Nathan Galloway Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 203687:00:00
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Nathan Galloway Podcast



    08/08/2010 Duration: 2080h00s

    We all have things or even people in our lives that we view as UNTOUCHABLE. We view them this way for all kinds of reasons. Whether it's because of fear, uncomfortable ness, the color of their skin, certain kinds of sins, the type of church they attend there is something about them that makes them UNTOUCHABLE to us. In this message we will take a look a Jesus and the way he responded to the untouchables in society and how we are called to do the same!

  • Born To Be Wild - Audio

    07/04/2010 Duration: 2817h00s

    Why was I born? Why am I here? These are some of the biggest questions in life! In this message we will learn the answer to these questions and the answers might surprise you! We all want our lives to count for something, sensing that our brief stay on earth can either be wasted on trivial things or invested in the stuff that matters most. The problem arises as we try to figure out what we're supposed to do with our lives, navigating daily choices and decisions that determine our future. Learning from the life of Jesus and George Washington Carver we we see God has called us all to live a wild life. What is your peanut?

  • Think (RED) 2- Life Blood - Audio

    16/12/2009 Duration: 3231h00s

    Think (RED). Have you ever wondered why Christianity is so bloody? Doesn't it seem so archaic and barbaric? The Bible is filled with the shedding and sacrificing of blood. It is referenced to 380 times in this context. Many people, even some Christians, choose to ignore or not deal with this part of Christianity. We do this mainly because it makes us feel uncomfortable or we don't understand it. But every time blood is mentioned there is a PURPOSE and in this series we want to bring that purpose to the forefront. In doing so we might start to even live and think differently in light of all that blood.

  • Think (RED) 1- First Blood - Audio

    09/12/2009 Duration: 2467h00s

    Think (RED). Have you ever wondered why Christianity is so bloody? Doesn't it seem so archaic and barbaric? The Bible is filled with the shedding and sacrificing of blood. It is referenced to 380 times in this context. Many people, even some Christians, choose to ignore or not deal with this part of Christianity. We do this mainly because it makes us feel uncomfortable or we don't understand it. But every time blood is mentioned there is a PURPOSE and in this series we want to bring that purpose to the forefront. In doing so we might start to even live and think differently in light of all that blood.

  • UN-Expected - Audio

    02/12/2009 Duration: 2302h00s

    un•ex•pect•ed: not expected or anticipated; surprising or unforeseen. We have all experienced the unexpectedness of life. As a matter of fact one thing we can expect in life is the unexpected. Sometimes the unexpected things in life can be good or bad, but usually the unexpected is difficult for us to deal with. How do we deal with the unexpected things of life? In this message we learn the one thing we can always expect is Gods will to be done.

  • When Turkeys Attack - Audio

    18/11/2009 Duration: 2457h00s

    As we approach this time of year we set aside a day to remind ourselves of how much we have to be thankful for. We call it THANKSGIVING, but we all know there are times in life that it is difficult to be thankful. Bad things happen and circumstances change. The scripture tells us that we are to, rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. How do we do this or live this out? In this message we learn how to live a life of thankfulness even when turkeys attack!

  • WIRED 4- Fanatical About It - Audio

    14/10/2009 Duration: 2642h00s

    WIRED: For a life of worship. When you hear the word worship what do you think of? Ask yourself the question, What or who do you worship? When you follow the trail of your time, energy, affection, and money you find a throne. And whatever or whomever is on that throne is the object of your worship! All day long we give our time, energy and affection to something or someone. Day by day, we declare our allegiance. In other words, we worship. Worship is about what we value most. Not just for the religious within church walls, worship is the core activity of the human soul. That means you are a worshiper! It is how you are wired. What is essential is that we choose wisely, worshiping what is ultimately worthy of our lives both now and forever. The challenge of this series is a lifestyle of worship, a whole-life response to a glorious God.

  • WIRED 3- What Jesus Says About It - Audio

    07/10/2009 Duration: 2738h00s

    WIRED: For a life of worship. When you hear the word worship what do you think of? Ask yourself the question, What or who do you worship? When you follow the trail of your time, energy, affection, and money you find a throne. And whatever or whomever is on that throne is the object of your worship! All day long we give our time, energy and affection to something or someone. Day by day, we declare our allegiance. In other words, we worship. Worship is about what we value most. Not just for the religious within church walls, worship is the core activity of the human soul. That means you are a worshiper! It is how you are wired. What is essential is that we choose wisely, worshiping what is ultimately worthy of our lives both now and forever. The challenge of this series is a lifestyle of worship, a whole-life response to a glorious God.

  • WIRED 2- Why It Matters - Audio

    30/09/2009 Duration: 2760h00s

    WIRED: For a life of worship. When you hear the word worship what do you think of? Ask yourself the question, What or who do you worship? When you follow the trail of your time, energy, affection, and money you find a throne. And whatever or whomever is on that throne is the object of your worship! All day long we give our time, energy and affection to something or someone. Day by day, we declare our allegiance. In other words, we worship. Worship is about what we value most. Not just for the religious within church walls, worship is the core activity of the human soul. That means you are a worshiper! It is how you are wired. What is essential is that we choose wisely, worshiping what is ultimately worthy of our lives both now and forever. The challenge of this series is a lifestyle of worship, a whole-life response to a glorious God.

  • WIRED 1- Everybody Is Doing It - Audio

    23/09/2009 Duration: 2551h00s

    WIRED: For a life of worship. When you hear the word worship what do you think of? Ask yourself the question, What or who do you worship? When you follow the trail of your time, energy, affection, and money you find a throne. And whatever or whomever is on that throne is the object of your worship! All day long we give our time, energy and affection to something or someone. Day by day, we declare our allegiance. In other words, we worship. Worship is about what we value most. Not just for the religious within church walls, worship is the core activity of the human soul. That means you are a worshiper! It is how you are wired. What is essential is that we choose wisely, worshiping what is ultimately worthy of our lives both now and forever. The challenge of this series is a lifestyle of worship, a whole-life response to a glorious God.

  • God's Herd - Audio

    16/09/2009 Duration: 2641h00s

    GODS HERD: It starts at an early age. On the play ground boys separate from the girls. As we continue on and get older in our school years we see it even more. You walk into a school lunch room and the separation continues. You have your jocks, geeks, preps, rednecks, gothics, band members, cheerleaders, etc. It is like when we get older we began to separate into these cliques, groups, or herds. Did you know that God has a group or herd? It is called the Church. What does it take to be apart of this herd? What makes this herd different than all the rest?

  • SALVIFIC 2- Defining The Terms - Audio

    02/09/2009 Duration: 2689h00s

    SALVIFIC: (sal•vif•ic) Is Latin for the word Salvation. It means having the intention or power to bring about salvation or redemption. Have you ever been asked or heard someone ask the question, Are you Saved? Even if you are not sure what that question means it still seems like a pretty important or serious question! In this two part series we want to try to clarify and maybe even help you answer this question.

  • SALVIFIC 1- To Be or Not To Be - Audio

    26/08/2009 Duration: 2616h00s

    SALVIFIC: (sal•vif•ic) Is Latin for the word Salvation. It means having the intention or power to bring about salvation or redemption. Have you ever been asked or heard someone ask the question, Are you Saved? Even if you are not sure what that question means it still seems like a pretty important or serious question! In this two part series we want to try to clarify and maybe even help you answer this question.

  • Cries From A Teenage Heart - Audio

    09/08/2009 Duration: 3283h00s

    There is something about teenagers that drives us to our knees and makes us desperately afraid that we have somehow botched our jobs as parents. What would you give to understand the fires that burn in the heart of your teenager? Hear their heart and make the connection. If you are a parent of a teenager or is someone who is in the position to influence teenagers this message is a must listen!

  • SICKO, SICKO, SICKO. - Audio

    05/08/2009 Duration: 2692h00s

    SICKO: Maybe you have experienced this or at least now someone who has. At one point in your life you are doing well spiritually. You are active in church, spending time with God, and living a godly life. Then something happens! Within a matter of weeks or months (because it never happens over night) you began to change and not for the better. You have stopped hanging out with your Christian friends, stopped going to church, and you can not remember the last time you talked to God. For some they even turn their back on everything they believed in. How does this happen? How do we become so spiritually sick? In this message we will look at the symptoms or signs that you are sick as well as some preventive measures you can take to keep this from happening to you!

  • Simple Strategy - Audio

    19/07/2009 Duration: 2232h00s

    Evangelism? Just the word alone strikes fear into so many Christians. Many view it as something so complicated and difficult. In this message we want to offer a simple approach or strategy when it comes to sharing your faith with others.

  • SOUL SUCKERS 3- A Crisis of Faith - Audio

    15/07/2009 Duration: 2570h00s

    SOUL SUCKERS: There are a lot of things in life that can suck the life out of you; bad relationships, bad circumstances, and bad life choices. Taking a look behind the obvious areas of life, we will identify some invisible soul suckers and how they impact the present circumstances of our lives. In this three part series, we will provide Biblical insight on how to spot soul suckers, why we encounter them, and how we deal with them. Come learn to escape the things that suck the life out of you.

  • SOUL SUCKERS 2- The Subtle Sucker - Audio

    08/07/2009 Duration: 2661h00s

    SOUL SUCKERS: There are a lot of things in life that can suck the life out of you; bad relationships, bad circumstances, and bad life choices. Taking a look behind the obvious areas of life, we will identify some invisible soul suckers and how they impact the present circumstances of our lives. In this three part series, we will provide Biblical insight on how to spot soul suckers, why we encounter them, and how we deal with them. Come learn to escape the things that suck the life out of you.

  • SOUL SUCKERS 1- Expectations vs. Reality - Audio

    01/07/2009 Duration: 2569h00s

    SOUL SUCKERS: There are a lot of things in life that can suck the life out of you; bad relationships, bad circumstances, and bad life choices. Taking a look behind the obvious areas of life, we will identify some invisible soul suckers and how they impact the present circumstances of our lives. In this three part series, we will provide Biblical insight on how to spot soul suckers, why we encounter them, and how we deal with them. Come learn to escape the things that suck the life out of you.

  • The Birds and The Bees 6- A Second Sexual Revolution? - Audio

    10/06/2009 Duration: 2640h00s

    The Birds and The Bees: We are still not sure what birds and bees have to do with sex or love, but we will find other ways to educate you on what you need to know in our series The Birds and The Bees. If you are involved in a relationship or maybe just hoping to be someday we have what you need. Our youth desperately need to hear that there are consequences, that sex was Gods idea, and He created it to be beautiful. We will cover everything from dating to sex to marriage in this candid but refreshing perspective on love done Gods way.

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