Unsolicited Advice Podcast




  • Self Compassion. What is it? Why is it important?

    09/02/2016 Duration: 28min

    Cultivating self compassion can be a life changing process for all of us. Ryan discusses the definition of self compassions, why it is important and how it is different from self esteem and empathy. Furthermore he makes a case as to why striving for self esteem often causes more harm than good.

  • Self Realization and the Struggle for Intimacy

    14/01/2016 Duration: 29min

    Ryan lets down his guard for this show discussing more personal issues that he believes touch more of us that most of us are aware of. We briefly discuss many psychological factors that prevent fulfilling life relationships including Borderline personality to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Ryan offers a glimpse into his own process of healing and coming to term with a life un-lived with a promise to dive into these issues more in later shows. Also he discusses the new wave of psychedelic therapies that are becoming more mainstream and his own personal experience. At the end there is a brief mention of what he noticed and learned while traveling to a 3rd world country.

  • Theft and Crime Strike!

    04/10/2015 Duration: 30min

    Ryan shares one of the most interesting vehicle theft stories you will ever hear. Also Ryan reminisces with JR about a murder he was a witness to.

  • Got Aches and Pains? Dr Assad is Here to Help!

    18/09/2015 Duration: 56min

    Today Dr. Job Asad joins us to help debunk the myths of chiropractic care and how when used correctly it can have a major positive impact on your life. We talk about how making little changes in our movement patterns can have profound effects.

  • Police Violence - Be Outraged or Be Outraged at the Outrage

    22/12/2014 Duration: 41min

    With the recent deaths of young black men at the hands of law enforcement agencies a debate is raging across the country. One group blames the police and another group blames the young black men. However in this debate all compassion and curiosity has gone out the window. The current paradigm of problem solving of blaming one side or another is not working nor has it shown to have an efficient track record for resolving social issues in the past. In this podcast Ryan and JR explore the topic of violence between minorities and law enforcement and the need for a new way to resolve this conflict.

  • What Not To Talk About At a Dinner Party - Religion

    11/12/2014 Duration: 42min

    JR intends to discuss the Space Program and some fun nuances of the Holiday Season. Ryan decides to invade what was meant to be a fun conversation with the topic of RELIGION. Turns out JR and Ryan are not fans of the way things are today. Who Knew?! JR does find some ways to talk about the Holidays thought!

  • Facebook Psychology and Dealing with Traffic

    17/11/2014 Duration: 36min

    JR talks about how Facebook can be used to assist in successful transition during major lifestyle changes. Ryan goes on a rant about road traffic, obnoxious drivers, motorcyclists and who should have the right of way.

  • Soda Tax, California Drought and Getting off Facebook

    13/10/2014 Duration: 40min

    JR discloses some startling information about water shortage in California and suggests doing your part by peeing in the bathroom sink. Ryan discusses his support of soda tax on big soda companies. JR and Ryan agree it is time to begin changing our relationship with social media.

  • Surviving an Apocalypse and Contemplating Homelessness

    21/09/2014 Duration: 59min

    Today the guys have some fun and discuss what we would do in the case of a worldwide or regional disaster and what we think might be the next big reason for a apocalypse. Later Ryan and JR admit their irrational fear of one day becoming homeless and how they might survive. Later they delve into the aspects of the subculture of the homeless community

  • Best Show So Far! Near Death Experiences, Life After Death and the Big Existential Questions of Life

    09/09/2014 Duration: 43min

    Ryan and JR discuss near death experience concepts and their understanding of the phenomenon. The talk progresses to an attempt tograsp the many paradigms of life after death. Naturally the conversation turns into the big existential questions. Specifically everyone doing the best to make the most out of this life and the fear and anxiety that accompany that desire. Ryan and JR believe that to date this is their best podcast to date, that is until a major technical glitch deletes the last 12 minutes of the show.

  • Happiness, suicide, and comedy

    16/08/2014 Duration: 51min

    Ryan and JR get into a discussion about what happiness. The conversation then takes a turn towards the tragic news about Robin Williams and his suicide. Ryan and JR reflect back on their personal dealings with depression and suicide. JR believes that he can somehow incorporate comedy into a therapeutic technique.

  • Unsolicited Advice Grand Opening Podcast!

    13/08/2014 Duration: 22min

    Ryan and JR discuss starting their first podcast and the trials and tribulations of getting one going. They both realize they don't know what they are doing. Ryan and JR begin discussing why they are choosing now to begin doing with their lives what they have been putting off for years and what it takes to change.