Stronger Leaders...shaping Tomorrow



This podcast is founded on the strong belief that leaders are shaping the future. Years ago John Maxwell coined the well-known phrase, "everything rises and falls on leadership." At Alliant Leadership we affirm that statement. Therefore, it is important that you continue to invest in your own growth. In these podcasts, leadership coach and trainer Joe Denner provides timely and relevant leadership insights and life principles that are designed to give you what they need to get more of what you want and less of what you don't. Leaders are often overwhelmed with input and demands. In these brief podcasts we trust that you will find the opportunity to focus on what matters most to you.


  • Starting Your Own Business: Join the Tide

    21/03/2017 Duration: 31min

    In this month's podcast, Phil and I discuss the benefits of starting your own business, some of the biggest challenges, and the most important things I've learned from the last 10 years.

  • Leading Millennials to a Team Win

    03/11/2016 Duration: 24min

    One of the questions we have received the most is how to lead millennials. They are a very different generation from the Baby Boomers and the Gen-X generations. Joe offers 7 different things to consider to help you understand how to rally the millennials in your organization around you and help them reach their full potential.

  • How to Save Time and Make More of the Time You Have

    08/08/2016 Duration: 30min

    Many of us face the struggle of fitting everything in our busy schedules as well as making good use of the time we have in our day. Joe offers some helpful hints and tips to help you create more time in your schedule by cutting down the time you use in areas of your work.

  • How Evernote Has Made Life So Much Easier

    07/07/2016 Duration: 27min

    You and I are both inundated with information. It’s hard to keep up with it all. At least that was true until Evernote arrived on the scene. If you’re not familiar with it, Evernote is an amazing electronic filing cabinet with apparent super powers. Joe shares eight ways that Evernote has changed the game for him and others.

  • Balancing Work and Family

    16/06/2016 Duration: 24min

    A struggle that a great deal of people face is being able to juggle all of their responsibilities along with family. If you are one of these people, you are not alone! Joe and Phil discuss strategies that you can take to be more successful in this area of your life with some real personal examples from Joe's life. After listening to this podcast, we hope that you will be able to take your first steps in finding success with prioritizing between work and family.

  • Five Essential Skills to Being a Great Leader

    05/05/2016 Duration: 25min

    Many of us want to be leaders and some of us may be leaders, but maybe you are wondering what the key pieces are to becoming a GREAT leader. Joe and Phil discuss five essential skills that will definitely take some hard work to become effective with, but you will have great results.

  • Understand Why People Do What They Do

    13/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    People do things that drive us crazy and confuse us, but why do they do these things? Are they purposefully trying to annoy us, or is it something more than that? It is easy to become really frustrated with these people, but imagine how much more productive your relationship would be with this person if you understood why they did things the way they did. This podcast dives into the question of why people do what they do and why it is important for us to understand this.

  • Conflict In the Workplace

    10/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    Conflict is inevitable. The question is, how will you deal with it? Conflict that is dealt with in a healthy fashion can actually be incredibly productive and positive at both a personal and organizational level. If it is avoided, it will not resolve itself and can deteriorate quickly. If it is handled in a self-focused, self-serving manner it can be terribly destructive. In this podcast, Phil and Joe discuss some of the most common causes of conflict and five simple steps you can take to skillfully work through it. There is a lot in this conversation that will help you at work and at home.

  • THE best way to get someone's attention

    03/02/2016 Duration: 24min

    In a world full of noise, there is one sure way of getting someone’s attention. Listen to them. I mean really listen to them. People today are starved for authentic relationships. Because of this, and with the introduction of the millennial generation into the labor force, I am convinced that being a highly skilled listener has risen to the top of the list of skills required to be a truly great leader. In this podcast Phil and Joe discuss five, simple aspects of listening that will take your skills to a new level of influence with others. They also interact on a number of other questions about listening, such as, “What are ways to actually become a better listener? and How will I know if I am getting better at listening?” This podcast has the potential to improve your relationships quickly. Listen, enjoy and share it with others.

  • My Top 10 Books of 2015

    11/01/2016 Duration: 32min

    "Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body," said author and statesman Sir Richard Steele. We believe that wholeheartedly. In today's podcast Phil and Joe discuss five reasons why reading is so important in leadership and should be a part of every leaders discipline. In addition, Joe shares his top 10 books of 2015, bringing you some great resources to help you become a stronger leader.

  • 5 Ways to Build Strong Relationships With Your Employees

    02/12/2015 Duration: 27min

    For some leaders the idea of building strong relationships feels soft. However, the entire concept of leadership depends on strong relationships. Without them there is no leadership. Management is about control. Leadership is about influence. Managers make people do things. Leaders get them to want to do things. There is an enormous difference, especially over the long haul. In this podcast Joe Denner discusses "5 Ways to Build Strong Relationships With Your Employees." These five insights will enable you to gain significant ground if you take the simple steps to practice them in your daily work and life. Listen in, grow and move the needle forward in shaping your team's "tomorrow."

  • The Seven Biggest Mistakes Companies Make When Hiring

    02/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    Hiring new employees can be a very daunting task for leaders. And with varying statistics showing the failure rate of new hires as high as 81% you can see why. And not only is the failure rate miserably high, but the cost of a bad hire can be devastating financially and otherwise. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this podcast Joe Denner discusses the Seven Biggest Mistakes Companies Make When Hiring. These insights have been gained over the last 15-20 years as Joe has interviewed hundreds of candidates and achieved a success rate of over 80% in the hires he has been involved with - for himself and his clients. While there are no silver bullets in this realm, there are definitely things that companies regularly do that undermine their effectiveness. Learn the pitfalls to avoid in this insight-filled podcast.

  • Ten Ways to Get More of What You Want

    05/10/2015 Duration: 29min

    In this episode of Stronger Leaders Shaping Tomorrow, Phil interviews Joe about his eBook titled, “10 Ways to Get More of What You Want.” Find out what prompted Joe to author the book and some of the key highlights, including an important note about how to create your vision for the future. Also find out about one element of productivity that came onto Joe’s radar only a year ago, but that has had a profound impact on him.

  • Kickoff/Outlook

    30/08/2015 Duration: 21min

    In this first episode of Stronger Leaders Shaping Tomorrow, you will meet the creator of this podcast, founder and President of Alliant Leadership, Joe Denner. Joe gives listeners some insights into his business and leadership background as well as a preview of some of the upcoming topics.