Gordon C. Cardona's Posts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 10:57:34
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Gordon C. Cardona's recent posts to audioboom.com


  • Announcing the Release of the eBook "Zone Mind"

    17/10/2013 Duration: 10min

    Announcing the Release of the eBook “Zone Mind”! “Zone Mind” Released! In this episode, I wanted to let people know that I finally released my eBook “Zone Mind” - an eBook based on the blog with a similar nane, ZoneMind, located at http://www.ZoneMind.com. It took me about a year to produce this eBook and, in all honesty, I have released the eBook only thanks to the assistance of Zoe’s Books Ltd located at http://www.zoesbooks.co.uk and Charter Software Ltd located at: http://www.chartersoftware.co.uk who helped me to edit the manuscript. and produce the eBook versions. Indeed, it would have been very difficult to get through the self-publishing process without the assistance of these organisations.. I admit that I don’t expect to make any profit any day soon following this release. On the other hand, I’m satisfied that, at least, more people can now have the chance to read my thoughts and reflections on life as I engage in Buddhist thought and practice and discovering the importance of h

  • Lives Should NEVEr Be Used As Means: In Defence of the Human Rights of Immigrants

    09/07/2013 Duration: 13min

    I recorded this in reaction to government's declaration that Malta was considering deporting immigrants from North Africa to Libya. While this is being presented as a step to get the EU's attention to the impact of immigration and the impact its having on our limited resource, I morally object to using any tactic to use people as bargaining chips for our country to get the support It needs from mainland Europe. Being implicitly racist, such a measure goes against the intrinsic value that we have as human beings. Indeed, it's a return to an archaic belief that national identity can trump over the value of life. This is indeed a sad day as I realise that we are blind to the fact our world has changed and that we can't keep on thinking as if we're separate or better than others or those coming from other countries. The value of human life can't be negotiated. That isthe ethics of terrorists to get ransom. Our government should be strong but not oppressive and utilitarian. That's not Malta for all!

  • Is there life after Facebook?

    06/07/2013 Duration: 18min

    I de-activated my Facebook this week. In this episode, I explain the main reasons I decided to leave. I talk about my concerns with privacy, the commercialisation of Facebook and how it can compromise our integrity and encourage us to be more impulsive and attention seeking. Finally, I talk about how we become dependent on Facebook that I suspect we forgot what life was like before FaceBook. Even if I don't condemn facebook, I think it's time to reclaim my freedom and independent from Facebook and, thus,restore my integrity. And, once again, rediscover that, yes, there's life after Facebook!

  • Is virtue its own reward? (part 2)

    25/06/2013 Duration: 27min

    Top: A photo of a younger me in my school uniform taken for the class album. In this second and concluding part of this series, I continue to talk about how awarding a prize for kindness affected me and my friendship. I argue that such prizes go against the value of inclusion and a misunderstanding of what friendship and a wrong idea of what charity and compassion actually require of us. And instead of promoting equality and friendship, such awards risk to reinforce the idea that inequality is inevitable and that friendship with a less valued member of society is always a personal sacrifice and an unbalanced relationship based on power and status. I fear that other children today may go through what I went through if society and the organisers of this prize ane similar initiatives ep not consider the implications their misguided good intentions they might have. For, they mustn't forget that friendships between disabled and non-disabled children, for all intents and purposes, just like a

  • Is virtue its own reward part 1

    25/06/2013 Duration: 16min

    Top: A photo of a younger me in my school uniform taken for the class album. In Part 1 of this two-part episode series I talk about lives changed forever. An experience that almost broke a friendship between two children and which never remained as it had been. It is a story about a disabled boy who realised that, in the eyes of society, his impairment rendered him of less value and less human. It’s a story about how media can distort reality and how society can exclude people simply because it deems them “less fortunate” and unequal. It is about the wrong conclusions we make as adults on simple friendships between disabled and non-disabled children. It’s about a prize which has all the good intentions but which leads to a hell of feeling betrayed, excluded and invalidated as a boy. It’s about the negative implications of how our adult world can do more harm than good by acting like judge and jury on the lives of children. It’s also about how modern society still doesn’t get what the real mea

  • To all mothers...

    12/05/2013 Duration: 05min

    On this episode i share a haiku quintet on motherhood as we celebrate mothers' day in my country. the haiku goes like this: To all mothers: Mothers of all time, Now, you made us who we are. You've given us life. Mothers without child. You've given birth to new hope. You've given us life. Mothers, you're human. You may fall and rise, but then, You've given us life. If it hadn't been you, We would not be here. No one. For that, we love you! Divided we are. We forget that we all had… We all had mothers! To read the original haiku quintet and a commentary on motherhood, kindly visit: http://haikuflow.gordon gd.com today! I hope you enjoy! Background song is John Lennon's single "Mother" from the album John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band Created with bossjock studio!

  • In Defence of Language: Reconciling Maltese and English Language Users

    29/04/2013 Duration: 04min

    Note: This episode is in Maltese. In this episode, directed at those who prefer to use Maltese as their primary means of communication, I express my concern regarding certain opinions against English language users who prefer to use English as the primary means of communication. While I prefer to use Maltese when in the presence of native Maltese speakers, I have no problem with engaging with English language users. In this sense, I come to appreciate the value of both English and Maltese in my life. In this spirit that I express my concerns about resentment I notice growing between Maltese and English language users who have expressed their preference for one language over the other. I believe that it’s unrealistic to expect the world to accommodate Maltese speakers at all costs, although I hold that we should sustain and cultivate our national linguistic heritage. On the other hand, I hold that we cannot risk neglecting to continue educating our children in the proper use of English and in instill

  • haiku flow: the Phoenix - A Haiku Trio

    04/04/2013 Duration: 03min

    In this special episode, I share a recording made with the iPhone app Songify available on the iTunes store which converts speech to song. And considering that I have a terrible singing voice, the result is a decent one. The song is based on a haiku I wrote after reflecting on Easter as I continue my engagement with Buddhist thought. The haiku, I named “The Phoenix” is a haiku trio, or one containing three haiki, and it went like this: The Phoenix A Haiku Trio 1 I am the phoenix… I will rise from my ashes… I will live again! 2 Ever constant change… This cycle of renewal… I will die again! 3 The ritual of death… To be buried in this earth… Hoping to return… I hope you enjoyed that song. If not, my apologies… Anyway, you can read a constantly updated collection of the haiki I write when I’m inspired on my haiku blog “Haiku Flow” which is located at: http://haikuflow.gordongd.com #GordonGT, #haikuflow, #haiku, #phoenix, #audioboo, #songify, #Easter, #Buddhism, #renewal

  • First Day @ Work after a long absence...

    30/03/2013 Duration: 09min

    In this episode before the start of the Easter break, I share my experiences after returning back to work after some weeks at home recovering from a back injury I sustained 2 months ago. I talk about the fact that while working from home has its benefits, nothing can really replace the experience of working with my work mates and meeting new people at the office. While this was my first step towards recovery, I also take the occasion to think about what is the purpose of my life and the future. Happy holidays! Dedicated to my friends at work... web: http://www.gordonGD.com #gordongd

  • A Right to Secrecy Denied

    27/02/2013 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, I share my concerns about voting in the general elections due on March 9 to be held over here in Malta. The situation is that, as a disabled person having a visual impairment, I can't vote in the election in secret. While I remain anxious with the prospect of voting in front of third parties representing the Electoral Commission,I express a hope that with Malta's ratification of the UN Convention Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), other disabled people who have been denied the right to a secret vote for soap long will finally be able to vote in secret. However, there has to be enough political trust to implement in full Article 29 of the UNCRPD. While I argue that the recommendations of Article 29 will definitely help in guaranteeing us a right to a secret vote, it would also benefit people whom, for other reasons, don't find the voting system accessible in its present form. I end this episode by playing an audio version of a post entry I recently published on my b

  • A hello and a haiku

    15/02/2013 Duration: 03min

    After a rather long absence from AudioBoo, I take this opportunity to say hello and update you on things. I end by reading a haiku I just wrote, Boundless Unconceived #haiku, #gordongt, #gordongd.com, #boundless, #eternity

  • A New Year Haiku Boo

    30/12/2012 Duration: 02min

    After a long absence, I briefly return presenting you with a short haiku trio on the occasion of the holidays and the upcoming new year 2013. For more content I produce visit http://www.gordonGD.com You may contact me at: zonemind.starchild@gmail.com Happy celebrations! #Buddhism, #GordonGD.com, #New year 2013, #Haiku Flow, #Reflection, #Announcement, #Renewal, #Memories, #Japanese verse, #mindfulness

  • Moving on...

    23/09/2012 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, I share some thoughts as I prepare to move back home for now at least... #home, #gordongd, #refuge, #change, #moving on, #habit, #happiness, #reflection

  • On September 11 ...

    11/09/2012 Duration: 04min

    In this episode, I reflect on the events happening on September 11, 2001 and about what the world needs to prevent more violence.  #September 11, #Gordongd, #reflection, #peace, #violence, #memory, #looking ahead, #reconciliation, #dialogue, #shared responsibility, #future generations, #humanity, #9/11, #terrorism, #WTC, #attacks   

  • The Social Model of Disability

    31/07/2012 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about an alternative way of looking at disability - the social model. I also provide a brief history of three approaches to impairment throughout history.

  • ZoneMind: The Shackles of Attachment

    29/07/2012 Duration: 05min

    In this spoken entry from my ZoneMind blog, I reflect on the suffering caused by attachment.

  • Reflections on the Aurora shooting

    28/07/2012 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I share some reflections on the recent tragedy of the Aurora shootings and where to go from here.

  • Beware of Emails asking you to Reset your Password!

    20/07/2012 Duration: 01min

    You may have be receiving emails from what appear to be legitimate sites such as Facebook, Twitter or PayPal asking you to change your password because your account was hacked. Beware fo by clicking on the links on the email you may be indeed exposing your account to fraud. Always login through the legitimate site (www.example.com(. Be safe!

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