The Tenth Cow



In this podiobook: When Teddy Kagan finds a pure red heifer (heifer: a young, virgin cow) on the Florida ranch of a TV evangelist, he knows - because he knows Scripture and biblical prophesy - that he has discovered the first step in a plot to speed up th


  • Episode 35 - The Tenth Cow

    05/06/2006 Duration: 24min

    -In this episode: EPILOG - An interview of Rabbi Ezer Leibowitt on TV Arutz Shtaim.

  • Episode 34 - The Tenth Cow

    04/06/2006 Duration: 23min

    -In this episode: FINALE - How it all turns out.

  • Episode 33 - The Tenth Cow

    03/06/2006 Duration: 16min

    -In this episode: HARRY - "Harry" sets up a press conference in New York, and the world learns that the heifer is a clone. Steinberg decides to sacrifice it anyway.

  • Episode 32 - The Tenth Cow

    02/06/2006 Duration: 13min

    -In this episode: THE SATMAR REBBE - In the village of the talking carp, the Satmar rebbe agrees to help fight the Institute.

  • Episode 31 - The Tenth Cow

    01/06/2006 Duration: 13min

    -In this episode: NETUREI KARTA -- Our heroes travel to Mea Shearim to enlist Neturei Karta's help in stopping the sacrifice.

  • Episode 30 - The Tenth Cow

    30/05/2006 Duration: 12min

    -In this episode: SAPERSTEIN - A settler kills Asher to keep him from talking - but Saperstein finds documents that prove the heifer was engineered.

  • Episode 29 - The Tenth Cow

    29/05/2006 Duration: 23min

    -In this episode: MACK -- The reporter convinces his editor to send him to Israel.Artie and Shaya join Bar-Ilan, the suit, the IDF officer and an MIT geneticist in a raid on Asher's lab at Mitzia Golan.

  • Episode 28 - The Tenth Cow

    28/05/2006 Duration: 23min

    -In this episode: SHEKHINA TOURS -- With the help of Bar-Ilan and Professor Mendelowitz, Artie and the reporter put together the details on the cloning of the heifer, and pin the doings on Asher at Mitzia Golan.Chickie and David convince Zvi to copy the key to Asher's

  • Episode 27 - The Tenth Cow

    27/05/2006 Duration: 18min

    -In this episode: MENDELOWITZ - The reporter finds out about bioengineered wine. Shaya's father puts a curse on Ezer Leibowitt.

  • Episode 26 - The Tenth Cow

    26/05/2006 Duration: 21min

    -In this episode: Jerry Steinberg announces plans to sacrifice the red heifer. Messiah Fever spreads over the world. At Bar-Ilan's urging, Artie, Shaya, Shaya's father, David and Chickie travel to Jerusalem, to find a huge crowd gathered in the Kidron Valley beneath t

  • Episode 25 - The Tenth Cow

    25/05/2006 Duration: 10min

    -In this episode: THE VETERINARIAN - When Shaya's father tells Artie that the heifer is unsteady on its feet, Artie asks the reporter to investigate cattle diseases. The reporter talks to a vet at the University of Florida and gets a list of the possible causes of the

  • Episode 24 - The Tenth Cow

    24/05/2006 Duration: 19min

    -In this episode: MOSHE LUZZATTO - Shaya's father tells Artie that the institute has asked him to perform the ritual slaughter of the red heifer. He has refused because he does not agree with their goals, and explains his vision of Kabbala and the Messiah. He also tel

  • Episode 23 - The Tenth Cow

    23/05/2006 Duration: 13min

    -In this episode: EZER LEIBOWITT: Bar-Ilan finally admits there is an organization which he and Teddy have worked for. The Raven - Rabbi Ezer Leibowitt - pays Bar-Ilan a visit.

  • Episode 22 - The Tenth Cow

    22/05/2006 Duration: 31min

    -In this episode: THE CORNERSTONE - Russia, China and France announce that if the United States invades, they will send troops to defend Syria.Bar-Ilan foils an attack on the Dome of the Rock.

  • Episode 21 - The Tenth Cow

    21/05/2006 Duration: 16min

    -In this episode: THE SHEKHINA -Shaya runs through a manic New York shopping spree, then tells Artie that she is going back to Israel. She has realized that she can't escape from religious fanaticism, and wants to get involved in fighting it. Artie, Chickie and David

  • Episode 20 - The Tenth Cow

    20/05/2006 Duration: 10min

    -In this episode: 9/11 - Artie and David go to lunch, and Artie learns for the first time what David went through on 9/11.

  • Episode 19 - The Tenth Cow

    19/05/2006 Duration: 17min

    -In this episode: CHICKIE - In New York, Artie meets Shaya's daughter Chickie, who warns him not to expect love from her mother. With Artie's son David - who is fascinated by Chickie - they go to an art gallery in Williamsburg, in Brooklyn, for a show of homosexual ar

  • Episode 18 - The Tenth Cow

    18/05/2006 Duration: 17min

    -In this episode: HAPSKY The reporter goes to New York with Artie and meets a Columbia University professor named Hapsky who has been emailing Teddy. Hapsky is a conspiracy nut; he believes the American president - a born-again Christian - attacked Iraq to provoke I

  • Episode 17 - The Tenth Cow

    17/05/2006 Duration: 17min

    -In this episode: THE END OF DAYS SCENARIO - NBC reports that Syria has arrested the U.S. inspectors; National Guard troops are being sent to the Iraq-Syria border, and Iran has said it is considering a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the U.S. and/or Israel. NBC sh

  • Episode 16 - The Tenth Cow

    16/05/2006 Duration: 27min

    -In this episode: THE REPORTER -- Wanting the world to know what has happened to his brother, Artie calls a reporter and fills him in. Together they go to Brice's Florida megachurch. They listen to Brice's preaching, and learn why Israel matters to evangelical Christi

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