Red Fez Broadcasts - podcasts about life and craft for writers



Red Fez Publications is dedicated to helping writers improve how they live, how they write, and how they grow as an author. These podcasts are designed to motivate, entertain. More importantly, we aim to demystify the act of writing and the concept of being a writer. These podcasts will be valuable tools in your journey, and we wish you the best of luck.


  • Gordon Warnock on being a literary agent, on the role of literary agents in publishing

    04/08/2017 Duration: 55min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers.   Gordon Warnock is a founding partner at Fuse Literary, where he represents fiction and nonfiction, including EVERYTHING WE KEEP by Kerry Lonsdale, THIS IS WHAT A LIBRARIAN LOOKS LIKE by Kyle Cassidy, and THE NIGHT CHILD by Anna Quinn. You can find him at and on Twitter @gordonwarnock. 

  • Danger Slater on Kurt Vonnegut, re-reading, and more!

    25/06/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers.   Danger Slater is the author of several books and many short stories. His last two books I Will Rot Without You and Puppet Skin are available through Fungasm Press. You can find him frolicing amongst the coniferous trees in Portland, OR.

  • Jaime Boust on beauty versus story, writing full-time, and more

    02/05/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers.   Jaime Boust is a writer whose work ranges from literotica to magical realist alternate histories. She is the recipient of the inaugural David Carr Prize for Emerging Writers at SXSW. Her fiction includes Book Club and Conquest, stories that stroke the zeitgeist of sex-forward female comedy tackling topics of beauty, aging, relationships, and self-worth with a feminist bent. She got her wits about her on the hills of San Francisco, the streets of London, the sewers of Paris, and the suburban wilds of Oakland. These days you'll find her dodging traffic in Los Angeles with her husband and two kids.

  • Nathan Bransford on fear, success, literary agents, and more

    23/03/2017 Duration: 01h53s

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. Nathan Bransford is the author of How to Write a Novel, Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow, Jacob Wonderbar for President of the Universe, and Jacob Wonderbar and the Interstellar Time Warp. He was formerly a literary agent with Curtis Brown Ltd. and has since worked in the tech and finance industries. He writes a popular blog about the writing and publishing process at and lives in New York City.  

  • Andrew Lee-Hart on transitioning into writing fiction, and more!

    21/02/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. Andrew was born in Yorkshire many years ago but now lives on Merseyside where he writes stories and works as a support worker. His stories have appeared on various websites and in print. At present Andrew is working on a novel called “A Crack in Everything” which is concerned with religion, sex, art and Leonard Cohen.  

  • A.S. Coomer on the life blood of a writer, and more!

    21/02/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. A.S. Coomer is a writer and musician. His work has appeared in over thirty literary journals, magazines, anthologies and the like. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize three times in 2016. His debut novel, Rush’s Deal (Hammer & Anvil Books), came out December 11th, 2016. You can find him at He also runs Lost, Long Gone, Forgotten Records, a “record label” exclusively for poetry.

  • Chirs Campanioni on being an author in the 21st century, and more!

    21/02/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. Chris Campanioni seeks to blur boundaries. He is an author, teacher, journalist, and model, and the co-editor of PANK, Tupelo Quarterly, and At Large Magazine. He gravitates toward anything that involves creative thinking, learning and teaching, writing and editing, and most importantly, connecting with people. Campanioni’s debut novel, Going Down, was released September 1, 2013 by Aignos and was selected as Best First Book at the International Latino Book Awards in 2014. It is the first in a trilogy of works about communication and the culture of media, commodities, fashion, and tourism. Tourist Trap (or: how I paid my way through grad school) (Black Rose, 2015) is the follow-up and excerpts were nominated for the Pushcart Priz

  • William Taylor Jr on the importance of distance, and more!

    21/02/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. William Taylor Jr. lives and writes in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. The Blood of a Tourist (Sunnyoutside, 2014) is his latest collection of poetry. He is a Pushcart Prize nominee and was a recipient of the 2013 Acker Award. For his books available on Amazon:

  • Josh Koehn on journalism and fiction, and more!

    17/01/2017 Duration: 01h28min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. Josh Koehn moved south of Missouri and then west after the death of his father. His mother brought him to San Jose before the bubble burst, and he has mostly called the Bay Area home ever since. He works as an investigative reporter and editor for Metro, Silicon Valley’s alternative weekly newspaper. His wife and two old cats form alliances against him most nights. Josh studied literature and journalism at the University of California, Davis, where he graduated with an English degree after being kicked out. Twice. He gave up on being a sportswriter and sold everything he owned to travel and write. He ran out of money and lived with his evangelical Christian grandparents in Iowa. He worked at an afternoon daily newspaper and cove

  • Terry Barr on the art of writing creative non-fiction, and more!

    16/01/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. Terry Barr is a professor of English and Creative Writing at Presbyterian College in Clinton, S.C., and the author of Don’t Date Baptists and Other Warnings from my Alabama Mother, a collection of nonfiction essays centered on his hometown of Bessemer, Ala. His essays have been published in such journals as The Museum of Americana, Blue Lyra Review, Steel Toe Review, Belle Reve Literary Journal, and South Writ Large, amongst many others. His essay “A Big-Ass Pot of Blended Soup” was nominated by Red Truck Review for the Best of the Net Award in 2015. He lives in Greenville, S.C., with his wife, two daughters, and their beloved pets, Morgan and Max (the Carolina Wild Dog).  

  • Grant Wamack on craft and more!

    15/12/2016 Duration: 12min

    Grant Wamack grew up in the midwest where he devoured horror novels, comic books, and cult movies. All of this led to a fervent desire to become a comic book artist, but sadly that didn’t happen. Somewhere along the way he fell in love with writing weird fiction. He’s associated with the Bizarro genre, but writes horror, sci-fi, and crime fiction as well. He has two books released by Bizarro Pulp Pressone of which is his first novel Notes from the Guts of a Hippo and the other being A Lightbulb’s Lament. Black Gypsies is slated to come out via Broken River Books in 2017. He raps under the moniker of Jacque Mirage. You can download/listen to his music here. Additionally, he is one half of the brainchild behind the new publishing company New English Press. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to w

  • Benoit Lelievre on the relationship between authors and book reviewers and more

    15/12/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    Ben runs the review and criticism site Dead End Follies. Let's let him introduce himself: My name is Ben and I'm a workaholic reviewer living in Montreal, Canada with my better half Josie and my dog Scarlett. This place is a forum for my friends and I do nerd out about books, movies, music and pop culture in general. Our tastes in entertainment are rather dark, so consider yourself warned. Otherwise make yourself at home and always remember: it's not a democracy here, it's my house. So let's all be polite to one another. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. 

  • Violet LeVoit on MFAs, and much more!

    15/12/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    Violet LeVoit ("luh-VWAH") is a bizarro, horror, and erotica writer, film critic, and graphic novelist whose work has been published in the US and UK.  Her novels include I Miss the World (King Shot Press), I'll Fuck Anything and Stephen Hawking, and I am Genghis Cum. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. 

  • Christoph Paul on becoming a professional, and more!

    11/12/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    Christoph Paul is a musician and YA & Bizarro Fiction author including books “Great White House Vol.1 & Vol.2” and  “Slasher Camp for Nerd Dorks” published by Eraserhead Press.  He is an editor for Clash/Clash Books including their anthology “Walk Hand In Hand Into Extinction: Stories Inspired by True Detective”. He is co-publisher and editor of Black Bizarro Fiction New English Press. He plays in rock band Mandy De Sandra and The Deviants and was guitar player/singer of The Only Prescription, but still wishes he was a gangsta rapper. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. 

  • Tiffany Scandal on being content, and more!

    11/12/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    Tiffany Scandal is the author of two books. The first, THERE'S NO HAPPY ENDING, is part of the 2013/2014 New Bizarro Author Series, and placed in Brian Keene's Top Ten Books of 2013. Her second book, JIGSAW YOUTH, has made numerous Best of 2015 lists and has earned her the title of "Lindsay Hunter's literary punk-rock sister." Her fiction and non-fiction have been published in Huck Magazine, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Living Dead Magazine, The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction, and a handful of anthologies. She is also a part-time model and photographer and the products of both endeavors can be found online and in print - most noteably: Suicide Girls, Auxiliary Magazine, Rise Tattoo Magazine, and a few artbooks that are great for coffee tables. Her second book, Jigsaw Youth, is now an audiobook, which she narrated herself, and is available now wherever audiobooks are sold. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the sh

  • Michael Kazepis on King Shot Press, and more!

    11/12/2016 Duration: 43min

    Michael Kazepis is the author of the books LONG LOST DOG OF IT, GRAVITY (Fall 2016), and NOTHING CROWN (2017). His work on the WW2 portrait series, VETERANS, alongside acclaimed photographer Sasha Maslov, has been featured in The New Yorker, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and Vocativ. He is also a reviews contributor for World Literature Today. In 2014, Kazepis launched King Shot Press, a publisher of radical fiction and non-fiction. He lives between Portland, Oregon and Athens, Greece. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. 

  • Michael Kazepis on the heroics of Iron Man and more

    11/12/2016 Duration: 01h26min

    Michael Kazepis is the author of the books LONG LOST DOG OF IT, GRAVITY (Fall 2016), and NOTHING CROWN (2017). His work on the WW2 portrait series, VETERANS, alongside acclaimed photographer Sasha Maslov, has been featured in The New Yorker, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and Vocativ. He is also a reviews contributor for World Literature Today. In 2014, Kazepis launched King Shot Press, a publisher of radical fiction and non-fiction. He lives between Portland, Oregon and Athens, Greece. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. 

  • Grant Wamack on his novel BLACK GYPSIES and career progression, and more!

    18/08/2016 Duration: 10min

    Grant Wamack grew up in the midwest where he devoured horror novels, comic books, and cult movies. All of this led to a fervent desire to become a comic book artist, but sadly that didn’t happen. Somewhere along the way he fell in love with writing weird fiction. He’s associated with the Bizarro genre, but writes horror, sci-fi, and crime fiction as well. He has two books released by Bizarro Pulp Pressone of which is his first novel Notes from the Guts of a Hippo and the other being A Lightbulb’s Lament. Black Gypsies is slated to come out via Broken River Books in 2017. He raps under the moniker of Jacque Mirage. You can download/listen to his music here. Additionally, he is one half of the brainchild behind the new publishing company New English Press. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to w

  • Grant Wamack and his journey from childhood to adulthood, and more!

    17/08/2016 Duration: 45min

    Grant Wamack grew up in the midwest where he devoured horror novels, comic books, and cult movies. All of this led to a fervent desire to become a comic book artist, but sadly that didn’t happen. Somewhere along the way he fell in love with writing weird fiction. He’s associated with the Bizarro genre, but writes horror, sci-fi, and crime fiction as well. He has two books released by Bizarro Pulp Pressone of which is his first novel Notes from the Guts of a Hippo and the other being A Lightbulb’s Lament. Black Gypsies is slated to come out via Broken River Books in 2017. He raps under the moniker of Jacque Mirage. You can download/listen to his music here. Additionally, he is one half of the brainchild behind the new publishing company New English Press. The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to w

  • Michelle Hoover and a protagonist's point of attack and why you're writing about that character, and more!

    30/06/2016 Duration: 26min

    "Michelle Hoover is the Fannie Hurst Writer-in-Residence at Brandeis University and teaches at GrubStreet, where she leads the Novel Incubator program. She is a 2014 NEA Fellow and has been a Writer-in-Residence at Bucknell University, a MacDowell Fellow, and a winner of the PEN/New England Discovery Award. Her debut, The Quickening, was a 2010 Massachusetts Book Award “Must Read.” Her latest novel, Bottomland, is the 2017 All Iowa Reads selection." The Aspiring Writer is a podcast for writers about being a writer. If you enjoy our show, you can help us by rating the show on iTunes or trying out Audible for free via our link at  Submit your work to or join our social network of writers. 

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