Evolution Talk



Voice artists, music, and effects bring Charles Darwin and others to life in this educational introduction to the oldest story ever told. Brought to you by Rick Coste Productions.


  • Bergson's Vitalism

    03/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, we delve into Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection and explore the alternative philosophical perspective of Henri Bergson. While Darwin's mechanistic view emphasizes random mutations and natural selection, Bergson introduces the concept of élan vital—a creative force driving life's complexity and direction. Please consider becoming a show Patron to help keep new episodes coming! Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy. You can also check out the new YouTube channel!   Music in this Episode Pretty Melody by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Easy Going by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Curious Process by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Squiggly Line 1 by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: so

  • The Law of Superposition

    20/05/2024 Duration: 10min

    The concept of superposition exists in both quantum mechanics and evolutionary geology. We start with the strange and counterintuitive world of quantum physics, where particles exist in multiple states until observed. Then, we journey back to 1666 where another kind of superpositionwas discovered—this time in rock layers - allowing us to read Earth's history through its geological layers.  Please consider becoming a show Patron to help keep new episodes coming!   Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy. You can also check out the new YouTube channel!   Music in this Episode Three Colors by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Submerging Blue-Black by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Floating by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • The Evolution of Consciousness - Part 3

    06/05/2024 Duration: 14min

    What if consciousness, much like the architectural 'spandrels' we talked about before, isn't actually crucial to our survival? Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin argued that some traits might just be byproducts, not directly selected for their utility. We'll unravel this thread by retracing the steps of René Descartes on a cold night in 1619 when he conceived ideas that challenged our understanding of reality. Was his revelation in a cozy 'oven' room the birth of modern philosophy, or a deeper insight into the illusions crafted by our own minds? Descartes' meditations prompted us to doubt our senses and the very nature of reality, suggesting that maybe, just maybe, our lives are nothing but elaborate deceptions.  Please consider becoming a show Patron to help keep new episodes coming!   Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy. You can

  • The Evolution of Consciousness - Part 2

    22/04/2024 Duration: 13min

    Do our thoughts serve a purpose, or are they just a byproduct of something deeper? Consciousness studies bridge the realms of philosophy and science. Are we truly aware, or is it all just an illusion? Please consider becoming a show Patron to help keep new episodes coming! Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Horn Haze by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Gentle Heart by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Grebe by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • The Evolution of Consciousness - Part 1

    08/04/2024 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, we delve into the mysterious world of consciousness, a mystery that resides within the depths of our minds. We'll explore the physical and philosophical theories of consciousness, from the brain's intricate processes to the elusive concept of qualia.  Please consider becoming a show Patron to help keep new episodes coming! Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Caterpillar Tunnel by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Netherland by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Dark Water by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Kitten by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Twinkle Toes by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • AI - The Next Step

    25/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    In this episode, we dive deep into the astounding journey of technological evolution, from the Wright brothers' inaugural flight to humanity's giant leap on the moon, and onto the revolutionary frontiers of AI with ChatGPT. Let's contemplate AI's potential to become a new form of life, pondering its future impacts and the ethical dilemmas it presents.  Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy. Figure & Open AI Collaboration: Video on YouTube Music in this Episode All music AI generated from Suno

  • Evolution Talk is Now on YouTube!

    18/03/2024 Duration: 01min

    I have some exciting news about the show. In addition to this podcast, which will continue with the help of our patrons at Patreon, I am going to produce a YouTube video show. This won’t be the audio from the podcast. Instead, it will be an extension of the podcast as a platform for me to continue to educate folks about evolution by natural selection. I’ll host both the video channel and the podcast. The channel will introduce new topics and cover some familiar ground in different ways. Evolution Talk Youtube Channel Patreon Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.

  • Exploring the Depths of Evolutionary Psychiatry Part 2

    11/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, we continue our exploration into the realm of evolutionary psychiatry, a field that seeks to understand the ancient roots of our modern mental health challenges. Are mental disorders "glitches" in our evolutionary programming, where ancient survival strategies may not align with contemporary societal demands? Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy. Music in this Episode Memory Wind by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Submerging Green by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Poor Wayfaring Stranger by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Climbing the Mountain by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • The Foundations of Evolutionary Psychiatry Part 1

    26/02/2024 Duration: 11min

    Let's dive deep into the fascinating world of Evolutionary Psychiatry, building on our previous exploration of Evolutionary Psychology (from 100 episodes ago!). In that episode we compared the brain to an information processing device shaped by eons of evolution? Today, we venture further from the shore, exploring how our mental software, which evolved for ancient challenges, copes in our modern world. We'll unravel the mysteries of mental disorders through the evolutionary lens, questioning why traits beneficial in our past might be problematic today.    Music in this Episode Memory Wind by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Submerging Green by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Poor Wayfaring Stranger by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Climbing the Mountain by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com  

  • Evolution Talk Needs Your Help

    05/02/2024 Duration: 01min

    The "Evolution Talk" podcast needs your help! I have some great ideas for the show and for continuing to bring you free content. The truth is that the expense of keeping the show active and producing new episodes has become prohibitive.   I’ve researched different funding options, including Kickstarter, sponsorships, and grants for science education.   I’ve settled on a Patreon. This will enable me to plan for the next season.   More information about how you can help support the show is at EvolutionTalk.com/Support . You can also go directly to Patreon.   In the meantime, there are still over 140 episodes available for your enjoyment!   I appreciate you for all of your support over the years.   Thank you! Rick

  • From A Warm Pond...

    08/01/2024 Duration: 11min

    Sagan once pondered, "How did the molecules of life arise?" This question, echoing through the annals of scientific history, brings us to today's episode. We've long understood the mechanics of evolution, but the origin of life itself remains a captivating mystery. From Darwin's elegant theory of natural selection to the curious idea of Spontaneous Generation, we'll dive deep into the evolution of thought on life's beginnings. We'll also unravel the groundbreaking Miller-Urey experiment, which mimicked Earth's early conditions to create organic molecules.    Music in this Episode Orchestral Rise & Confusion by Tim Kulig, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11275-orchestral-rise-confusion, Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Under The Surface by Tim Kulig, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10639-under-the-surface, Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Gamma 135 175 Water Meditations by Tim Kulig, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/107

  • The Case of the Missing Chromosomes

    11/12/2023 Duration: 11min

    Our story starts with cells.  Not our cells but the cells of our closest relatives.  The great apes. Within the nucleus of their cells the great apes have 24 chromosome pairs.  We have 23 pairs.  If we share a common ancestor, what happened to the missing chromosomes? Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Firefly by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Crusty Lily by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Horn Haze by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Poof by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • Suboptimal Design

    27/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    Vestigial features and atavistic traits are all evidence of our past.  They are glimpses into a species distant past. We have nature and evolution by natural selection to thank for it. But nature’s not perfect.  It makes mistakes.   Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Epiphany by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Floating by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Chimera by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Curious Process by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Tentative Cloud by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • About Those Fingerprints

    13/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    When it comes to personal IDs, we have many.  There’s your driver’s license, passport, online username, among other human-made forms of proving who you are.  Then there are those that nature gave you that’s yours and yours alone.  Like your DNA. And then there are your fingerprints.  Other than leaving incriminating evidence behind if you’ve committed a crime and weren't careful enough to wipe them away or wear gloves, what are fingerprints good for? Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Swingland by Frank Schroeter, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6625-swingland, Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Cinematic Suspense Series Episode 009 by Sascha Ende, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8224-cinematic-suspense-series-episode-009, Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice

  • What's Old is New Again

    30/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    Attics aren’t the only places you’ll find old secrets from the past, begging to be rediscovered or let out. You have them in you as well. I’m not talking about the the type of secrets you keep to yourself and only tell close friends. I’m talking about those like the ones you’ll find in old attics.  Secrets you don't even know are there.  These secrets are locked in your DNA. Every once in a while, those secrets come back to haunt us. Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Swingland by Frank Schroeter, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6625-swingland, Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Cinematic Suspense Series Episode 009 by Sascha Ende, Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8224-cinematic-suspense-series-episode-009, Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Ambient Bon

  • The Ants Have It

    16/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    Ants have mastered the art of cooperation.  They have highly organized social structures, caste systems, and with everything they do, they do for the colony.  They are in a sense, a superorganism with each ant contributing to benefit of colony, like cells in a functioning body. Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Winjammer by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Mute Groove by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Memory Wind by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • Reading, Writing, & Evolution

    02/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Evolution by natural selection is not perfect, nor does it strive to be.  It doesn't strive to be anything at all.  An adaptation that is beneficial under one set of circumstances may be a detriment under another. There are also some wonderful by products - like reading and writing.  Did we evolve to read and write? Once again, imperfection reigns. Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Gathering by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Ideas by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com In And Out by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Bright White by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Go Little Car by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • Playing Dead

    18/09/2023 Duration: 09min

    If you've ever heard the phrase "play possum", you may know it means to feign death. It's real thing. Possums do it, as do sharks, ants, and a multitude of other animals. It's a defense mechanisms shaped by evolution. Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Go Little Car by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Dinky by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Arp Arc by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Ant Party by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • Why Teach Evolution?

    04/09/2023 Duration: 11min

    With the start of a new season of episodes, I thought it appropriate to revisit why I created this podcast in the first place with the question - "Why Teach Evolution?" Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.   Music in this Episode Kingston Town by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Breezin by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Wook by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com Mute Groove by Podington Bear, License (CC BY 3.0): Artist website: soundofpicture.com

  • Summer Break

    26/06/2023 Duration: 55s

    It's time for a summer break.  There will be some exciting new video content coming up as well.  You can keep up to date on all that is happening at Evolutiontalk.com !   Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.

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