Visionary Family Ministries



Building the Church of Jesus Christ through a global reformation of family discipleship.


  • Thriving In Faith Through College, Part 3

    01/06/2020 Duration: 19min

    I also want you to pay special attention to special friends that might come into your life. The boyfriend, the girl. I love how parents, you know, parents kind of freak out when their kids first get a boyfriend or a girlfriend. They don't want to use the word boyfriend or girlfriend. So how's your special friend doing? Because we don't, we just get too creeped out by it too soon. But that's all right, but boy, you gotta pay so much attention to this. Once you cross that phase of getting serious with a boy or a girl romantically, you absolutely have to make sure that this person is spiritually vibrant, spiritually alive, spiritually active, that it is easy to talk about Jesus with them. It is easy to talk about prayer requests with them. It is easy to say, Hey, what's God teaching you these days? It's easy to say what you know. How did you, what impact did that sermon have in your life? Something like that. If, if you're not connecting with someone, when you get to that stage of your life, when you're startin

  • Thriving In Faith Through College, Part 2

    25/05/2020 Duration: 22min

    So another action step on this and this one is huge students. Give me your full attention. Parents to get into a local church that teaches the Bible from the Bible, get into a local church that teaches the Bible from the Bible. When I was at Wheaton, lots of students stopped going to a local church. Chapel is not church. Maybe you're going to a Christian school. Chapel is a big community worship time and Bible study. That's great. Love it, but it's not a local church. Look at this scripture from Hebrews 10 is that as I was working on this message this week, lots of the scriptures I'm sharing with you are actually from from the book of Hebrews, but look at it says Hebrews 10 24 and 25 let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works. Not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the day drawing near, look there at verse 25 let's not neglect meeting together and that is talking about the weekly corporate worship gathering of the

  • Thriving In Faith Through College, Part 1

    18/05/2020 Duration: 23min

    The most important issue for us as we go into adulthood isn't a, do we have a good college or do we have a good job or what kind of money are we going to make? But the question is, are we going to walk with you? Are we gonna follow you throughout our lives and into eternity? So I pray you'd help us with this conversation. Pray you'd help me give me the words to say and um, as we're talking in a turning to each other at different times, Lord, I pray that the conversations would be open and honest and helpful and I pray all this in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. Thriving in your faith through college. Let me tell you why this subject is so critical. Every study that you could find every bit of research that you could find on what happens to teenagers that are raised in a Christian Church. Go to a Christian school, raised in a Christian family. What happens to them when they leave the house? 18 to 22 every single study you could find says that a very high percentage of them walk away from their faith, decline i

  • Equipping Fathers

    22/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    Men, these are difficult times for our nation and our families. In these moments, our families need our love and leadership more than ever before. Rob Rienow shares Scriptures that are encouraging him during these times and offer practical ways for all fathers to grow in love and leadership.

  • Encouragement for Moms

    21/04/2020 Duration: 24min

    During these unusual times, siblings are spending a lot of time together - for better or worse. Amy Rienow shares biblical and practical approaches for helping your kids work through conflicts and deepen their friendships.

  • Building Heart Connections through Laughter

    01/04/2020 Duration: 10min

    Amy Rienow encourages moms to build stronger family relationships through laughter. Even in times of stress and sadness, God can use laughter to lighten our hearts and draw us closer to one another. Amy reminds moms to laugh at themselves and look for fun ways to connect with their children.

  • Building Heart Connections through Work

    30/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    How can we make the most of this extra time at home? This is an important time to WORK with your children. Amy Rienow shares practical approaches to help your family build heart connections with one another through working and serving together.

  • Building Heart Connections Through Prayer

    23/03/2020 Duration: 18min

    This is an important time to PRAY with your your children. Amy Rienow shares biblical principles and practical approaches to help your family experience the power of prayer.

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