Chip's Tips




  • Moral Wrongs and Civil Rights: A Biblical Response to Gay Rights


    Our culture is struggling to find an answer to the issue of gay and lesbian rights. Some have abandoned the Bible altogether. Some have only abandoned the parts about "loving your neighbor." Here Pastor Chip gives a response to the issue that embraces both.

  • Home Improvement: Building Better Families - Week 4


    This morning we're going to continue our discussion about building Christian Homes and today we're gonna talk about the single most you know it's part of what we've been doing with I've been talking about saying you know this is something that's in our homes or physical homes and it's comparing that to our spiritual lives and our lives as as family the part of the home we're gonna talk about today is the single most important part of the house. It is more important than that paint colors it's more important than bathrooms or kitchens it's even more important than location which is pretty important when you buy a house but it's more important than location I would rather have a house in a horrible neighborhood that has this part of the house good shape than a house in great neighborhood that has this part of the house at horrible shape and that part of the house we're talking about is more foundation you've ever had foundation problem in your home but they

  • Home Improvement: Building Christian Homes - Week 2


    So you already noticed let me turn that on. Some of you already noticed but my wife and I since the time we got married but little even even before we got married we have flipped houses this been something that we have done and as where I started at first house before we got married and then since we've been married pretty much every other year we have sold our house because if you do it every other year then the tax man doesn't come and take all of your money so that's about that sort of a so we've been here for eight years and together we flipped four houses and we've lived in our current house for about a year and a half so that means that if you're looking for a four bedroom two bath home you let me know because pretty soon we're gonna be ready to put that house on it's just it's what we do she had no idea I don't think when we got married that

  • Home Improvement: Building A Christian Home, Week 1


    Have you all got ready for this election to be over tonight I have to aim in yeah. I remember that ___ to that point I mean ___ later. Yeah I mean we have heard a lot about a lot of stuff in this election and you know one of the things that I've heard a lot about is outsourcing right both candidates to talk about outsourcing. American jobs to the economy. Important to everybody and you know I was thinking about this idea outsourcing this week and you know I don't really know when it started and if you listen to you know people a group of people talking about it they the democrats blame the republican. The republican blame the democrats and they all blame each other but it really don't have a long way. It goes back a long time like it started kinda of a sixty people started outsourcing their bookkeeping business started getting out external book keeper who keep their books the seventy. Companies started moving their

  • Trinity Week 3


    Recently I was recently I was going through something here at the church cleaning out some spaces that haven't been used in a while and I came across some old photographs I found some old pictures and some of them was the church building but some of them were people that I don't know at all but couple of them were you all and unless you pay me some more money I'm going to have to put them up on the internet no I'm just kidding they're actually it was great like you could tell that they were you know from a few years back cos you know some of the ladies hair was different some of the men had more hair I saw very very youthful looking Danny Bennett in one of those photos I found even more youthful Craig Bennett in one of I think you may have been like I don't know ten eleven but you were little ___.

  • Theology 101: The Trinity, Week 1


    Thank you for that Dana. I don't know I don't know if this is unique experience of mine or perhaps this had happened to some of you but this two weeks ago I became convince that my GPS is trying to make me look like a moron. It is like it is if the GPS knows not only where I want to go but now it's kinda mess me up from getting there. A couple of weeks ago I was trying to find the home of Tera Tera had just had a baby in two weeks ago and I was on my way out there to to visit with the family and I Tera text message and her drafts(?) and she responded to let me know what the address was and so I put in to her it's my GPS in put the address which is you know a number and then the street name

  • The Temple -Week 4


    Couple of weeks of my son Dax is eight nineteen months old he discovered something that I hope that he wouldn't discovering that is that with that it is fun for him to run away from me I think this is just the most activity in his entire life ___ it makes very but I will tell him Dax come to me come here and then it is just totally hilarious for him to run in the opposite direction and here's what he's really great way sort start to figure is the more danger there is in the situation that more fun it is for him to run away if we're out playing in the front yard and stray dog locks up and I say come here it's hilarious for him to run to the ward(?) the store dog. I answered the most fun thing in his entire world he just cracks up laughing at me while he can grab and start licking on the stray dog because he giving the stray dog.

  • The Temple - Week 3


    Alright last year it's been about a year since most of you all met Mr and Mrs Mark(?) how many of you all remember Mr and Mrs Mark(?) right ___ right here in the front row ___ demonstration about ___ Mr and Mrs Mark(?) we met a year ago and they're having some marriage problem they kept getting in a fight and ___ fight the stuff just kept coming out every time they would fight I'm gonna do that this morning ___ clean up the mess but thankfully Mr and Mark(?) has really work things out they've gone through some good ___ counseling and they're still together we're for them and today they invited a friend of theirs to come ___ church they invited Mr and Mrs Carten(?) have come with them this morning Mr and Mrs Carten(?) have been friends and neighbours with the Marks(?) for sometime and the Marks(?) just look at what going on in their life and said these people are some people that need to be involved in church they just need to be ___.

  • The Temple: God's Guide To Health - Week 1


    I want us to draw a picture of ourselves this morning we're gonna start talking about health we're gonna start ___ template god's guide to health god's word told us about eating and told us about exercise told us about all sorts of activity that we should and should not be involved in that affect our body and so this morning I want us to start I want us to picture what us healthy looks like what is it looks like for you to be healthy so if you would close your eyes so I want you to get an idea think of your self having a not just a healthy life but a life that is whole a life that is complete that you have wellness in every aspect and area of your life that you are at peace that you wake up in the morning and you have gotten a good night sleep you spring out of bed and you're excited about the days activities that you will do with your family in the morning and ___.

  • Theology 101: God is Spirit


    Started talking about the theology of God what are the attributes of God the things of God that we know from scripture and one the things that we did earlier on starting was to we all got little pieces cardboard and you all wrote God is and you kinda feel in the blanks and drew a lot of things god is awesome god is wonderful god is great god is mighty god is powerful god is imnopetent(?) god is ___ all kinds of things that we wrote all of them true about god this morning I'm going to ___ or how we started and I filled out 3 pieces of cardboard with things that god is and we're going to look at this things in fact throughout the study on the theology of god what we done is we look at individual attributes of god we look at names of god we look at nobility(?) of god all of these aspect of god and what we done is kinda gone through specific verses to make the case ___.

  • The Moral Attributes of God


    A few years ago my wife and I were moving. Do you hear me ok? ___ my wife and I were moving because well we just we flipped houses because of what we do and thought we were moving and as part of you know moving we of course convince friends of hours to come help us and somehow people still help us when when we move. But we had some friends there and we were moving out of this house a large rug. It was probably 12ft wide and 20ft long. It was a big rug. We have got a really good sale and we did not wanna leave it behind until we had rolled up the rug and ___ tape to the end and we we're moving this rug out it probably went I don't know 150 100 I don't know. It was a good ___ rug and so we were getting it out of the house and I was moving something else until 3 of my friends were moving this rug.

  • The Incommunicable Attributes of God


    ___ is not bound by time nor is he bound by space you and I are bound by time and space I ___ demonstrate I can ___ here and I can say praise to the Lord the almighty the king of creation all that I life and breath ___ now ___ here and I said ___ and I come over here and I could sing I'm not going to be to think these are things happened and they happened to us in time and I happened to open the space we can't be in two places at the same time being such a ___ we get to see it some people sometimes to try to be in 2 places at the same time you know entire photo items

  • Knowing God Truly v. Fully


    As I mentioned again in the service we did have a great time at I had a great time at camp. I really probably shouldn't speak probably use David did you have a great time? Yeah we had a great time. We found out that Bradley is is a bold bold young man very bold at one point he he couldn't he didn't wanna finish a a dessert and he walked up and offered it to some complete strangers asked them if they wanted to finish his dessert sweet kind bold we had a great time. But one thing happened at camp this week that was was kinda kind of weird I'm really think you if you know the people involved you would even say it's it's surprising(?). When we got to the church to leave for camp I got here about 11:59 and we were supposed to meet here at 12:00. Matthew knows I was here early and what even more surprising the fact that I was here early

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