Shiny Healthy You



Get ready to live a happy, healthy, wholefood life with Shiny Healthy You a straight-talking natural health show, brought to you by a qualified naturopath (yay!).


  • STNH 48: Jules Galloway - Thyroid Testing: What you need to know

    28/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    This is the first of what will be occasional episodes about common health issues we see in practice. Beware - Jules may get a little ranty/sweary at times as she goes over how to spot the symptoms, how to test, why your doctor didn’t pick it up, and what to do about it. In this episode, she is talking about hypothyroidism and what to do if your doctor says you’re fine but you’ve still got all the symptoms. You may be feeling some of the following: Fatigue Feeling the cold easily Dry skin Weight gain Constipation Puffiness Joint pain Muscle pain/weakness Hair loss Anxiety Depression Brain fog Memory issues Difficulty finding words Heavy periods Jules will go into the basics and limitations of thyroid testing and why the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) test does not pick up 100% of hypothyroidism cases. She chats about which tests to do instead, how to get them done, and why seeing a Naturopath is the logical next step when you can’t find answers through the medical system.   Want to connect with Jules? Sta

  • STNH 47: Kimmi Katte - Lipoedema & Lymphoedema

    20/11/2022 Duration: 56min

    Kimmi is a Clinical Nutritionist who specialises in the management of lipoedema and lymphoedema in women. We chat all about these conditions as well as about her own experience and diagnoses with lipoedema & lymphoedema. In this episode we discuss: What lymphoedema is What lipoedema is and how it differs from lymphoedema Typical signs and symptoms of lipoedema Primary vs secondary lymphoedema Diagnostic tools and testing currently available Life stages when lipoedema may be noticed Lifestyle factors influencing lymphoedema and lipoedema Kimmi’s approach with her clients Support offered pre- and post-surgery    Want to connect with Kimmi? Click here for her website. Click here for her Instagram. Click here for her Facebook.   Want to connect with Jules? Start here to connect. For Naturopathic Appointments click here.

  • STNH 46: Site Inspections - Toxic Black Mould Growth in Homes

    13/11/2022 Duration: 49min

    STNH 46: Site Inspections - Toxic Black Mould Growth in Homes Today I’m chatting to Zeher and Ed from Site Inspections. These guys investigate all sorts of construction defects, dodgy drainage and waterproofing issues in homes and document it all in their very entertaining videos on social media. Check them out! In this episode we discuss: The tools and devices used to diagnose mould issues in homes Causes of recurring mould growth Analysing and investigating root causes Regulations and compliance of waterproofing during construction Mould growth in brand new homes regardless of property value Water damage in timber framing What can be done to prevent water damage Pre-purchase inspections And some hilarious yet shocking stories of their discoveries    Want to connect with Zeher & Ed from Site Inspections? Click here for their website. Click here for their TikTok. Click here for their Instagram. Click here for their Facebook.   Want to connect with Jules? Start here to connect. For Naturopathic Appoint

  • STNH 45: Tara Nelson - What is Cellular Hypothyroidism?

    06/11/2022 Duration: 53min

    This week we welcome back our Thyroid Queen - Tara Nelson! She’s here to chat all things cellular hypothyroidism. She’ll help us understand what it is and how we can work towards correcting the underlying causes. In this episode we discuss: What is cellular hypothyroidism? Typical signs and symptoms Identifying cellular hypothyroidism from symptoms and pathology When you should look further into cellular hypothyroidism  How basal temperature testing can help to reach a diagnosis What can be done to correct the underlying cellular issues Nutrient deficiencies that can elevate cellular hypothyroidism issues Finding the right Naturopath for your thyroid condition Getting back to basics with sleep, exercise & mindfulness Focusing on reducing inflammation in the body    Want to connect with Tara? Click here for her website and awesome programs. Click here for her Instagram. Click here for her Facebook.   Want to connect with Jules? Start here to connect. For Naturopathic Appointments click here.

  • STNH 44: Jessica Maguire - Repairing the Nervous System - All about the vagus nerve

    30/10/2022 Duration: 49min

    Enter the Vagus Nerve Queen! Jess is here to chat all about the nervous system, how it responds to stressors and challenges, and how to recover and repair to avoid burnout and shutdown. In this episode we discuss: The emergence of new knowledge and education around the vagus nerve Many roles of the vagus nerve and what it does for our health How the vagus nerve is connected to organs around the body All of the facets of the nervous system Identifying signs and symptoms of vagus nerve issues How the body responds to survival instincts and external threats The possibility of inflammation and viruses affecting vagus nerve function The importance of understanding your body’s cues and signals Rewiring the nervous system to respond well in the moments of stress   Want to connect with Jessica? Click here for her website. Click here for her Instagram. Click here for her Facebook. Click here for her YouTube Channel. And click here for her current courses!   Want to connect with Jules? Start here to connect. For N

  • STNH 43: Danni Carr - How I Quit Alcohol

    23/10/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Today I’m chatting with Danni Carr – a certified life coach who is passionate about helping others break the cycle and quit alcohol.  In this episode we discuss: The turning point when Danni realised alcohol was negatively affecting her life How going alcohol-free for 12 months kick-started her sobriety The effect alcohol had on her relationship with herself and others Approaches Danni uses to help stick to quitting The improvement in the quality of friendships and connections since being sober Challenges in mindset during the initial stages of sobriety Danni’s individually tailored approach when coaching her clients  Seeing alcohol for how it truly is affecting your life The healing benefits sobriety has on your body & mind Substituting in other options when you have a craving The development of alcohol-free beverages in the market   Want to connect with Danni? Click here for her website. Click here for her Instagram. Click here for her Facebook. And click here for the How I Quit Alcohol Podcast.   W

  • STNH 42: Tammy Guest – Living an Unrestricted Life

    10/07/2022 Duration: 58min

    Meet Tammy Guest – a very dear friend of mine. In fact, I have no idea why she hasn’t been on the podcast sooner! She is a naturopath, a business mentor, a trailblazer, a risk-taker, a rule-breaker and a leader in our industry. She is loved and respected by literally thousands of naturopaths and nutritionists, who look up to her for guidance, support and inspiration. And guess what – she’s also an author, and has written a brand new book called Unrestricted: A modern guide to doing business and life differently. It’s the essential handbook for driven entrepreneurs who want to make a real difference in the world, without sacrificing the things they value most. Yep, she doesn’t just help health practitioners, but also business owners, change-makers and driven humans of all kinds. We live in an era where there are so many opportunities to create a business out of our passions. Where we can create a career model that fits the life we want to live, rather than fitting our lives around our work. Where “burnout” wil

  • STNH 41: Jo Whitton – Simple, Healing Food

    03/07/2022 Duration: 59min

    Meet Jo Whitton – an amazing wholefoods cook, an author and a recipe developer. But she’s also one of the nicest, most caring, most giving and generous people in the Australian wellness industry. She was also one of the very first guests on my podcast (episode 9 to be exact), back in 2016 when it was called Shiny Healthy You. Since then, we’ve shared the stage together at wellness events, shared air BnBs at events (where I’m pretty sure I kept her up till at least 2am), and shared organic ice-cream in Brunswick Heads. But most importantly we share a mutual love of serving our communities, and teaching people everywhere that foods that heal your gut can also taste amazing, without being complicated to make. In this episode, we chat about: Using healing foods to nourish and repair the gut. Meat stocks vs bone broths – what’s the difference? How to cook food to retain maximum nutrients like amino acids. Cooking healthy, nutrient-rich meals without budget blowouts, even as the cost of living increases. How to ge

  • STNH 40: Vanessa Lamaro – Healthy periods over 35

    26/06/2022 Duration: 52min

    Meet naturopath Vanessa Lamaro. We went through college together in Melbourne, and not too long after that she moved to the Sunshine Coast. I eventually moved here too, which means that now we can have the occasional cheeky wine and chat about all things naturopathy. She niched herself in the fertility space, and has also expanded on that to cover women’s hormonal health of ALL ages… because reproductive health spans much further than just having babies – it often determines your quality of life waaaay past the age of 35, 40, 45 and onwards. Sometimes at this age we get forgotten about in the medical system, because – if you’ve got period troubles but you’re not planning to get pregnant, just go on the pill and carry on, right? Hmmmm… I think we can do better than that. In this show we will look at the underlying causes of period issues in women over 35, including the truth behind heavy bleeding, pain and cycle length going completely out of whack. So listen in as I pick Vanessa’s brain about how to have a he

  • STNH 39: Erin Lovell Verinder and Sarah Mann – Community Herbal Care

    19/06/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    It’s been several months since Lismore and surrounding areas of the Northern Rivers in NSW experienced flooding beyond what anyone ever thought was possible. While they went under and struggled to just stay alive and have basic needs met, so many of us watched on from afar, feeling utterly shocked and helpless. But out of every tragedy and disaster comes stories of determination, resilience, resolve and community. And this week’s guests have created something truly special that our whole naturopathic industry is talking about, and that is – to bring FREE natural healthcare to those affected when they needed it the most. There are two types of people in the world – those who say “someone should do something about that,” and others who say “I am that someone.” This dream team of Erin Lovell Verinder and Sarah Mann is the latter. As the floods were still raging, they were mobilising. First with a callout to naturopaths and herbalists to please send through whatever donations they could manage of herbs and supple

  • STNH 38: Rhiannon Hardingham – Fertility in a post Covid world

    05/06/2022 Duration: 58min

    Rhiannon Hardingham has become a leader in her field of all things fertility, reproductive health and IVF support. I’ve been super excited to watch her go from strength to strength, because we actually went to college together, 20 years ago. (Yep – 20 years!). She’s a naturopath, and she had one of the brightest minds in our year level (pretty sure she shat all over me in biochemistry). She’s gone on to become a clinician and also a speaker and author in her niche. So I thought she’d be the perfect person to speak to about navigating reproductive health in a post pandemic world. In this episode we will cover: How the pandemic has affected fertility and IVF treatment. The effects of stress on reproductive health. How to address anxiety during IVF. The effect that Covid infection is having on male fertility (don’t miss this – it’s actually kinda scary!). Why sperm count rates have halved in the last 40 years. The different types of semen analysis (and why you want a high quality one). Supplements to support ma

  • STNH 37: Daniel Baden – Long Covid and post viral fatigue

    29/05/2022 Duration: 53min

    Meet Daniel Baden – an extremely well-known and respected name in the Australian naturopathic community. He is a naturopath and homoeopath, and has also taken on many roles over the years including; working with industry regulatory committees, providing technical support to practitioners, assisting various groups in research projects, lecturer, author, and, possibly the role he’s best known for, the co-founder and executive director of BioMedica Nutraceuticals. He is a trusted speaker, with a “no stone left unturned” scientific approach to his research and presentations. He somehow manages to seamlessly blend traditional naturopathic philosophy with the latest cutting edge research. Which is why we love him, and why he’s the perfect person to speak to about this episode’s topic. You see… there’s been a “certain virus” on the loose for the last couple of years, and we’re seeing a LOT of people pulling up super rough from it. Now… in the naturopathic world, we’ve been banging on about something called post vira

  • STNH 36: Sandeep Gupta – Mould Illness Made Simple

    22/05/2022 Duration: 55min

    This year has been the wettest, most humid, and consequently the mouldiest EVERRRR on many parts of the east coast of Australia. Which means – the numbers of people with CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), MCAS  (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) and mould illness are growing at an alarming rate. Meet Sandeep Gupta – a board certified general practice physician practicing on Australia’s Sunshine Coast (aka Mould Central right now!). He has a Fellowship and Masters degree in Nutritional & Environmental Medicine and five years experience of working in intensive care medicine. He runs a busy integrative medicine practice, Lotus Holistic Medicine, helping his patients to achieve optimal health and finding answers to complex medical problems. He was the first non-US physician to complete the certification in biotoxin illness with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker in 2014, and is now leading the way in Australia as THE go-to doctor for mould illness, CIRS and MCAS. In this episode, we chat about: What are MCAS and

  • STNH 35: Rebecca Edwards – New natural solutions for mental health issues

    14/12/2021 Duration: 53min

    Rebecca Edwards is so awesome that she has joined us for 3 consecutive episodes. When we were originally teeing up an interview, there were literally SO MANY amazing topics being thrown around that we couldn’t choose just one. Rebecca is a speaker, writer, educator, and qualified naturopath. She has more than fifteen years of experience educating on all aspects of complementary and integrative health. She has lectured to undergraduate students in Australia, the UK, and the US, and delivered naturopathic education to healthcare practitioners all round the world. She is also the Director of Education at Activated Probiotics, so she’s across all the latest studies and research. She is also a complete microbiome nerd, and passionate about educating people about all the far-reaching effects a healthy, or an unhealthy microbiome can have on the human body. So over 3 episodes we have explored 3 health issues that can be affected by a poor microbiome, and we’ve been covering the latest research in how to manage them.

  • STNH 34: Rebecca Edwards – Why we aren’t absorbing iron… and what to do about it

    07/12/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Rebecca Edwards is so awesome that she will be joining us for 3 whole episodes. When we were teeing up an interview, there were literally SO MANY amazing topics being thrown around that we couldn’t choose just one. Rebecca is a speaker, writer, educator, and qualified naturopath. She has more than fifteen years of experience educating on all aspects of complementary and integrative health. She has lectured to undergraduate students in Australia, the UK, and the US, and delivered naturopathic education to healthcare practitioners all round the world. She is also the Director of Education at Activated Probiotics, so she’s across all the latest studies and research. She is also a complete microbiome nerd, and passionate about educating people about all the far-reaching effects a healthy, or an unhealthy microbiome can have on the human body. So over 3 episodes we will be exploring 3 health issues that can be affected by a poor microbiome, and we’ll talk about the latest research in how to manage them. This week’

  • STNH 33: Rebecca Edwards – Saving Our Bones – The role of the microbiome in osteoporosis

    30/11/2021 Duration: 56min

    Rebecca Edwards is so awesome that she will be joining us for 3 whole episodes. When we were teeing up an interview, there were literally SO MANY amazing topics being thrown around that we couldn’t choose just one.  Rebecca is a speaker, writer, educator, and qualified naturopath. She has more than fifteen years of experience educating on all aspects of complementary and integrative health. She has lectured to undergraduate students in Australia, the UK, and the US, and delivered naturopathic education to healthcare practitioners all round the world. She is also the Director of Education at Activated Probiotics, so she’s across all the latest studies and research.  She is also a complete microbiome nerd, and passionate about educating people about all the far-reaching effects a healthy, or an unhealthy microbiome can have on the human body.  So over next 3 episodes we will be exploring 3 health issues that can be affected by a poor microbiome, and we’ll talk about the latest research in how to manage them.  A

  • STNH 32: Kira Sutherland – Nutrition for active women

    23/11/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Meet Kira Sutherland – a highly experienced naturopath, sports nutritionist, and much-loved lecturer and speaker. She is known as one of THE go-to practitioners in our industry when it comes to understanding the needs of active people and athletes. But you don’t need to be at an elite level in order to benefit from her wisdom and knowledge. So even if you are training to run 5km or wanting to get into gym training, listen up, because there will be SO many gold nuggets in here for you. (Oh – and if you ARE an elite athlete, pay extra attention, because this woman has information to share that could literally be game-changing for you.) Most studies done on sports nutrition are done on… you guessed it… MEN. And as Kira says, “Women are not small men.” So it’s time to look into what is best for us females (yay!), whether we’re elite athletes, weekend warriors, or anything in between. In this episode we delve into nutrition for active women, and cover ALL the juicy stuff, including: What to eat before and after t

  • STNH 31: Jade Miles – Futuresteading – Live like tomorrow matters

    16/11/2021 Duration: 51min

    Many people think that permaculture is JUST about gardening or growing food in a sustainable or organic way… but you are about to learn that it is sooo much more than that. Meet the gentle powerhouse that is Jade Miles. She is passionate about localised food, regenerative farming practices, intentional growing, and operates a farm rich in its diversity of produce. She grows apples, pears and berries, nuts, stone fruit, quince, olives, pomegranates, currants, figs, herbs, flowers and vegetables. Her background in tourism shines through in her business model, as you can visit her property and pick your own fruit. She also operates a fruit tree and perennial plant nursery, and runs regular feasts, gatherings, workshops, schools programs and farm tours educate us about the food that we eat and the skills needed to grow it. If that’s not enough (hmmm… type A, much?), she is also a keynote speaker, a podcaster, a writer, and she has just finished her first book, Futuresteading – Live Like Tomorrow Matters. Jade tak

  • STNH 30: Kylie Pinwill – 5 things your mum didn’t tell you about menopause

    09/11/2021 Duration: 59min

    Today’s guest came into my life as a breath of fresh air on the Sunshine Coast. She was one of the first people to welcome me when I moved to the area, with a coffee and a chat. Turns out we got along famously. She’s an amazing nutritionist who works in a niche that is soooooo needed. You see, she’s all about helping women navigate their perimenopausal and menopausal years with more ease and grace. We were talking last week about the changes that both our bodies are currently going through, and also those of our clients, and we were joking about the fact that no one tells you what you’re in for. Like, not even our mums. We often get told about the hot flushes and the night sweats (often because we’ll see a family member or friend struggling in the hot weather), but menopause is sooooo much more than that. And that a lot of symptoms come as a surprise and/or shock to women. Which is why I’ve got her on the show. We decided that we want to be ALL about the education, so we will be going through the top 5 things

  • STNH 29: Emma Park – The First 1000 Days – microbiome in mums and bubs

    24/05/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    Meet Emma Park – she’s a good friend of mine, a bloody amazing practitioner, and a super intelligent human. She’s out-nerds me on all things gut bugs and microbiome, and just quietly, is one of my go-to phone-a-friends when I have a tricky question. So to my zoom clients, when I say to you “I’m just going to check that with a colleague,” it could well be this woman I’m calling. Her wholefood cooking on Instagram stories is to die for, and it’s lucky we don’t live in the same town, otherwise I’d be on her doorstep every single night. She brings her knowledge as a nutritionist and her love of food together in epic meals with loads of veggies and gut loving ingredients. Her love of feeding people healthy meals has even extended to her leading teams in remote parts of Australia on indigenous health and nutrition projects, where their efforts saw health markers dramatically change in their sample populations after just one month’s work. But the reason I’ve got her on the show is because she also wears another hat

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