Clear The Clutter

EP 15: How to set new energetic minimums and maximums.



Episode + Journal Prompts This is and will always be my favorite episode. As I always talk about in my episodes, there is always an easier and better way to achieve your goals. But what most people don't pay attention to there base levels of beliefs systems. Today's podcast is talking about setting new energetic minimums and maximums. It's the other half of the equation that most people don't know about. Let alone even talk about or focus on fixing. An energetic minimum is what you literally and physically willing to put up with. An energetic maximum is pushing the very limits of what you can image is possible. Going through life its easy to pick up conscious and unconscious beliefs that influence the decisions we make. Wanting a new job or a promotion? Your belief system is going to play a part in believing if your worthy before you even apply for the bump. What to get rid of toxic friends and habits. Your belief systems is going to be there telling you if its easy or hard to do that.