Nlcc Walnut Grove



Messages from the Walnut Grove campus of North Langley Community Church in Langley, BC, Canada.


  • The Pace of Justice


    Watch at:

  • The Pace of Love


    Watch at:

  • The Pace of a Week


    God has gifted us the Sabbath, one day each week without work, and yet it doesn't always feel like a gift. We might sense the weight of obligation, wonder at the relevance of an outdated idea, or simply fear it to be a killjoy, but Sabbath slows us down to the speed of the God who creates, delivers, and provides.

  • The Pace of Restoration


    Andrea Hendy - Watch at:

  • The Pace of Abiding


    Watch at:

  • The Great Commission


    Noah Fensome joined us all the way from Amsterdam to finish our Luke series talking about Jesus' call for his followers to take the life-changing message of the Gospel into every corner of the world.

  • What Road Are You On


    Even when were walking on the road of addictions, anxiety, illness, hurts, self-hatred, guilt, and shame, that looks too strong, that looks impossible for us to turn around from that road, even when we feel like nothing can be changed in our lives, what still gives us hope is Jesus.

  • Through The Fog


    We all have moments where we feel as though a fog has settled in our minds and our hearts. Today we will take a look at 2 disciples who had this same feeling in their own lives, and the things they did to allow Jesus to walk with them through the fog, and bring them to a place of hope, joy, and passion.

  • The Emmaus Road


    The simple fact of the matter is that for every person who encounters Christ dramatically with blinding lights and a booming voice, hundreds more meet him slowly and quietly, incognito on the Emmaus road, through friendship, Scripture, and conversation." -Pete Greig

  • Baptism Sunday


    Watch at:

  • The Resurrection Changes Everything


    Does the resurrection of Jesus from the dead 2000 years ago really matter?" Believing in the resurrection is one thing, but do we know what it means? Christs death and resurrection are central to the gospel because God raised Christ from the dead so that we can be forgiven, changed by his power and face eternity with hope.

  • The Humble King of Peace


    Jesus journey to Jerusalem (Luke 9-19) culminates here with his Triumphal Entry into the holy city. In his royal procession, Jesus rides into the city on a borrowed donkey, symbolizing his meekness and humility. The disciples sing Gods praise while the religious leaders feel threatened. Jesus is the humble servant king who alone brings true peace to the whole world.

  • Being Hard-Pressed


    There are situations or seasons where we feel hard-pressed. Where we know that life has not gone the way we have wanted it to. Where we wish for a different way for it to go. And in these times we truly wonder where to turn. Part of the beauty of the Bible is that it is brutally honest and vulnerable. As we get closer to Easter, we find that Jesus went through his own dark night of the soul. He wanted a different way. But he also prayed a very bold prayer that gave him hope and resolve to face his most hard-pressed of times. And I think we can learn much from it.

  • The Lord's Supper


    As we practice this new covenant meal, may it stir within us hope for hisreturn and thankfulness for who he is and what he has done.

  • Hope in the Face of Opposition


    Facing opposition in the form of the temptation of selfish ambition, the dangers of Satan's aggression, and the challenge of worldly antagonism, followers of Jesus can trust in Jesus as our Servant King, our Advocate, and our Saviour.

  • New Temple


    Jesus tells his followers that the temple in Jerusalem will be destroyed. He lovingly prepares them to face that horrific moment in history. As we see the destruction of the temple- we see the new house, the new building, the new temple that God was building. The people of God- the church- would become a temple of living stones filled with the very Presence of God.

  • Marriage in Heaven


    Watch at:

  • Jesus & Leadership


    Jesus knows that He has to bring a transformation to Israel. One of the key pieces to transformation will be new leadership among God's people. Jesus is establishing a new leadership team to care for God's vineyard- His people.

  • Kingdom Finances Workshop


    Ron Davis brings us practical tools to get inspired & organized with our finances, walking us through 6 principles of stewardship.

  • 2 coins, a widow, and a heart of generosity


    Jesus celebrates the actions of a poor widow as she gives 2 copper coins to God. Jesus is calling each of us to practice a sacrificial generosity that sets our hearts free!

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