Clear The Clutter

EP 11: What's the most cluttered & frustrating room in your home?



Episode + Journal Prompts Lets start this off with a bang! By answering those two questions will tell you alot about your home.  It will tell you how you currently feel about your home . But more so, how you want to feel going forward. What sparked this was a facbook group question I posted. ---What's the 1 most cluttered place in your home that frustrates you the most?--- Little did i expect to have over 70 responses in this group and at the time of me writing this. Its still going strong!! You may not realize it, but clearing the clutter out of you home is a spiritual thing.  We depend on our home to keep us safe on top of the status it fulfills. Hello keeping up with the jones.  But what we dont realize is that we should be treating the house like a living breathing thing. Its a creature that needs love and support.  Its a creature that should not be neglected. You can tell how far off the mark you are, by your answers from above. Do they match? If not, then ther