client who he recently helped with a launch, and the results they got.