Clear The Clutter

EP 43: Becoming the lighthouse



Episode + Journal Prompts When you think about who you are, what do you picture? Do you picture words or images? For years, I focused on becoming stronger woman, that could handle everything. So I surrounded myself with words that made me feel something powerful. Part of my belief systems is that your words matter and become your building blocks. I have spent years talking to my subconscious mind, programing it to be the person I always wanted to become. Hence the obsession with words. But then, the words stopped working. I felt that the words were me thinking to small. Then I pictured this beautiful lighthouse in the middle of a raging storm. Shining her light calmly and always being there, for herself and others. I wanted to not be the tug boat, bouncing around in the storm anymore. I wanted to become the light house. See for me, the light house is a metaphor that I have been using to be that next level calm and consistent person. No matter what is going on around me. Of course, I g